Jermain Defoe tells hilarious tale of how he returned to Tottenham in...

Jermain Defoe tells hilarious tale of how he returned to Tottenham in 2009



Jermain Defoe has revealed the details of how he left Portsmouth to return to Tottenham in 2009.

In January 2008, Defoe left Spurs for Portsmouth, where he scored 14 goals in 30 appearances.

Just a year later, the manager who signed him for Pompey, Harry Redknapp, was in charge at Tottenham.

Defoe was speaking to Clare Balding on her BT Sport show when he told the hilarious tale of how Redknapp lured him back to White Hart Lane. You can watch that happen below.

After returning to the club, Defoe scored 48 goals for Spurs between 2009 and 2014, taking his total tally up to 111 goals.



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