Spurs are down to the bare bones in defence but are they thin enough elsewhere to see David Bentley make a surprise return to the side? Manager Harry Redknapp revealed in his press conference that one of the club’s forgotten men may well feature tomorrow.
“We haven’t got loads of players and looking at the squad, there is every chance David Bentley could be back on the bench. He is in the running,”Redknapp said.
“David hasn’t even played a game this season. He has been injured since he went to West Ham, but I’m struggling to find seven subs.”
Elsewhere, the news is grim at the back where injury to Younes Kaboul means that William Gallas and Ryan Nelsen are likely to be our only two fit centre backs.
“We’ve got a few injuries, we’ve just got to wait and see,” Harry added. “Younes Kaboul did his knee last week so he’s not available.
“Niko Kranjcar picked up a knee injury as well in midweek so he’s struggling with that. They won’t be available at the weekend, but we’ve got one or two other knocks as well.”
One of the few remaining questions is whether Harry will continue with Carlo in goal or whether first choice Friedel will come back into the frame.
Otherwise, there isn’t a lot to choose from so here’s our team to face Chelsea but what’s yours?



    why on earth would you not have lennon on a big wembley pitch, running at there defence. Is the most simple team selection

    Lennon Mod Parker Bale

      • We have Bale, Adebayor, Walker, Nelson and Gallas who are good in the air….. Chelsea have no Ivanovic who is there most deadly player from set plays…..Drogba might not start and if we can keep Luiz and Terry tightly marked I cant see set plays being a problem.

        If we have to sacrifice a player for height then let it be Modric he has been terrible lately, showed no loyalty in the summer and will demand a move again this time round…………

        Please before you jump down my throat watch him closely today I bet he has another nightmare

  2. Why does this website always have sandro on the right wing? He has never played there in his spurs career, and never will on account of him being a central defensive midfielder. The team should be Cudicini, Walker, Gallas, Nelsen, BAE, Bale, Mod, Parker, Lennon, VDV, Ade in the 4-4-1-1 that served us so well earlier in the season

  3. If Harry is true to his word about the 4-4-2 v 4-2-3-1 then it should be:
    Walker Gallas King BAE
    Parker Sandro
    VDV Modric Bale

  4. The only way we can win is with constant effective wideplay
    Walker Gallas Nelsen BAE
    LENNON parker modric BALE

    Let’s hope and pray Nelsen can maintain Drogba/Torres
    We have a gr8 chance – to dare is to do

  5. Parker on his own might be killed by the 3 Chelsea strong men they tend to play. Unfortunalte modric and Lennon are lightweight and bale even for his physique does not work hard enough or look to tackle. So sandro must play. If Lennon is to play, then vdv would miss out. So we will probably play a similar side to the one that played Chelsea recently. Hopefully this time ade will kick a bit harder when he has an open goal, so no one can have a chance to clear off the line

    • I disagree we will play a 3 of VDV, Modric and Parker Chelsea will play a 3 of Mata, Ramires and Essien very similar in terms of types of players and size, Modric needs to have an amazing game we have been carrying him lately

  6. Friedel,
    Walker, Nelsen, Gallas, BAE
    Lennon, Parker, Sandro, Bale

    Time to give Modric a rest – he can practice his crappy floated corners

    • totally agree -didnt think anyone else would. i’d leave out modders, if vdv runs out of puff after 60 throw him on then. hopefully we’ll already be 1-0 up and modders can play his 5 yard keep ball passes to good effect. COYS

  7. Correct re Sandro starting… though not on the right wing – NO WAY!?!
    I reckon we have to play him alongside Scotty P to protect a frail central defence….. sorry, but I don’t rate Nelsen. Too much of a reminder of Calderwood in my opinion & I can see Drogba terrorising him.
    Also Friedel in goal is a must.

    Walker, Gallas, Chirpy the mascot, Ekotto
    Sandro, Modric, Parker
    Lennon, Adebayor, Bale

    I think we need to utilise the pace and movement of Bale and Lennon – give their jittery defence plenty to think about.
    C O Y S !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Frediel. Gallas-king-Nelson. Lennon-Parker-Modric-Sandro-Bale. Vdv-Ade My reasons: We need height at the back and heading ability. Chelsea have this with drogba and torres. Chelsea don’t play with width. There game is a 4-3-3 with 3 tough players through the centre. Sandro and parker will protect the back line as well as break up chelseas mid play. Chelsea don’t play with width, this is our free area to play. The only time chelsea use the channels is when cole or whoever is there right back push forward. If they always have bale and lennon down there throats they won’t be able to push forward as much. This is how we beat them.

    • Could even use walker instead of lennon if a more defensively sound attacker is required. Bale would need to stick to the left for this to work.

  9. God I am glad some of you lot aint our manager.

    Walker; Nelsen; Gallas, Bae

    Lennon, Sandro; Parker; Bale



    • I actually agreed with your team but didnt see it first. Ive been wanting harry to try it all year but he hasnt once and i doubt he will do it tomorrow. He will stick to his faves even it ruins are width and all round balance and counter attacking prowess. (ie VDV)

    • This team. Get Twitchy on the blower and tell him to pick it. Sick of seeing VDV being picked ahead of Lennon/Sandro and contributing virtually nothing.

