Speculation as to the next manager is inevitable and it’s hard to ignore at the moment. The first name mentioned from all corners of the media seems to be David Moyes and that has been supported by the bookmakers, most of whom put the Everton manager down as 5/4 favourite.

In second place is Roberto Martinez at around 7/4 but the third favourite seems to have dropped from 14/1 down to around 6/1 shortly after his name was first mentioned on social media. Fabio Capello has a great record at domestic level and might be a good choice but is he a realistic prospect or are those odds reflective of how much influence rumour and gossip have?

As for Moyes or Martinez, is it a case that Spurs can give the platform for these talented managers to win trophies or should we be looking at someone who has ‘been there and done it?’

Simple question then – who is your choice?



    • L-E-V-Y is a bastard he gets rid of all good Managers I.e Martin Jol for no reason & nor Redknapp he don’t like no one. He shud go himself. So plz F.Off

  1. Brendan Rodgers was my first choice. Watching Swansea play last season was like seeing a top european side with flair. It is a shame that Spurs missed out on him. Maybe Levy could have acted quicker and got him?

    My second choice would be Slaven Bilic. Croatia play exciting attacking football under him and this is his last tournament in charge of the national team.

    My third choice would be to have a punt on Andre Villa Boas. It may not have worked at Chelsea who wanted instant success but he has an impressive record and given time, he could be great. He also likes his teams to play attacking football.

    • your first choice = dreadful, failed at reading & watford FFS !!

      your second choice = never managed in england and already agreed to go a club side in russia.

      third choice = even worse, did you see what he did at chelsea? looked clueless.

      Has to be Moyes or it will be a downgrade.

      • why moyes ? what has he ever done? his teams play boring ugly football, everton never beat liverpool and are continually mid table! real up grade

        • Who is david moyes? We really do need a big name to come and take over and keep our good players. What about Hiddink?

    • I’d put AVB as first choice. His problem at Chelsea was having to appease some of the pensioner players as well as the crazy owner.
      Spurs haven’t bought anyone expensive for a couple of years and must have decent money saved now. I can’t see any of the big players we do have causing trouble (Bale, for example, would work well with the AVB’s system) and even if Modric, Bale, or VdV wanted to move on that would just give him a bigger checkbook.

      We need sometime with good tactical understanding who knows how to use the squad. AVB. His weakest area, that I can see, is a high defensive line and giving up a couple more goals, potentially. That’s not too different from how Spurs already play — more attacking, more flair. Plus, Vertonghen, Caulker, and Kaboul would all do well in that.

      AVB please.

  2. Right, runners and riders to replace Harry.

    Mentioned in the press already:

    Rodgers (despite having been at Liverpool for 5 minutes!)
    Frank de Boer
    Klinsmann (surely not!?)

    Others not mentioned but who might be/should be under consideration:

    Joachim Low
    Martin O’Neill (but allegedly not a favourite of Levy’s due to financial records at past clubs)
    Ranieri (unemployed so cheap)
    Laurent Blanc
    Rene Girard (managed unfancied Montpellier to the French title this year ahead of uber-rich PSG)
    Neil Lennon
    Dick Advocaat
    Marcelo Bielsa
    Gus Poyet

  3. Jeeva Jothi – Guardiola is top of everyone’s list, but it’s just not going to happen. He should be approached, of course, but I’ve got as much chance of taking the Spurs job as he does.

    • He should defiantly be approached but like you say i can’t see it happening :-(… but if we want to be the best you have got to go for the best!

      • Very true – don’t ask don’t get. It has to be done quietly though – we don’t want to look like Liverpool; aimlessly calling around Europe offering the job to every manager who picks up the phone…

    • To be honest, a monkey could have managed a side like Barcelona with the array of talent on offer. Give Pep a side like Wigan to manage and then see what a good manager is!

  4. In my dreams it would be Pep but aint gonna happen. Ancelotti not available, so after those two – Capello has experience but no longevity hey there is one manager available – The only Englishman to win the FA Cup in 17 years, reached 1/4 finals of CL and finished 4 – 5 – 4 in the EPL…… His CV is more impressive than kept Everton or Wigan from being relegated or finished 12th in the EPL in only season there…. but hey Im just a fan.

  5. I like capello.
    His English is as good as jol, his record for clubs is great and he like London
    Also I believe levy already has someone but will leave a couple of days to announce, all transfers are taking a while so I presume new manager is deciding

  6. I would have thought the board have already sounded out a possible replacement and we will know in the coming days. I don’t however sign up to the David Moyes bandwagon as I believe we need a manager who will attract world class players and I don’t think Moyes fits the bill, this would be a move sideways and not forward. Maybe Deschamps, Van Gaal or Laudrup??

    • Van Gaal might be a bit of a short term option (but so would Capello and Hiddink). I think the main problems would be that he’s not managed for a while, he would be very expensive and he is (apparently) a difficult man to work with which may not suit Levy.

    • Have you seen the mess that is the current US national team? He’s making me remember Bradley fondly. NO KLINSMANN!

      Bielsa (does he speak English?)
      Solskjaer (he turned down Villa, but we should be able to tempt him more)

      …in that order.

  7. AVB, Blanc, Van Gaal, Deschamp, Lowe, Capello or Hiddink.

    Any of them would do for me.

    Please not Benitez.

    Levy has a plan, he must have been thinking about the next manager for months.

  8. It’s never going to happen, but I’d personally love Jol back. Some of our best players are ones which he bought into the team: Dawson, Lennon, Thudd, BAE and Kaboul. He also achieved 5th place twice with a somewhat inferior team.

