We know that Gareth Bale and Aaron Lennon will sit this one out and the pair will join Younes Kaboul, Jermain Defoe and Sandro on the sidelines. The starting XI may well pick itself as a result but what will the formation be at White Hart Lane on Sunday?

Hugo Lloris should return in goal with Kyle Walker set to resume at right back following European suspension. After BAE’s display at left back on Thursday, Kyle Naughton could well be switched over to that side of the field.

Up front, the only real question is whether Adebayor plays as a lone front man or if Clint Dempsey joins him in a 4-4-2. Behind the striker(s), Parker, Dembele, Sigurdsson and Holtby seem set to start but where will they slot in?

Here’s how we think Spurs will look from the first whistle but what’s your view?



  1. Dempsey out wide and holtby behind ade. Dempsey needs to play his natural position and holtby has more quality to provide that final ball to ade. If he can find the net and play with some heart.

  2. I disagree. I think we should have an attacking three of Dembele, Sigurdsson and Holtby. Because Dempsey can provide cover on the bench, as we have none if we employed him, Dembele has played in that position before and played very well (away at Liverpool) and also, he provides much needed pace which can unpick the Everton defence- which notably they use the formation of 3-5-2 so pace on the wings is pretty obvious. Also, we have the likes of Carroll, Livermore and Huddlestone who can play next to Parker which makes sense seeing as Everton have a 5-man midfield, so the extra defence sures it up and then we won’t have 3 central midfielders sitting on the bench, but 2 and an attacker just incase.

  3. Loris naughton daws vert ecotto walker Parker dembele sigs holtby ade play walker wide right gives us pace on one wing at least holtby defo in front of Dempsey

  4. I seriously can’t believe you put Parker in the squad he has lost his ability to tackle and his link up play and general passing has become to hard to watch he ain’t the player he was.i would also give holby a chance behind the striker like he used to play for former club that way ade might actually get some service and regain last season form/confidence.

    4 3 2 1formation

    Walker. Dawson vert benny

    Siggy Dembele Carroll

    Holtby Dempsey


    Also just a thought, are we elagable to bring back Townsend from loan? And what’s thoughts on bringing some youth players in Ceballos looks good and mcevoy(bale lookalike) thoughts?

    • I can’t believe you have left parker out! No player has put in a better shift than Scott, since he’s returned from injury. Whilst he’s passing might of been inconsistent, he’s passion, desire and commitment has been anything but. Without Sandro available, EASILY THE FIRST NAME ON THE SQUAD LIST!!!!

      The main reason for his erratic passing this season has been due to his hunger/desire to MAKE THINGS HAPPEN, in a creative sense.

      In recent games, Dembele has often sat deeper (although he is a more creative force), than Scott Parker. I think this is due to the energy levels/fitness and the determination of both players. Scott has misplaced a lot more passes than he ever has before, but it is ALL for the ‘right’ reasons.

    • Hi,
      I agree with the formation, but i’d put Holtby in the RCM position instead of Siggy, who has a worse work rate and is probably more inclined to shoot. Holtby also said he would prefer a holding position.

  5. I have heard a lot of talk since Thursday about who’s going to score Spurs’ goals with the recently prolific Welshman, now injured.

    My answer is the same, the people that have scored before in the EPL. The likes of your Dempsey’, Sigurdssons’, Dembele’, Vertonghen’ and Adebayor’ are all capable of rising to the challenge over the short/middle term, and will have no greater opportunity to announce themselves as truly ‘big time’ players for the club, than to lead Spurs to GLORIOUS victory at a time when the team needs them to stand up and be counted.

    I also imagine that the enforced break Defoe, Lennon and Bale will now endure, will mean that when they do return to the fold, they will be as fresh as newly bloomed daisies, ready to exert their influence once again upon the side and help the lads make the final push towards CL qualification.

    I see these (minor) injuries to key personnel as a good thing, as it will allow us supporters to get a better appreciation as to exactly how good the squad actually is, technically and mentally.

    And while much has been made of the reduced level of pace that will be apparent within the side, little has been mentioned about the craft, guile, work rate and movement that a midfield containing: Dembele, Parker, Sigurdsson, Holtby and Dempsey SHOULD bring.
    Bearing in mind that Sigurdsson, Holtby and Dempsey have NOT played a huge amount of games for Spurs this season, they should be fresh and raring to go. Just what we need after a EL game on Thursday, I’d say!

