While there aren’t that many new names being linked with a move to Spurs this summer, there are plenty of old stories being resurrected and the latest involves Emmanuel Adebayor. Once again however, it seems the transfer columnists just have to add a little embellishment, even if there is no substance or justification.

It’s getting more and more tiresome to read reports linking Luka Modric with a move away from Spurs but it’s even more irritating to see stories suggesting that Chelsea, Manchester City and Manchester United will only sell to us if our player of the year goes the other way.

Aside from Adebayor, rumours are now suggesting that Chelsea have joined in by offering Didier Drogba as part of the overall deal. The particular story suggests that a large sum of money together with the Ivorian international would be ‘too good to refuse’.

While not wanting to add to the Luka speculation, is there any player that is really that tempting when you take away our own best man? In this window, Spurs have been linked with Drogba, Adebayor and Berbatov and while throwing Luka into the mix may well be idle speculation, maybe it’s time to decide not to do business of any kind with these clubs?



  1. In short, no. He is not the best player in the world (obviously) but the best players in the world (Messi, David Villa, etc.) are not leaving their clubs. No one who would be available for an exchange would be able to offset the loss of Luka. Please, Harry and Daniel Levy, don’t give in. Keep Luka!

    • I agree with your comment, if we sell we wont replace with equal quality…..what I would say is Sandro and Huddlestone in central midfield aint bad, Hudd gets more goals and assists than Modric and Sandro defends much better than Modric and gets around the pitch more, Modric is better at keeping the ball than the 2 mentioned but passing he loses out to Hudd and both have better Shots.

      I seriously would replace him for Falcao and Hulk anyday of the week, espiecially Falcao, we need a striker thats where we lost it last season

      • But then we wouldnt have the creative midfielder who helped make all those chances…!We just cant sell him! Its unthinkable! We are so close to becoming such a good team, please lets not spoil it by selling a player who means so much to spurs and would just be part of a working process at Chavski or United! I bloody REFUSE to let Modric leave! Man U and Chelsea can look for their midfielder somewhere else because he is not coming from Tottenham Hostspurs!I have had enough of other teams just picking at us – we are good enough to be like United or Chelsea, we do not need to sell players to help them become better whilst we fail miserably.

  2. Yes, i think we can replace him, I think he is overrated and in the right position he is great player, put him with the ball in front of the defence, he will lose it and he puts the defence under pressure. I think Niko Kranjcar is as good as he Luka is. Also Wesley Sneijer would be nice 🙂

      • He is right man, I have been arguing on forums defending Modric, but all the opposing fans are saying the same things, how many goals and assists did he get?? which is hard to argue with.

        He is our best player but in the position of central midfield I feel Hudd and Sandro are more efective.

        Modric has great ball retention but fails to deliver to killer blow, he looks silky and excellent but in essence he doesnt put the ball in the net and rarely supplys the killer pass to do so.

        Football is over complicated basically its putting the ball in the net and Luka needs to sort that side of his game out before we start saying we NEED him and cant survive without him

        • I totally disagree.. If there where credit given to the 3rd last man on the ball (if you get what I mean, like the assist to the assist 🙂 I bet Modric would be the highest in the league. He starts allmost ALL of our attacks, he holds on to the ball better than most.

          It’s not only about goals and assists.. Modric ties it all together.. Huddlestone don’t…. and (if I understood the original question) NOONE (available to Sprus) can… that’s what I think at least..

        • Modric opens up play allowing Sandro/Hudd to be effective. Defenders make sure to track him at all times which leaves other players open.

    • 1: Eden Hazard!!! don’t think so, he is a really hot prospect, BUT IF (please god don’t let it happen) we loose Modric, we cannot, and will not replace him with a 19 year old, with NO premier league experience (or big league exp. of any kind for that matter)
      2. Allmost 30, allways injured, and I don’t think he’ll go from 180000 a week, to 80000 (max) EVEN to play for such a great club as Spurs…
      3. HAHAHAHA.
      4 and 5 …closest to a replacement, BUT again, Sneijder would take a 150000 pound paycut, would you do that???

  3. Hmmm. I think Luka is superb. But…maybe VdV could fill his role or Thudd? It would be foolhardy to think that United, Chelsea or City would help strengthen us without us helping them out a bit as well. By selling him, it would also mean that we are no longer tied to him and could mean that the above are more lifely to deal with us. I certainly wouldn’t be too disheartened if the Summer ended with a starting 11 of Friedel, Corluka, Ferdinand, Dawson, BAE, Lennon, Sandro, VdV, Bale, Berbatov and Drogba. Pipe dreams I know, but my point being that £20-25M plus any of the above would certainly soften the blow PLUS let the others deal with us without wanting more. I think the media now realise that Bale will stay as none of the lazy hacks can even be bothered to report crap any more.