  9. I think the job will be given to AVB. Levy has (before harry) always looked to secure European managers. He didn’t really get given a chance at Chelsea, he was told to re-vamp the squad, giving them a younger look, then booted out when he was no more than quarter of the way through the process. I actually think it could be a good appointment should they go for him. Though if the pressure was great at Chelsea, it’s going to be just as great with us once all the harry-loving papers jump on our next managers back!
    Personally, i would like to see it given to Capello with Tim Sherwood being bumped up to assistant and ready to take over when Fabio goes.
    Anoyone but Benitez or Martinez.

      • An exciting squad that managed to finish fourth and look disinterested and bottled the last third of the season? That’ll get them in. Modric is off, Bale is off and probably VDV if he’s got any sense. Not so exciting now is it?

  10. harry had his flaws but i think he is better than moyes or martinez. The job has to go to someone that has won a title before and has that experience to lead the team through the ups and downs of a title race otherwise they should of kept rednap. I reckon hiddik or fabio would be sound appointments but Carlo and his eyebrow would make me a happy fan. Know it wont happen but he has that sort of personallity that the players would want to play for and he has been there done that

  11. Top teams dont keep chnaging managers…look at our neighbours andd also manure,,changing doesnt guarantee success,,,we had the best of times since venables with harry…spurs played the best football i have known since days of venners..understandably yes harry has a big mouth,,but aside that he gave us thee best moments…why chnage if it aijt damaged,,,LEVY F OFFF….

    • I agree that we would ideally keep a manager long term, but — assuming that HR was good enough to be that long term manager — how long could you expect him to stay as manager at his age and health?

  12. At first I was afraid, I was petrified
    Kept thinking I could never turn Spurs into a top four side
    Then I spent oh so many nights thinking we could win the league
    I was wrong, now I don’t want to carry on
    Cos we were back, into fourth place
    We were up there till December, but we’ll never win the race
    I should have sold that bloody Friedel, should have dropped him from the team
    If I had known for just one second he’d concede more than Derby
    So many matches, ended up 2-2
    At half time we were winning, then we went and effing drew!
    And now I’m twitching while I’m thinking, should I have sold Jermain Defoe?
    Woy got the England job, so I’m feeling pretty low
    So now I’m gone, I’m out the door
    Levy just didn’t want to see me anymore
    The discussions were a farce, now I’m right out on my arse
    But I’ll survive, I will survive
    Yes I, I will survive
    Oh, if we’d have had just two more points the CL dream would be alive
    But Ledley’s almost dead, Kaboul’s just overfed

    But I’ll survive, I will survive
    It took all the strength I had, not to fall apart
    When I was up before the beak for that tax evasion lark
    And I spent oh so many nights trying to book Monaco flights
    Cos I can’t read, so BA’s terms are all meaningless to me
    And as for Modric, he’s all front
    He sulked for half the season, the selfish little . . . runt
    I should have sold him to the Chavs but Levy wouldn’t play
    All I asked was 10 per cent to supplement my pay
    But I, I will survive
    Levy wants the Special One because he’s got more drive
    I should have gone to Liverpool, can I go back to West Ham?
    I know one thing for certain, I’m better than Fat Sam!
    I told them all, that I was triffic
    Though as I can’t read or write there’s little scientific
    Tactics, what are they? And I can’t kick a ball
    For three million a year I did basically eff all
    That’s it I’m gone, I’m out the door
    Couldn’t stick it with those dirty scum fans any more
    Tottenham have no class, my heart was always with the Arse



    THE ANSWER is ERrrrrr… Probably… maybe..
    A DEFINITE BIG BIG HUGE MEGA “NO “~~!!!!!!!!!!


  14. We need to build. Martinez for me. Would love Moyes, but would also hate to break his love relationship with Everton. No more been there done that type of guys. I want somebody who is willing to be here for a decade and win something consistently. One Premiership before I die please.

  15. Get bk down arsenal and say goodbye 2 rvp u silly prick dnt u c most spurs fans are happy with this news 🙂 onwards and upwards


  16. I really hope Levy has someone lined up.
    If not we are in a hurry. The managers are fast finding other clubs (Rodgers and Bilic).
    And our hands are tied in the transfer market untill the manager situation is sorted.
    But Levy has done wonders for us running the club the way he does, so I think we should not worry (too much. We are SPURs you know).
    We need to get some deals done very soon.
    Where is Vertonghen????
    I thought it was a done deal….

  17. Great move on the sacking, I think it’s whats best for the club. I think thou the only person who well keep the likes of Bale, Vdv, Walker ect, (I think Modders is gone) is if he brings in AVB. He has EPL expeirence, brings in a long term plan for the club, he himself is young, he’s tactically aware, knows how to integrate youth into the club and he knows how to rotate.

    • AVB is not coming back to the EPL for a while. I think Martinez is the best bet as you know we are going to make as small a splash as possible in the wage department.

  18. AVB for me. And give him a long term contract. He has the tactical nouse of a Capello, but with the verbal dexterity of Mourinho. AVB might not have Harry’s skill in turning a deal, but Levy is able to drive a hard bargain and bring in players like Modric and Bale, and has ultimately shown in giving Harry the boot that he gets his way (one worry is AVB’s control of the dressing room at Stanford Bridge when an owner gets involved, but he should have learned from that experience). AVB is young, ok not a trong point in itself, but if I was Levy I’d be giving AVB a 5 or even 6 year contract, and saying two things, Champions League football in the next two seasons and you can have the cash to build a dynasty at Spurs, and devlope the likes of Giovanni, Livermore, etc

  19. Blanc

    Particularly the top two. People who have won a strong league with similar resources to us, and will have an advantage when FFP comes in.


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