The Sun reports that Dorian Dervitte wants to return to France. Bye.

Ledley tells the paper that not being in Europe will help us to excel in the league.

And Ledders tells The Daily Star that he had feared that his career was over, before slipping Fernando Torres into his pocket on Sunday.

The Guardian tells us what we already know. Our King will not be fit to play against Hull, so Corluka will deputise.

The Mirror breaks the news that Jermain Defoe has been pulled up again by the Essex police. They really can’t get their heads round the idea of a black guy driving a Ferrari, can they?

Harry tells them that Wilson Palacios is the new Graham Roberts.

Jenas and Bentley to Villa, with Scott Brown and Martin Petrov coming in, say The Daily Mail.

Whilst according to The Telegraph, Harry is ready to move for his old favourite David James. Sounds like a long term solution.




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