It says a lot about David Bentley’s Spurs career that his most positive performance from a Tottenham fans perspective has come in a Blackburn shirt. Bentley was part of the squad that defeated Arsenal in the FA Cup last weekend and the player has hopefully made an early impact on his loan club.

Speaking after the game, the winger suggested that he didn’t regret his move to Tottenham but he did state that it had been a ‘mistake’.

“Sometimes you make decisions, I’m just a young man who’s made a mistake in making that decision to move,” Bentley said

“But it’s not a regret, it’s a decision I made and I wanted. It just didn’t work out.

“It was down to four or five things, a few things. It just didn’t work out and I don’t think it was anything to do with football.”

Speaking about the transfer fee Bentley added: “Someone was willing to pay that fee for me. I never said I was worth that because I wasn’t worth that.”

It’s very early days back at his former club and positive starts to loan spells haven’t developed in the past but hopefully the player can continue to impress and seal a permanent deal back to Ewood Park.



  1. What a stupid comment at the beginning of this article. Bentley played some very good games for Spurs and helped them qualify for the champions league.

    Have you forgotten the performance against Arsenal that he made in a Spurs shirt when he scored one of the best goals of all time?

    Very skilful player who like Kranjcar and Taarabt was never given the chance to play.

    • Are you serious?? Unfortunately you must have been busy and unable to watch him play. The pundits kept saying he had talent and people refused to acknowledge what they were seeing. I am amazed how many people he fooled for that long. I think Levy got him to sell shirts. Bentley is the worst player I have seen not only live for Spurs but on Tv, including Birmingham, where MacLeish was shocked how bad he was. A total myth. He cannot even produce a decent corner. He can juggle a ball on the sidelines if thats what you consider talent. A complete joke and I will say it again for the fourth year straight. David will be out of the game within two years if not less.

  2. Uuummm Steve
    I take it you did not go to too many games when he was given the chance. I think when you have done the graft and established yourself as a premier league player can you start to be a flash dan. There is no doubt about his ability but it is the rest of the stuff that makes you a professional footballer that he forgot about.
    Bentley will go down in the history books at Spurs as an expensive flop there is no denying this and he wasted a fabulous opportunity for both him and the club

  3. He could have been so good for us.
    Problem was, he didn’t want it.
    While we were in the middle of our worst start to a season, he was pratting around behind the sky sports news spokesperson outside Spurs Lodge (presumably after most people had started training?).
    Yes, the goal at Emirates was an absolute Worldie, Paul Konchesky scored a couple of screamers in his time though, and he isn’t all that.
    Lastly, yes, he may have been part of the side which qualified for the champions league, fair play to him for that, but if it weren’t for that bl00dy lasagne, then Stalteri, Young-Pyo, Paramot, Tainio and many other ‘average’ players would have helped our club qualify for champions league.
    Bentley has hurt us in a big way, not all his fault, but unfortunately the massive transfer fee, added to very high wages, on a long term contract that simply failed, I believe, has made Daniel Levy even more cautious when it comes to spending big in the transfer market.
    If Bentley had have shown just a little bit more desire, then who knows what may have happened.
    as it is, I’m with Carlos – Bentley is (unfortunately), nothing more than an expensive flop, for me, an even bigger flop than Rebrov.

    • He was average though, average at best.
      If he were 25-27 now, would we sign him? No, because we’re much better than we were when he was around.
      I’m not knocking his commitment, I wish we had a few more over the years that were as committed as he was, but he was very average talent wise.

  4. Bentley was to lazy to make it as a top pro and yes he will be remembered as an expensive mistake anyone can score the odd great goal. However to be a top class player it takes dedication & commitment acting like a big time Charlie demanding his move from Blackburn makes him exactly the kind of player we need to avoid. COYS

  5. One decent goal doesnt make a great player, scoring good good goals and assisting goals every week makes a good player, playing for the team rather than yourself makes a good player and acting like a professional makes a great player worth his transfer fee…..Bentley is a disgrace and one of Levy’s few failings that was unavoidable.
    He played well against Arsenal but who doesnt at the moment?

  6. Tainio average? ffs really? he’s a good player i would assume he is above average but certainly not average. Imho i think Bentley lost himself when he joined us. And also theres another fact that ‘Arry sucks at using players at his disposal, feck he almost sold Bale to manutd . I think AvB can revive Bentley and make him a better player but in the end it will all comes down to himself if he wants it or not.

    • Yes, Tainio was average! as I said above, he’d get nowhere near our 11 now, and to show how average he was, he couldn’t even nail down a place at Sunderland when he left us.


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