Andre Villas-Boas confirmed that there are no new injury concerns for the side and that leaves just Younes Kaboul, Sandro and Emmanuel Adebayor as absentees.

AVB also confirmed that Tom Huddlestone is back and in the squad for Sunday’s game at the Hawthorns.

“Tom has returned to training and that gives us another option,” said Andre.

It’s unlikely that Thudd could break into the starting XI however but does the same apply to Lewis Holtby? After his impressive introduction at Carrow Road on Wednesday night will AVB start the German or leave him on the bench once again?

If Holtby does start the game then who gives way? Clint Dempsey is the likely candidate but will AVB drop a man who has scored some important goals recently?

Elsewhere we can’t see too many changes unless the coach shuffles the defence as he has done in the past.

So the only real issue here is Holtby: We feel that AVB will start him from the bench again, leaving the starting XI looking like this.

What’s your view?



  1. Based on last game.. AND as you say if Holtby should start from the bench… This is my team:

    Naughton Dawson Vertonghen Ekotto

    …………..Parker. Dembele

    Lennon.. Sigurdsson Bale


    If Defoe doesn’t in first halv, we do a Spain and sub him with Holtby and play 4-6-0 with Parker an Dembele holding and the other 4 attack like there’s no tomorrow, witch will true if we don’t Get 3 points today

  2. Give JD a rest as carrying injury, needing plasma treatment and not in best form. AVB chance to use the 4-3-3 that we’ve not really seen

    Walker Dawson SuperJan Benny


    Lennon Siggy Bale


  3. Whats wrong with you people….no way Defoe and Dempsey together….it just doesnt work both are too selfish and limited in there play….both are goalscorers but offer little else…..the game changed against Norwich when Holtby came on….he linked play, moved around, and had a vision that these 2 dont possess.

    Id be tempted to go for Dempsey over Defoe as its an away game.

    Lloris, Walker, Verts, Daws, BAE, Lennon, Bale, Dembele, Parker, Holtby, Dempsey

  4. The team need a spark, and that spark isn’t gonna come from dempsey at this stage. We need Lewis in place of Dempsey, I see this giving the team an intsant lift as it did against Norwich. We have looked sluggish and lethargic of late.


  5. AVB won’t change it bar maybe bringing in a different centre back. I wouldn’t be surprised if gallas starts. Holt by should start but won’t. Deuce is too slow to start up front. If Defoe scores a goal you’ll all love him again. He’s our biggest threat, why on earth would you drop him when there is literally no one else at the moment.

  6. And maybe sigg for Parker and get some creative movement on the midfield 3!Thonk Parker has been fairly poor so far this season! Dembele and holyby offer enough cover and also vision/Box to box runs. Could work?

  7. Lloris; Walker, Dawson, Vertonghen, BAE; Dembele, Sigurdsson; Lennon, Holtby, Bale; Defoe.

    Say every week that Sigurdsson deserves a shot, plus no way in hell has Clint Dempsey been good enough to start. Invisible for eighty-nine minutes of the match, if he even finishes on the pitch. COYS.


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