Erik Lamela was handed a chance by Mauricio Pochettino for Tottenham’s game with Newcastle but once had a disappointing match.

He may have provided the assist for Harry Kane’s goal but his overall performance was poor, especially in the first-half as he continually gave the ball away. In the days since the match there has been much debate on Twitter about Kane’s future at the club.



  1. Didn’t see to many divided comments, they all looked in agreement he is pretty poor. I agree he tries but so did Michael Brown five hundred thousand quid from Sheffield United. Way to much money for one so young , as much as I try to like him, he always cuts the wrong way when dribbling, its like the defenders have magnets on them

  2. Like anyone with a healthy skill set if given the chance to play he’ll improve. I just don’t think he’s settling in to England just yet. He’s young and definitely has skills, he just needs a good run of play. Use him in ever Cup game going next season.

  3. come off it.. the lad cost us 30 odd million… another one of Baldini’s failures.. sorry but he’s just not cut out for a fast game like the prem.. besides when we get Pritchard back next season from Brentford lamella won’t get a game…

  4. I like lamella, not because of his play but because of his commitment. I’m sure he, like everyone else knows that he in not performing to the level that he could and should be, you can see this by the way frustration “fogs” his brain and he goes and does something stupid or schoolboy but, and here is the rub, he doesn’t hide or shy away from the ball, he still want’s the ball, he wants to try that again, I know on most occasions he fails again but he still tries when others just want to get rid of the ball as quick as possible. he clearly still has belief and confidence in his self and wants to play and play for us. you can’t knock a man for that

  5. There’s a top player there!
    If anyone saw him in preseason he was blinding in States!! I think that with lamela its psychological! Tottenham need to get him to try and see a sports psychiatrist, he’s the most skilful players at the club, and what he did at Roma can’t be denied! If you have this ability it’s gotta be psychological or injury, and it’s certainly not the latter!!

    • totally agree, there is a great player in there somewhere, we have all seen flashes of it unfortunately not enough flashes for anyone’s liking. he like the other “bale” boys did things for other clubs in other leagues that impressed us enough to buy them and like most of them, failed to live up to expectations. As he still has the commitment and desire to play for us and no injury, I’m sure no harm would come from a cosy chat on the couch. It could be that he’s just not right for the power and pace of this league, which I truly hope not the case for this young lad.

      I do remember sitting at the lane thinking like everyone else, will we ever win a game with this bloke bale playing for us and look at him now, all it took was a coach that believed in him, tinkering with his game and position and a good run in the team.

  6. Spurs should sell Lamella he is not cut out for the EPL and certainly not worth the money that we paid for him from Roma, Another mistake by Baldini …

  7. Lamela has never had a run of games but he hasnt deserved a run of games either. How do we break that cycle? Stick or twist? He tries too hard at times, as if trying to prove a point but that only makes it worse as he tries to beat the extra defender or attempt the ambitious pass. Personally…..I would send him on loan to a good Spanish or French side for a season, on the promise he gets regular game time. Then see how he develops..

    • I think putting him on loan in any bundesliga club would be a good experience forhim. Bundrsliga have a faster paced game compared to bbva or ligue 1

  8. Has he been tried in the no10 role every body else has,thou saying that I’ve never seen him head the ball,or come that even beat a player,


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