As everyone probably now knows, David Bentley has been nicked for drink driving, which is neither a big or clever thing to be doing.

It’s especially not clever just a few days before the start of the season, when he should be knuckling down and trying to win his first team place back. Perhaps he was drowning his sorrows because he’s nowhere near an England team that he has the ability to play for, in a season that will culminate with a World Cup.

I think it may be time to swallow our pride and perhaps take a big loss on Bentley (if anyone is interested, that is). He’s clearly been available for transfer, but we’ve quite naturally wanted a fee for him, not too dissimilar to the amount that we paid to Blackburn.

Well that’s surely not going to happen unless Manchester City decide that they want him. So let’s accept a loss on a player that was bought by the clueless Comolli to solve our left wing problem. When some people face adversity, they put their head down and graft, to do their best to rectify their position. Somehow, I don’t think that David Bentley is this kind of character.



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