The Sun features Luka Modric talking about how his footballing world his fallen to pieces.

The Mirror reports on the three way battle between Spurs, Sunderland and Stoke, for the geriatric, Rain Man-like goalkeeper David James. Couldn’t we just let him go to Sunderland and take Craig Gordon on loan?

But The Independent thinks that Daniel Levy is standing in the way of Harry’s plan to sign every t’rrific player that he’s ever worked with and is reluctant to part with cash for a player that could die of natural causes before his contract expires.

The Daily Star reckon that we’ll be battling again with Stoke for the services of Martin Petrov.

Whilst The Telegraph cautiously opines that Petrov is just one of many transfer options, that also includes Adam Johnson, Joe Cole, Niko Kranjcar, Rafael van der Vaart and Sulley Muntari. Nothing quite like hedging your bets is there?



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