Spurs released their new range of kits last week and the designs by Under Armour proved to be somewhat controversial.

The kit that seemed to divide fans the most was the new third strip. A gold and navy blue number, some supporters seem to love it, but more are offended to see Tottenham wearing a kit that makes them look like a Bradford, Hull or Wolves.

spurs third

Yet whether you like the colour scheme or not, the design itself is a looker. To prove it, some bright spark on the internet took a charming picture of Mousa Dembele clad in gold and changed the bling to plain old white.

The result is a kit that would have been a guaranteed classic and certainly better than Under Armour’s home effort this season. What’s your verdict?

dembele white shirt



  1. Surtainly not the prettiest, but surtainly the best one so far. Is it too late to change colors on this shirt?
    I would wear it ! 😉

    • I really liked the last seasons home and away kits tho, this year was kind of a step down.
      (btw, not to be a grammar Nazi but it’s spelt certainly 🙂 )

  2. WAY better than the tragic home shirt they`ve produced. Even if they added a little gold around the V-neck or down the piping of the sleeves.

  3. I quite like the look of the blue away kit but that’s about it.
    I seriously could have come up with a design that would have been an improvement on all three and I’m not blowing my own trumpet it’s just a fact. But then to be honest it wouldn’t really be that hard would it. Besides my own belief in this simple design matter, the gold kit looks exactly like people are saying. A Bradford, Wolves or Hull kit. It does look reasonable in white to be fair and if they really wanted to give a nod to a gold cockerel then just stick a gold cockerel on that 3rd kit.

  4. that plain white phhotoshoped jersey is not as good as the new home kit to be frank.everything abt the new one is just perfect.and t say the third kit looks like hull’s or wolve’s is not much of an argument.that’s y its the third jersey;it’s never used that much so it’s all good.well done to under armour.wudnt mind getting all three

  5. Think the gold is an improvement on the purple kits, which seemed have to been accepted. Also think this looks a bit smarter and less effeminate than some of the bright yellow kits that was also accepted. It is a third kit that gives us a complete alternative option than blue or white, which after all said and done, is what I thought a third kit is supposed to do. This is a football kit to distinguish your team from the opponents which personally I think it does very well.

  6. I look at it and it looks gold then I look at it and it looks white, it’s that bloomin dress thing all over again ,lol cheers under armour

  7. I just recently became a Spurs fan this offseason after not really following football since my youth and I really liked last years kits alot think we had one of the best home/away kits in the EPL. In fact I ordered last years away kit with Alli on back a month ago. I was patiently awaiting the release of the new kits and had seen the leaks of the home kit and even the basic design of the away and wasnt too thrilled as I felt they took a step back, but when I saw the 3rd kit I immediately felt they were the best of the group. Now I see where the people who feel like they resemble Hull City too much are coming from but as Bigcol stated above they are supposed to be an alternate to the basic team colors and have something that stands out as unique and these do a good job in that regard while also still tying into the teams past colors and a hats off to the gold cockerel in WHL. I actually ordered one with the new EPL patches this past weekend from Spurs site cause they offered free shipping cant wait to see it in person.


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