  4. you cant replace him how many players seem to have on the time in the world on the ball wen they have 2 men closing down BUT it he was to leave us what about ivan rakitic another excelent croatian in my opinion? but agree we can not sell are luka!

  5. FFS give it a rest ! You already said it’s tiresome then you write yet another boring, speculative, re-hashed rumour from other crap journos.

    As it’s pure fiction how about Dawson to Liverpool, Gomes to PSV, Huddlestone to Arsenal … anything but another Luka diatribe.

  6. If we could get 30mil, plus Berbatov from united, I might accept it, and then go to Everton, and sign Arteta for 15mil if they would sell him for that. That would give us a world class striker, a midfielder who is still a class act, even though he’s not as good as Luka, and also an extra £15mil to hopefully spend on another striker, or a center back.

  7. There may be players out there with similar qualities to Luka but it’ll take them time to settle in and reach the level of consistency that Modric has found. The fact is with better strikers he would have had far more assists this season. If he goes to any of United, City or Chelsea then that’ll be where my betting goes for the title next season. He is the heartbeat of our side and we will rue the day he leaves the club.

  8. You seem to be forgetting that the so called heart beat in the spurs side is keeping this story alive by not committing to spurs, if he wanted to play in a spurs shirt next season he would have said i will be a spurs player now and next season.
    Modric didnt when given the chance instead he said transferes can happen late crap, if he wants to go then forget the swap crap, let him go, i dont want any 33yr olds or players a fat bloke like me could show up on the pitch.
    open the bidding at 50million, modric is contracted for another three yrs and spurs are not hard up for cash, one of the best run clubs in the prem, spurs were the best club before modric and will still be with or with out him.

    in levy i trust he done well by spurs fans up to now

  9. There aren’t that meny options out there. If there were, Chelsea and Utd would be linked to them too. If he did leave, I’d move the earth to get Marin from Bremen. He was definately one of the best players we faced last year.

    Given the choice though, I’d keep Modric over anyone in the Prem. Yes he doesn’t score that many goals but it’s how he brings those into play such as Bale who do have a more obvious impact. His game is very subtle. You may not notice when he’s not on the pitch, such as the first 60 mins or so against Milan in the first leg, but you certainly notice when he got brought on. It was like a calmness descended over the team. Maybe that was just the mushrooms. I think so, as I’m sure I remember Crouch keepin up with Lennon when he broke for the goal.

  10. Messi is the only one I’d replace modders for! It’s true, that with in form strikers, his assists would be higher. He’s not really a goal scorer, however what he does (a playmaker) he is probably one of the best in the premiership.

  11. I would lose VdV before Modric. That said, I hope we keep both.

    I’d like to see a 4-5-1 with Hudd/Sandro as DM, Modric as playmaker CM and VdV/Kranjcar (I really hope we hold onto him AND have him start playing more) AM — not SS where he (VdV) seemed to get played a lot last season.

    Against really strong teams play Hudd and Sandro as DM with Modric more advanced.
    Also, really allow for BAE/Rose to play as an attacking fullback.

    This (a 4-5-1) REQUIRES a single WORLD-CLASS forward — who we do NOT currently have. That’s the main priority for this transfer period. Hold onto our Midfield (lose Piennarr and Jenas) and use some of the CL money (why doesn’t that ever get brought up?) and pay whatever we need to to bring in the talent. It might be overpaying in a sense, but it will get us that extra little bit we need to consistently finish top 4 and even challenge for title.


  12. Modric is my favorite Spurs player, the best player on the team IMHO and I’d rather not lose him. The question isn’t could we find a better player (yes) and could we improve the squad given another 40-45 million to spend (yes).
    The question becomes who will come to Spurs at Luka’s salary and what could we buy for 45 million.

    Forget the Sneijers and Rossis of the world, we can’t afford them and they’re going to bigger clubs. And, no, I don’t want waning stars like Berbatoss and Drogba.
    If we have to pay 20+m for Rodwell and another unproven Brit then no thanks, I’ll keep Luka but, hey, if we can get Hazard and Falcao and still have cash left over then I’ll drive Luka to Eastlands myself…

  13. I honestly believe we wont miss Modric but its the message we will be sending out that will do more damage to our moral. If we cant keep a player on a six yea contract we should just become a feeder club the new rules will kick in fully next year and Chelsea City and Utd are all way behind them and i can see all thre of them getting dumped even Barcelona are getting worried and are limiting themselves to 40 mill . I say sell him because he could help us get into th chaps league by default HAAAAAAAABlatters man Plattini is waiting to fuck the premiership up.

