Tottenham have dominated in terms of possession and shots recently but much of the recent run of form has been down to an inability to find the net – it really has been that simple at times.

Yesterday, we dominated completely and while we were fortunate to be facing a team that seemed to come with the intention of claiming a 0-0 and then a 1-0 defeat, it shouldn’t take away from a positive performance that took us back to fourth.

“I thought we were great in the first half, the passing and movement was fantastic,” said Harry after the match.

“We started well, got on top from the first whistle, could have scored in the first minute and dominated from there.

“We only came in 1-0 up at half-time and in all honesty, it could have been three or four. We are like that at home though, we can rip teams up. A lot of teams have come here and struggled to live with us.”

The win takes us to fourth and a win on Wednesday at Bolton will see us just one point off third once again. Sadly, the rules mean that Champions League qualification still isn’t in our hands but repeats of yesterday performance over the remaining three games could be enough to seal third in the Premiership.




  1. Don’t want to be all doom and gloom, but i can’t remember us ever playing against a team as poor as Blackburn yesterday. To only win 2-0 (granted one of them was an incredible free-kick) just highlights how much we struggle to break teams down. Bolton away will be a completely different kettle of fish. They will no doubt put up more of a fight than Blackburn, in front of their own fans. We have a wretched record at the Reebok and K.Davies has started scoring goals again. We all know how much he likes playing against us.
    Talk about 3rd is very premeture. 4th will still be a struggle. Even 5th will be tough.
    If we bag a win on Wednesday then maybe we can get a bit excited, but this is Spurs.


  2. I just hope Sandro plays in the 3 remaning games he is and beast!! A real athlete and looks hungry…. Lennon was also class…… COYS!!!

  3. Don’t mean to turn on you doom and gloom sayers, but if the rest of our fixtures turn up the same kind of losers, I will take it, and we possibly might secure 4th afterall. However with Chelski in the CL final, thats far from a given. Lets hope they lose FA this weekend, and deal a massive blow to their psyche they can never recover from. Kinda like the one dealt to us at Emirate a couple months ago. (Did I say that?). I’m in a quirky mood this time of year.


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