If you’re in the vicinity of Waltham Abbey on Sunday then try to go along and see the Spurs Legends XI who will be in action there from 1pm against a team of celebrity Tottenham fans.
Ian Walker is reported to be taking his place between the posts and will take his place among some former team mates. I witnessed one of these games at Hertford Town last year and although you never know who is going to turn up, regular ex-Spurs players include Mark Falco, Garry Brooke, David Howells and Tony Galvin, mixed in with some youth coaches and blokes who look like they work in the ticket office.
The celebrity squad includes Phil Cornwell and Mike Leigh from The Spurs Show, Paul Hawksbee, Stephen Mangan and DJ Nihal. Mike Leigh discussed the game with fellow squad member Theo Delaney during this week’s show, in which they stated that they plan to watch the Wolves game at Waltham Abbey, after the match.
Generally it’s a good day out and the hosts turn it into a family day and it’s a good opportunity to pick up a few autographs, so try to get along. All proceeds are going to a worthy charity and you can find out more by CLICKING HERE.
It’s probably a longshot, but the King of Norway is a Spurs fan.. He should be the celebrity manager:-)
I think Phil Cornwell should have to do his excellent Bruce Forsyth errrr I mean Jimmy Hill impression throughout the entire game.
michael mcintyre?!
i live in spain Alicante i am told that the Tottenham legend team will play here in september could you please let me know if this is the case