At the start of the week, injury concerns were held over from Sunday’s game at Stevenage after Adebayor, Modric and BAE were all late withdrawals. At the time, Harry was concerned for this weekend’s match but as the week has progressed, many of the doubts seem to have eased.

Firstly, Rafael van der Vaart announced that he was winning his own fitness race before Ade tweeted that he also expected to return. Modric was also expected to return after suffering with flu and now the picture is complete with news that Benoit is also ready to take his usual place in the starting XI.

The left back underwent a minor groin operation but has completed several light training session and is fully expected to be fit.

That still leaves other questions over the likes of Sandro and Ledley King but at least it seems that Spurs are approaching somewhere near full strength.



  1. This game is all about Lennon. He should terrorise whoever is unfortunate enough to be deployed at left-back and create aplenty. He will be our most important player on Sunday. Starting line-up will be;

    Walker Kaboul King BAE
    Lennon Modric Parker Bale

  2. I agree I think Lennon is massive, we will win either way but Lennon has the chance to run a mock with Gervinho and Gibbs trying to stop him……the pitch is immaculate and as a logical football fan I just cant see them doing anything……..To be honest I expect us to give them a hiding.

    As for the team it has to be 451 with Lennon and VDV starting….that team counters Arsenals 3 in midfield whilst still giving us a big attacking threat.

    I dont know what Harry will do though, Ade and Saha could destroy Arsenal…….even our bench is ridiculous…my team:
    Walker Kab King Ekotto
    Lennon Parker Mod Bale

    Subs: Cudicini, Rose, Dawson, Livermore, Krancjar, Defoe, Saha

  3. I’m certainly not as confident as you Jamie, nor many others. I think people are writing Arsenal off far too easily.

    They are at home, and they carry some real attacking threat, and it is a derby. This will be a very tough game.

    Of course if we play to our potential, we are more than capable of coming away with 3 points but I think that a draw would be a great result.

    I just think that lennon will be key, whether he is up against Gibbs or Jenkinson he can unlock the game and create plenty for VdV and Ade. If those two have their shooting boots on, then we should score a few, then its just down to how many we concede.

    If I was a betting man – I would go for 2-2. Fingers crossed I am wrong!


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