Spurs finally confirmed the departures of senior players William Gallas and David Bentley who will leave the club once their contracts run out at the end of this month. The news had been widely known for some days and the Official Website also announced that the contracts of John Bostock, Jack Barthram, Jack Munns and Jake Nicholson would not be renewed.

As a footnote, Tottenham also confirmed that Academy Players Shaq Coulthirst and goalkeeper Lawrence Vigouroux would be stepping up to accept their first Professional deals and could that be the start of something special for either of these men?

Coulthirst is particularly interesting after making a real impact for the side in the Under 21 Premier League and in the NextGen tournament last season. The most notable performance came against Barcelona last November when the centre forward’s hat trick, together with a strike from Alex Pritchard led to rumours of both players being linked with moves to either Barca or Real Madrid.

Those stories may have been wide of the mark but clearly Shaq Coulthirst is a real prospect: Question is, will he get a chance to impress in the first team next season – if not in the league then the Capital One Cup may offer a perfect opportunity?



  1. Will have to wait and see. From the little I’ve seen of ‘Shaq’, no way is he ready for 1st team action. League cup yes, Europa League possibly. I have said before though, if we have talented youngsters, I would like to see at least 1 on the bench for League games – like we did with Carroll last term. If we’ve put a game to bed and there are 15 mins to go, get them on the pitch. It’s the only way they’ll learn, and the only way we, more importantly, AVB, will be able to tell if they’re good enough.

    • Bentley had chances and was just not up to it in the end! Bostock had plenty of loans to prove himself, rarely was he impressive anywhere he played! Both were cited to have attitude problems… Bentley himself accepted the blame stating that he thought he’d already made it. You may or may not like Harry but you can’t just blame him, in fact, Harry played Bentley a lot to start while Lennon was out, then Krancjar proved himself more useful so Bentley dropped down the pecking order….

  2. Agree – Harry was not without his faults, but he got the best out of a lot of our players. Bentley had more than enough opportunities with us, AVB also played him a lot in pre season, and he just didn’t cut it.
    Bostock should probably never have signed for us, at his age, he needed to be playing week in week out in order to develop. He stalled the day he signed with us. I actually think in a year or two, once he’s found a ‘home’ and plays week in week out, he will get a move back to the prem.

  3. It would be great to see a few youngsters break in to the team Shaq does look like a real star for the future and playing him in the europa and capital cups would be a great learning curve for the boy along with players like Carroll it can only be good for the players and the club in the future I still maintain we need 2 new strikers for next season along with a attacking midfield player of quality and we could really be strong enough for a real push next season but to say Harry didnt give Bentley and Bostock a chance is rubbish they got the same chance as anyone else in the squad the fact is they didnt take itlook at the facts in the end no other teams even came in to loan Bostock and I dont see loads of teams queing up to sign him now he is on a free either Bentley I have resepect for as he admitted his own big head got in the way of his career we wont miss either so its time to move on and bring in some players that can improve our squad COYS

  4. Would really like to see Pritchard being given a chance. Maybe he can be loaned off to another Premier team this season.


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