As widely expected, West Ham have been given the green light by the OPLC and theirs is the preferred bid for the 2012 Olympic Stadium.
The bottom line appears to be that London had promised a multi-sport legacy when the games were granted back in 2005. Spurs’ bid went against that promise in so far as that particular stadium was concerned.
You could argue that with this decision, athletics has come first and football second, but for now anyway, that is that.
It has been suggested in some newspapers that Spurs will mount a legal challenge to the decision and it seems that we are requesting legal guarantees that the running track will stay in place.
We await the club’s next move, but for now there is a statement on the official website which finishes by saying: “We shall spend time assessing our situation in respect of a new stadium and when we have any further information we shall update our supporters.”
What happens if West Ham get relegated?
er, West Ham will go down a division… has zero bearing on where they will play!
@gavink I think @Michael Davis means that if Hammers go down- they are likely to suffer crowd loss & hence financial loss, with a team on high wages. Surely this may affect their ability to meet the financial cost of taking on the stadium? Don’t you think?
Who cares?
what do cockerals expect when jinxy beckham is on the prowl
and arry is in self distruct mode licking and loving up to becks
they are the fault tottenham lost their bid
whats wiv the pavchencho shirt advert on this site?
“super pavlyuchencho” ??? fookin ell he couldnt hit a cows arse wiv a shovel what bout the OS, we will redevelop WHL or build a bigger and better stadia than that.
Levy will sort it.
Wanderer has obviously lost the thread of the article. English is nobviously not his first language or possibly second or third. What ever he’s on must be strong. Medication perhaps???
“nobviously”? I think you’ve let yourself down there when criticising someone elses English. Typical thick Yid. Forever in our shadow. Fuck off out of north London you deluded wankers.
Having read your intellectual comment i think Bamber Gascoines job is under no threat from you.Would love to have you explain why we should leave North London because a South London nomad suggests we should.