At the start of the season everyone was up in arms at the mess Puma had made of designing the new Tottenham kit. Everyone was in agreement that this yellow streaked monstrosity was one of the worst Spurs kits ever produced.

Of course, this knowledge didn’t stop people from buying it, such as the following rotund gentleman snapped on the Tottenham High Road on Saturday, who had seemingly failed to see the irony of his shirt bearing the legend ‘Defoe’, whilst he shuffled down the street like a sloth.

Defoe shirt

It’s not just the Tottenham kit that has been the victim of a terrible re-design. Am I the only person who is thoroughly freaked out by the current appearance of our mascot ‘Chirpy’?

When the Chirpster first burst onto the scene, he looked like a more endearing version of Foghorn Leghorn. Witness the photographic evidence.

The old Chirpy always had a smile on his face, even when forced to spend time with an Arsenal supporting dinasaur.
The old Chirpy always had a smile on his face, even when forced to spend time with an Arsenal supporting dinasaur.
Cheeky Chirpy charms a young lady, despite having an absolutely filthy beak.
Cheeky Chirpy charms a young lady, despite having an absolutely filthy beak.

Then Chirpy was re-imagined and it all went horribly wrong. These days Chirpy has the sort of blank, vacant look in his eye normally associated with a serial killer. Check out the horrifying images below.

Our skipper looks concerned at the change in Chirpy.
Our skipper looks concerned at the change in Chirpy.
Why will Chirpy not look these innocent children in the eye?
Why will Chirpy not look these innocent children in the eye?
Evil Chirpy looks menacingly into the crowd at White Hart Lane.
Evil Chirpy looks menacingly into the crowd at White Hart Lane.

We’re assured of a new kit next season, but when will we get a new mascot that doesn’t give our children nightmares?



  1. Finally, someone has spoken up about the elephant in the room. Total disgrace tbh – this new clown is nothing but an impostor, and the joke is on Tottenham’s ardent supporters.

  2. LMAO regarding Chirpy, he does indeed look like a serial killer imo, how do kids not have nightmares about that murderous bird from the lane? regarding the kits, well at least the men wearing them on pitch do them proud, as long as the players wearing them are class, i could care less about the kit (although i have not and will not buy a kit this year)

  3. At the start of the season everyone was up in arms at the mess Puma had made of designing the new Tottenham kit. Everyone was in agreement that this yellow streaked monstrosity was one of the worst Spurs kits ever produced.

  4. At the start of the season everyone was up in arms at the mess Puma had made of designing the new Tottenham kit. Everyone was in agreement that this yellow streaked monstrosity was one of the worst Spurs kits ever produced.


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