It feels like an age since Spurs have had a match, so how about reliving a recent one that ended quite well?
The official Spurs YouTube account has released a video of the North London derby, as seen from the point of view of a Tottenham fan.
If you were there this will bring back some great memories that you probably drowned out in the pub afterwards and if you weren’t this is what it was like to be in White Hart Lane when Harry Kane destroyed Arsenal.
Typical spud, since that game we’ve won and you’ve lost, still in our shadow and St Totteringham’s day looms on the horizon. I’m surprised you haven’t released a commerative DVD of that game, still if beating Arsenal is the the highlight of your season then far be it for me to argue.
why do you want to stomp on their tiny shred of happiness for the year? you cruel cruel man!
let the poor souls be!
Come back to bed son and finish rimming me. Hmmmm lick my shit son hmmmmm the mighty ARSEnal.
2:1 🙂
Also, you sure you’re a goon fan? This is not even a Arse blog.
Why did you feel so compelled to come on here and spout shite? Nervous are we? It’s usually about March when your season derails and your ‘trophy’ becomes 4th place once more. I for one look forward to seeing that again…… And don’t give us the fact you won the piss pot cup last year, it was yours by default as hull blew up…….you can’t dine out on that forever you bunch of lickers. Vive la Monaco!
How sad, no Woolwich blogs to look at ? … Oh yeah, i guess somebody with two braincells that occasionally collide together and produce a thought can’t read French.
Typical goon…they just can’t stop haunting Spurs stories. Can’t remember Spurs players taking selfies, making scoring gestures at opposing fans when they are winning, or planting plastic cups on the pitch, who did that then?
Shadow my arse…you lot keep piping on about us when we truly don’t give a toss about you except twice a year….when we laugh a lot at your retreating backsides….donut.
Oh, and learn how to spell…
Here’s how it feels for an Arsenal fan to beat Tottenham………………Oh good
What is it with this nonsense shadow talk,the south london franchise has always followed in our wake we do it first and you just follow.
Arsenal have twice as many trophies, have finished above spuds pretty much since eternity, and there is a special day when the gunners finish above spuds…. But yeah, afc is totally in the wake of the powerful spuds…. Everyone trembles in the champions league when they play you. Wait a minute……
How many European trophies have you won?
Only immigrants support Arsenal.
It was a while ago but Spurs won the FA Cup before the arse, Spurs did the double before the arse. Spurs won in Europe before any British club including the arse, in fact we have won 3 European trophies and despite the arse being in Europe many more time than Spurs, they still have won less than Spurs.
Was your Dad born when any of this was happening or are you just clutching at straws for something to say ? Is it not telling that you have to reach back to medieval times when people rode round in carts pulled by horses to try to demonstrate that you are not in the shadows ? Not surprised you wish to remain ‘Anon’.
Goons were going mental when they went 1-0 up, looks like they are crawling out from under those stones commenting on here. 2-1.
Well done. You beat Arsenal 5 times in the league now since the turn of the century. At this rate you are due another win in 2018. Not surprised you celebrate these infrequent little victories, now back beneath us in the shadows where you are destined to stay you sad little men.
Also … Jimmy, your definition of eternity is very iffy, read a dictionary … start at ‘e’ and skip to near the end (in case you weren’t sure how they worked).
Why do thick people find it difficult to press the Caps shift button when required ? It’s not that hard… Is that where you got your pseudonym from ? Because you find simple things hard ?
Too easy to rile up….
The Middlesex swamp dwellers doing cartwheels again lol!by the way arry Kane “he’s one of our own”cried his eyes out at the champions league final in 2006 & his old man is an emirates regular.truth hurts don’t it….
Hard… ? Faggots, gays ( is that not the same thing ?) and Somalians ? Really ? Is that the best you can do ? A comment reflecting such a tiny little mindset. Your fellow Spurs fans must be so proud to see that.