On This Day In Spurs History: 6th September

1973 – On this day in 1973, Carlo Cudicini was born. After a long spell as Chelsea’s reserve keeper, Cudicini signed for Tottenham in 2009 on a free transfer. The Italian has also been unable to break into Tottenham’s starting side on a regular basis and has thus far only made 12 appearances for the club.

Spurs Quote Of The Day

“Sugar was hell bent on imposing his will on other people’s lives and careers without giving a second thought to their true views or feelings. There were only two sides to an argument with Sugar – his and the wrong one.”

Spurs In The News: 6th September

In The Sun, Ian Wright reveals that Jermain Defoe has been spending time round his house. Urgh.

The Daily Mirror features Gareth Bale, who is raring to go for Wales.

Alan Hutton tells the Daily Mail that he’s hoping that our valuation of him will drop.

Arjen Robben tells the same paper that Spurs are as strong as Arsenal.

The Express tells of Harry’s relief over Dawson’s injury.

Best Of The Web: 6th September

The Spoiler has footage of Mehmet Scholl jumping out of his skin.

Dirty Tackle can exclusively reveal that Arsenal’s mural is back.



  1. Well, hutton’s doing everything in his power to take that valuation down. A total non-league donkey and, in my books, one of the 3 worst signings for Spurs of all-time.

    • I does seem to be going that way, but I have to say that I was impressed with him when he first arrived, until he picked up that injury. He now looks something of a liability at the back though and I’d be surprised if he has a future at the club.


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