      • vdv contributes little cos twitchy throws him out wide all the time… every top team has a goalscoring midfielder. VDV MUST play central

  10. Interesting views in here I’m a little worried about our aging back line would be interesting to see if Sandro could play at the back if Ledders is not fit allowing lennon to play & please please please Bale wander in occasionally but please base yourself on the left hand side this is where the game will be won COYS!!!

    • I dont see why people are worried about the centre back pairing….the one thing Gallas and Nelson have is experience and vocal chords they will speak to each other and people around them and they are battlers…….Gallas has never been slow….

      Ledley is shot, Kaboul has done great but hasnt developed 100% concentration and Dawson is the slowest of the lot.

      We will win this game if we attack at pace, with quick passing which is why Lennon, Bale, VDV, Modric, Parker, Adebayor needs to be the front 6.

      We got to go for it

  11. I would go

    Walker Gallas King BAE

    Lennon Sandro Parker Bale


    Vdv too slow and seriously overrated and ruins the balance of our team

  12. Sandro will probably start tomorrow because Chelsea have no width about them and this is the side that we used when we outplayed them at the bridge recently.

    • I’m not saying that i would prefer Sandro to Lennon. I’m was just stating Sandro will probably start. Since all of Chelsea’s dangerous players are up the middle. I can see why Lennon would start to attack from both flanks. But I can also see Sandro starting holding down the fort for 70 min. and Harry sicking Lennon on a tired and old Chelsea.

  13. I’d leave Modric out,basically because he seems to be shite all of a sudden,he can sit on the bench ,just like he will do when he f*cks off to Chelsea!! Lennon,VdV,Parker,Bale, in middle,

  14. This will be team Harry starts with.Depending on who is fit at the centre of the defence the rest will be the same.Harry will not risk going out quick its not his style.He will play VDV and have Lennon on the bench to come on later with Defoe to join him.Expect a tough match.

  15. Who ever plays.. The players need to be up for this game.
    So come on all you Spurs players.. you all are good players and need to fight even harder for each other and a self belief attitude.
    Please make us proud Spurs.
    Just a note for Bale and Lennon ( hoping they read this) rip them to pieces with your skill and pace, and Bale stay on the left you maestro.
    Sorry for all this, im a bit pissed COYS 🙂

  16. We need a good game from King, he hasn’t been with it for the last few games he’s played. 4-3-3 Saha-Ade-VDV up front, Sanrdo-Parker-Mordic, Midfield, Walker-Gallas-King-Bae at the back and Brad in goal. 3-2 win, change it at 70mins and bring lennon and bale on

  17. livermore alongside parker. parker & sandro too similar , once parker tires replace with sandro. townsend better attacking and good engine to get back

  18. Honestly, on a weekly basis, this blog produces “predicted teams” that are ridiculous. It actually makes you look clueless, as though you don’t actually know anything about football.
    Lennon HAS to play. And if Lennon DOESN’T play, DON’T be RIDICULOUS and persist with 4-4-2. Sandro on the wing? Are you ill in the head?
    With that XI, you HAVE to play 4-2-3-1.

  19. I can’t understand people on this blog. I’m seriously concerned about the the quality of fan on this site. How can so called spurs fans not see what rafa brings to the team when his is in his favoured role up top? He is spurs through and though. He could win us this cup on his own and is a must starter. The question is whether Harry goes 442 with lennon or 433 with sandro. After the way we played against norwich i hate to say i think he’ll put sandro in there. Chelsea play 3 in the middle so it would make sense to have cover in there. This will leave ade exposed up front on his own so we need big games from bale and vdv in particular today. can’t bloody wait now.

  20. What did it finish? I had to go to work at 2-1 and we looked like we had a chance, this is one of the few football sites not blocked by my work. Coys.

    • Yeah it looked like sandra also get a chance to become the next britains got talent ! Ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha . It finished 5-1 IN YOUR FACE ! U mug!!!

  21. A 5-1 score line did not reflect the game!!! Time for two new center backs, a younger keeper as cover, a forward who can SCORE!!! and a new manager!!! Unfortunately Harry has taken us as far as he can!! COYS

  22. As much as I would like to blame the ref for this, we deserve as much for this performance. Is there no fight in this club? You would think that leaders like Parker, Gallas, Ade? They would be able to keep up the fight, but after Bale’s goal (which looked more like a PEN and sending off to me), we just had no fight left in us. This is not the mentality of a winning side or a squad who can challenge for championships. You cannot blame it on youth either.

  23. I’m an Arsenal fan, but have a real suggestion for your team: Rotate the squad more often…your players look like their tiring towards the end of the season and the matches. As a Gooner, I know injuries can kill a season, but not rotating your players will do the same. F Chelski

    • Come On You Gunners!! Lets fuck EPL and Champions League next season! Let’s beat Barca again! Walah to the lads!!


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