Jermain Defoe will be hoping that his recent performances have earned him a place in Tottenham’s starting XI tonight and if he does take to the pitch against Everton, the striker will hope that Spurs can be more ruthless in finishing off their opponents tonight.

In cementing third place and opening up a five point gap over Chelsea, it’s hard to say that the club has been stuttering but fans would hope to see recent 1-0 wins turned into more comfortable victories and that will be down to the strikers in the main.

“We’re at home, we’re playing well and we have to be ruthless,” Defoe said,

“It’s always tough against Everton but we’re full of confidence and we have to try and keep doing what we’re doing.”

Defoe’s first task is to persuade Harry Redknapp that he deserves a place in the side ahead of Rafael van der Vaart and if he does edge out the Dutchman tonight, fans will be hoping for a goal scoring contribution from the striker once again.



  1. It is obvious that Harry will only use Defoe if we don’t have possession of the ball or if Mr 11 is contained. Against Everton we did it all. Possession, pass, control, pace, countless opportunity. They really enjoy them selves tonight, so much that even Ekotto took a shot and look what it did!

    I understand his frustration, he is a good player, he scores (unlike last season) but gets no play.

    On the other side of the coin we are freaking 2nd place, don’t let your ego come between something great. You will get to and when we will need you. I am sure we are all counting on you, not if but when you hit the pitch.

    Nice job Harris as always


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