Ledley King has spoken to a variety of media outlets this week, giving his thoughts on the club that he graced for so many years. Here’s his thoughts on the current state of affairs at Spurs.

On the title race

“Our main aim would have been to finish in the top four this season, so second is a bonus.

“They’ve had a tremendous season and whatever happens from now, a season competing at the top of the table is a great learning curve for the players.”

On Mauricio Pochettino

“I’ve seen how he works around them, how he integrates them and how he communicates with them – and the players seem to be responding.

“Not just that, but the players in the youth team as well. He has a keen eye on them and if they are performing, he will give them their opportunity. Throughout the club, there is a hunger from all players.”

On Harry Kane

“Harry has been phenomenal. There was a lot of pressure on him this season after the impact he made last season. He has answered a lot of people with 20 plus goals.

“A lot of people say the second season is your hardest. Even when you do well, you always have people saying ‘well, what about next season?’

“He is a natural goalscorer and when you have these kind of players, they don’t have to be in the game constantly. They just wait for their moment – that’s what Harry can do.”

On why Pochettino’s team is better than Redknapp’s

“Throughout my time, even finishing in the top four twice in three or four years under Harry, we still weren’t as solid as this team. We didn’t have the same foundation.

“We had talent.  We could blow teams away on our day, but we could go away from home and still lose games we should be winning.

“I don’t see that in this team. They haven’t lost back-to-back games all season. Every time they’ve lost, they’ve bounced back. They’ve shown they’re made of sterner stuff.”

On Dele Alli

“He plays with almost a ‘disrespect’ for the Premier League – but it’s a healthy disrespect.

“He is not a player that has come in and thought too much about the reputations of the players he’s playing against.

“He treats everyone the same, he goes out there trying to make his mark and stamping his authority on the game. I love that in a young player. He’s got that little edge to him and that edge is making him the player he is now.”

On who has been Tottenham’s best player

“Obviously Dele has been great and Harry has again scored over 20 goals.

“But for me Toby Alderweireld, in his first season at the club, and Eric Dier, in his first season as a midfielder, have been the stand-out players for this season.”

On Eric Dier’s best position

“I still think he’ll be a centre-back and that’s nothing to do with his performances in midfield, because he can clearly play there. If he was to move back to centre-back, he would be even better there, especially given his experience in midfield.

“You see the game a lot more clearly. That’s what I was able to do after playing in midfield. Centre-half felt like a doddle and that can be true for Eric as well.

“You play in midfield as a centre-half and find time on the ball in an area that’s congested. When you get to the back, it’s easier. You have time on the ball and you’re more comfortable. You see the game a lot more clearly. The game comes to you.”

On the future

“I’m really pleased with the Tottenham team at the moment, I’m really pleased with what they’re doing and how the future’s looking.

“It’s been such a team effort. In seasons past we’ve always had these individual stars, but the team as a whole has been the big factor this season.

“I’m seeing all the right signs that this is a team, not just for this season but for the future, that has the right mentality and can hopefully win the Premier League for the next few years to come.”




  1. Lets be honest if most of us had been asked what would constitute a good season then we’d have said top 4 finish wouldn’t we? It’s been an amazing season with the miracle MoPo man in charge in just his 2nd season. We’ve at last found the holy grail of consistency and out of the blue we’ve morphed from a cup side into a PL side.
    Now what is needed for next season is to strengthen our bench considerably. Our cup performances this season have been pretty shabby for the most part, and it’s obvious that our 2nd string are not of the same quality. Fortunately the CL is less taxing than the EL, however if we are to re-qualify for it the season after we need to strengthen. It’s going to be interesting because MoPo will be playing strong sides in Europe and the PL next season, to be fair he only eased off the EL this season when we started challenging for the title, but obviously the opposition in the CL will be quite a step up. Our games against the Dortmund puts it all in perspective. Our intital aim must be the the ko stages.
    This summer is going to be fascinating and I sincerely Danny boy replaces some of the players he had so much fun selling – if he can bring himself to that is!


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