    Tomorrows game is massive, at a decisive time in the season. A win, and we will more or less eliminate Evertons threat as CL qualification rivals, whilst potentially building a gap between us and the other 2 London clubs.
    And while it may not be ideal (for some) to see an ‘experimental’ Spurs field take the field for such an important match, I for one am very, very excited.


  6. (4-3-2-1)
    Walker, Dawson, Vertonghen, Naughton
    Dembele, Parker, Carroll
    Holtby, Siggurdsson

    Carroll and Dembele would control the tempo with Parker and Dembele getting the ball back. Holtby would be able to link up with Siggurrdson and because he’s on the right, would be able to keep tight to Baines when Everton have the ball. With Walker, Dembele and Holtby on the right side of the pitch we should be able to keep Baines quiet. Siggurrdsson and Holtby could also cut inside to shoot or pass through to Ade, If Livermore starts i’ll cry because he’s absolutely terrible. He can’t pass forwards, shoot or defend. :S Although Carroll is amazing COYS!!!

  7. KN not solid enough at left back – must be BAE. I’d like to see Ceballos given a go; not a massive risk up front as others available not firing on all cylinders. Team;
    Lloris, Walker, Daws, JV, BAE, Parker, Dembele, Ceballos, Adebarndoor, Siggy, Holtby

  8. Whatever team he picks, and we,ll go with the team picked for the article , has only 4 of Harry’s , so it will mostly be AVBs men that he’s brought in , at least we,ll see if he has an eye for spotting talent, will be difficulty, COYS

  9. Ramos 43 I agree about his passion, last season I backed parker all the way and this Season too tbh but he is becoming a liability if everyone got on the squad because “the right reasons” we’re behind team choice then I would make the team” I’m average at 7 a side level at best haha. People should be picked on ability and for me personally he has lost it! Not making the England team anymore and shouldn’t be in Tottenham team as from now! Just my opinion though not sayin I’m right

  10. Our full backs have been poor at best this season. I accept that we must endure walker at RB, but I feel more assured with vertongen at LB, and dawson and caulker central. Further foward, all pace has disappeared, and none of the available players has really impressed all season. I would drop parker as passing well below standard, and he will not relent from surging forward at every opportunity, which leaves me both frustrated, and genuinely embarrased when every single time the ball is taken off him, and we lose possession. I would l put livermore and dembele central, with sigurdson on the right, and dempsey on the left. Definately interested to see what Holtby can do just behind adebayor. Would like to see cellabos, or coulthirst

  11. Lloris, back 4 of Naughton, Dawson, Caulker, Vertonhen, CM of Holtby and Dembele. LW BAE, RW Walker. Sig behind Striker of Adebayor.
    Benny got the tricks for the wing and can put in a good cross. Walker got pace down the right. Sig can also influence from the centre more.
    Parker has been a bit of a liability in the middle. Too many balls given away.

  12. i think it will be

    walker dawson vertonghen naughton
    dembele parker
    siggy dempsey holtby
    but i want

    walker dawson vertonghen naughton
    dembele carroll
    siggy holtby dempsey
    ceballos or coulthirst

  13. Lloris
    Walker, Dawson, Caulker, Vertonghen
    Huddlestone, Livermore
    Siggy, Dembele, Holtby

    No one can disagree that Parker doesn’t put in a shift every game, but can’t pass, will never score and is totally negative, so don’t play him. Also keep B Attitude E off the pitch from now on as he is the biggest liability at the club. Put some of the U/21’s on the bench. We’ll now see if we have the guts to put Everton in their place and to keep Arsenal behind us. COYS

  14. Naughton & BAE are liabilities on current form, so although I hate the thought of playing our best cb at lb needs must, a backline of lloris, walker Dawson caulker verthongen,
    In midfield I’m sick of parker running around like a headless chicken, he’s offering no protection to the back four, his passing is awful, he slows the play down everytime he gets the ball & his legs have gone. So holtby & dembele in cm I’d play Tom Carroll wide right he’s played out wide in a few u-21 games & done well, so Carroll siggurdson & dempsey left wing & ADE upfront
    Lloris, walker Dawson Caulker Verthongen, Carroll holtby siggurdson dembele dempsey, ADE
    Subs: Friedal Naughton BAE Parker huddlestone Bentelab Coulthirst

  15. llorris
    walker dawson caulker vertongen
    parker livermore
    dempsey dembele siggy
    subs: freidel naughton hudd holtby ceballos bae (insert name here)
    this is the game that could define our season I hope we are up for this as the toffees are not at full strength either so we just need to want this more than they do.
    COYS!!!!! TO DARE IS TO DO!!!!!! THFC!!!!!!!!