    • What are you on? We wont miss Modric? He is at the heart of everything beautiful to watch at Tottenham? He will not be leaving but if he did he will be more than missed!

  14. Milan Badelj? Granted, I’ve not actually seen him play that much but have heard many people say he’s basically a younger version of Modric.

    Btw, Greavsy18 hit the nail on the head regarding Modric and his assists/goals stats. The last pass might be the killer one, but the one before it is just as important (if rarely credited) and there aren’t many deep-lying playmakers out there who score hatfull of goals (the ‘deep-lying’ bit puts paid to that).

    I don’t think people who argue against Modric’s value to his teams causes fully understand the workings of individual player roles in a team.

  15. ENOUGH!!
    luka is on a 6 yr contract.
    levy and redknapp have said he is going nowhere.
    spurs have ambition and are fighting for champs league.
    selling luka would screw all the players heads.
    he is staying.
    well, at least for this coming season, and then we will see.

  16. Can someone tell me please why dont we get modric and bale onto contracts with a buy out clause of 100million this will keep players at are club. Or if they want to leave while under contract they can at a huge fee.?

  17. The other problem i have is why cnt we offload robbie keane and bentley instead of loans or we run the risk of losing them on free. if clubs only will buy bentley for 6 million and robbie for 4 million its better than nothing.
    and also why would we buy ferdinand he is another injury prone player.

  18. also gringospur 6 yr contracts mean nothing anymore there are very few matt le tisser who will stay with one club there whole careers and i think spurs will lose him, we lost berbatov and he was under contract. we need to be more stern. like fergie when rooney said i want to go, fergie was like ur not. levy and harry will sell and its a shame as i love modric and we probley wont get more then 30-35m i think he is worth 100m

  19. No. Absolutely not. It is disgusting to think that he could be lured by teams like Citeh owned by foreign billionaires who do not give a rat’s ass what their big spending ways do to the integrity of English football.

    Two other points – Luka (and his wife and fiancee?) should be reminded he signed a contract and he was over 21 years old when he did so. Second, surely he is being paid more than the 45K a week (not that that isn’t a huge sum!) we read about. I thought he was being paid 70K. If not, Levy should gulp and pay him 80k a week and have done with this troublesome issue.

  20. Harry should building two teams, one for home and big games 4-4-2 fredial Dawson Kabul BAE Walker Bale Hudd Lennon Drodga/Berb VdV, or 4-5-1 with VdV dropped for Sandro, other team for away/Europe Gomes Rose Gallas/King/Woodie Corluka Sandro Kranjcar Pienaar Townsend Defoe Crouch. That one signing and if the other team performs and wins just three away games at relegations threated teams that’s CL football and if the team I picked for the Big and home games will less fatigued and turn just two of the home draws into wins that’s us pushing for the tittle, thoughts?

  21. Sell Luka Modric for 40mil
    Buy Miralem Pjanic for 20mil (from Lyon)

    Direct replacement. Same talent. Younger. 20mil profit (that’s what Levy really wants)

  22. If Levy is offered £35-40m for Modders he’ll sell no doubt. You’d need to win the CL to earn that sort of money. And we need a new stadium. Really don’t want to see him leave cos he’s special and he’s much better player than VdV cos of his mobility, ball retention and dribbling skills. He opens teams up, which is why big clubs are willing to pay big money for him.

  23. ITK have placed Luka at Molineux back in March, leaking reports of a deal being arranged behind closed doors. Suggestions of 4 mil + Kevin Doyle have been mooted but Swansea are also interested in taking him on Loan.

  24. No Modric shouldn’t be sold, he’s the heartbeat of our team, however the ideal replacement to him that Tottenham could sign in their current circumstances, without Champions League football, looks to stay at his club.
    I believe that Spurs should make a bid for Marko Marin… 22, capped for Germany, comfortable on the left wing and down the centre of the park, over 120 caps for various German Clubs, has impressed in the Champions League, atleast 5 goals & 10 assists per season. Need I say more?

  25. Get a grip. Modric is overrated, weak on the ball and lacks effort. Probably the biggest reason why we didn’t make the top four last season.


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