  16. Lloris

    Walker Dawson Vertonghen Fryers

    Huddlestone Dembele

    Coulthirst Holtby Siggy


    Subs: Friedel, Naughton, Caulker, Parker, Carroll, Livermore, Dempsey

  17. Lloris; Walker, Caulker, Dawson, Fryers; Parker, Vertonghen; Sigurdsson, Dembele, Holtby; Adebayor.

    Fryers has been performing well in the youth side, Assou-Ekotto and Naughton aren’t good enough.

  18. left back seems to be a massive problem, so vert will have to play there. Team:
    Walker dawson Caulker Vertonghen
    Huddlestone Parker
    holtby dembele siggurdson

  19. I think we need Gilzean up front.
    Ardilles in the middle.
    And definitely Jennings in goal.

    Do that, we’ll be alright.
    Without them, we’ll probably scrape a draw.

  20. Not feeling confident at the moment. If there is a time for Holtby and Dempsey to step up, its now. This game will not be easy.

  21. This game has so many possibilities. My first thought was essentially your line up except with holtby and dempsey switched so they are in their natural positions.
    But since Everton may line up in a 3-5-2 we could possibly do something similar. Maybe a 3-5-1-1 sorta thing like this

    Caulker Dawson Vertonghen
    Parker Dembele
    Walker Sigurdsson BAE/Naughton

    I dont even know if that makes sense but to me it is one of the only ways we could get real width since all of our attacking midfielders are inverted wingers who like to cut in.

    I just pray AVB doesn’t start Dembele out right, I think he does a decent job but he is much better served in the middle of the pitch.

    Also, considering our lack of depth I would definitely expect a couple of youth players on the bench. Realistically I think our line-up is going to be
    Walker Dawson Vertonghen BAE
    Parker Dembele
    Sigurdsson Holtby Dempsey
    and our bench will be: Friedel, Caulker, Naughton, Livermore, Huddlefro, Cebellos, Coulthirst.

    I don’t expect anything huge. AVB has got to realize with the stress that he is under in this game (arguably the most important up to this point in the season) that he can’t do anything dumb. He isn’t going to lose his job if he does, but he could very easily end our season.

  22. Hi,

    Anyone who actually thinks Adebayor will work his socks off for us against Everton please do not read this post.

    With Bale and lennon out for 2 week (so AVB says) I ask why not give Coulthirst or Pritchard or both a chance, ok Adebayor may pop up with a goal against Everton but I think his stats of 2 goals and ZERO assist in the premier league this season suggest otherwise.

    Much is said about Coulthirst and Pritchard and everything seems to be good, I say give Coulthirst a chance in place of Adebayor as I truly believe he would perform better as he has one strength Adebayor does not posses in a Spurs shirt, sprit.

  23. For all those people who are playing Holtby wide! he was not one of the most sought after players because he was playing wide, it was because he was playing in the middle or behind the striker. Playing him wide MAKES NO SENSE and will not get the best out of him, to play Dempsey there who has not got anywhere near the skill or vision of Holtby is riddiculous.

  24. It is a massive game that we need to now win after the Arsenal result. The selection is simple for the field, but the bench might raise some eyebrows.


    Bench: Freidel, Naughton, Caulker, Carroll, Livermore, Coulthirst & Pritchard.

    The key message here is let the team prove we are more than Bale & Lennon. If we are not completely on top and leading at half time, then sub Adebayor for Coulthirst, Dempsey for Pritchard and switch to 4-4-2 and give them a chance to shine. We have allowed lazy performances from players like Adebayor and Dempsey to creep back into the squad, and signs of the lack of heart from yesteryear are emerging.

    Coulthirst and Pritchard can’t stop scoring, and Carroll also provides some offensive options if required. It is time to stop talking about inexperience, when we have nothing to lose if players like Adebayor bring nothing every week. We played a kid in Bale, Liverpool gave Owen his chance and now Sterling, Everton discovered Rooney and Rodwell and we have allowed Bale, Sigurdson and Carroll a chance, now give our young strikers a go.

  25. Wow, I’m stunned, however glad I am to have taken that goal back in the 87′ but this was not a good result at all. The City game is not going to be easy, and I’m not quite sure Bale will be 100% either if he features in that game. They have the midfield to deal with Bale, not to mention the Chelsea game as well. If we make top 4, we will have surely deserved it this year.


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