A draw away at Fulham isn’t a bad result, certainly not this season (just ask United), but a semi final draw against Portsmouth is a cracking result. Wembley is within our grasp – and not just for the semi.

This is the best chance we’ve had to get a real piece of silverware (that can’t be scoffed at) for years. To win the FA Cup you need a bit of luck, a spot of pluck and some good performances. We’ve done what has been required so far without having to be spectacular, though we have taken a slightly scenic route in doing so.

But as long as you’re in the hat for the next round, you’re doing alright and another trip to Wembley is on the horizon. The draw should inspire the players and hopefully, complacency will be kept at bay. We’ve still got a job to do, but Fulham at home and Pompey at a ground we’ve not lost at in 90 minutes, is more than doable.

A lot of fans are wondering about the battle for 4th place as well. With the injuries becoming more than just a nuisance and replay after replay in the cup, our fighting on both fronts has become a little stretched. Now let me make it clear, I want us to give it a shot at both. What’s the point otherwise? However, I’ve seen fans on various boards, blogs and websites saying that 4th should be the priority, perhaps at the expense of our cup run.

To be honest though, if you look at the fixtures we have and the fixtures our rivals for fourth have, we are most certainly not the favourites. Our record against Chelsea, United and A*senal in the Premiership speaks for itself, though the two derby games are at home and are therefore winnable. Who says we can’t go to Old Trafford and get at least a point? Stoke away is tough, as is City away, but the rest are games we’d expect to win.

Looking at it this way, and the bigger picture as a whole, it is well within the realms of reality that we will not finish 4th, perhaps not even 6th. We will give it a go but six points dropped against Wolves, three at home to Stoke and certainly four points dropped against Villa, might be where we lose the race for the Champions League.

I would love to be in that competition and watch our lads march out on a Tuesday or Wednesday night against Europe’s elite but I’m gagging to see us lift the cup. We’re Tottenham – we are the FA Cup, it’s our trophy and it’s about time we took it back. If we reach the final we’ve basically won it (nine FA Cup finals, eight wins says it all). So let’s go for both. We must make the most of the opportunity that has presented itself.



  1. I’ve seen Spurs lift the cup on more than a few occasions, I would love nothing more than seeing my beloved Yids play in the Champions league.

  2. Luckily the FA cup is set up so that you do not need to sacrifice anything. The games are on weekends. As for fourth place, I had Liverpool as favourites – but they did THAT last night. Am I looking too much into the fact that we recently went to Wigan and won, whilst Liverpool lost? I still think they have an easier run-in, and Torres DID have some opportunities which usually would have flown in. I still think that City are the key. They still have the game in hand and Tevez is flying – and we go there soon. If City perform averagely and Liverpool keep slipping up, then I think we can make it – even with a couple of bad results against the top 3. By the way, less of the ‘we never lose the final’ talk… I remember watching the 87 final…

  3. Champions League for me. Wembley is a great day out and I’d love it if we got there again but CL football would allow us to attract better players and hopefully be strong enough to compete for a place in the competition on a regular basis


  5. Also, I do not see why people go on about the results against Wolves and Stoke. If we had won those games, we would be in the TITLE race, let alone race for fourth. We all know that we are not THAT good (yet?). The disappointing thing was the poor performances, and lack of cutting edge. Chelsea lost to Wigan, Man U lost to Burnley, Liverpool lost to Portsmouth, Arsenal lost to the ‘Big four’ teams. Everyone has poor or undesirable results. My biggest fear is that I do not think that we cannot take one more key injury. We are at breaking point – for both league and cup.

  6. Hi SPUR1950. I fully accept your point, and it is very valid. But people are thinking long term. If Spurs get into Champs league, then we get richer, better, stronger and more attractive to top players. You would have more finals and big games to go to. (As long you don’t do an Everton and fall at the first hurdle).

  7. Spur1950 spot on. 4th isnt an achievement, its not history. ask any newcastle fan or leeds fan. they had great league runs, didnt win it. they played in the champions league, didnt win. now look at them, with nothing to show for the great teams they had them. Cups, especially the FA Cup is GLORY GLORY TOTTENHAM HOTSPUR!! COYS!!!

  8. Why not both? Teams in the champs league play a lot more games and they are ok. Villa are in the same position as us. Liverpool still have to play games in Europe. Only Man City are out the cups. We should aim to win every game. As soon as we start to defocus on one, all the momentum gets lost. Look at Villa last year.

  9. TonyTott you are right there as well, but whose to say we won’t do any Everton (or god forbit a Newcastle or Leeds like I mentioned above!) Champions League money will not make us richer than City, and you can bet they’ll spend a load in the summer and before too long be look winning things on all fronts. We have a great opportunity to achieve both this season and we should give it a real go, but if we finish fifth and lift the FA Cup at Wembley, i for one will be absalutely delighted.

  10. Hi Mike.
    For Spurs, 4th is an achievement – 20 years since we have finshed that highly. Don’t get me wrong, wherever we finish it will be a great season. I would be even happier if we get 5th, ecstatic if we get 4th and add the cup for one hell of a season. Shall we just say that I will be happy with at least one of 4th place or the FA Cup! On a personal level, I lean toward 4th because I want to see a general improvement in stature for my team. Either way, great season.

  11. Pointless worrying about games that have been and gone. We can only determine the outcome of games coming up and we should approach each and very game the same and that is get out there and win it. With that attitude we are capable of getting to the FA cup final and batttling for 4th. I dont expect to finish 4th becasue of the trio of games against the top 3 who will alll be battling for the title. Never mind City and Poo watch out for Villa and possibly Everton, but Villa are a danger. We need to beat City and get at least 6 points form our top 3 encounters and I dont think we will acheive that. It would be nice to have Lennon back but the Wilson will be on a two match suspension fater his next yellow, I hope he gets it this weekend.

  12. We should look to win every game. Think we should stop this one or the other crap. would take 2 draws, 2 defeats and the rest wins for our remaining league games, think that should secure 4th as long as one of the wins is against city.

  13. Of course both- but if I had to choose one it would be champions league PLACE- this would be a statement of intent: ie we have outdone teams such as: liverpool, villa, and City. This would be a massive achievement & a step to challenging 4 the title which MUST BE OUR AIM.

  14. The on going non availability to King and Woodgate has made all the difference.
    We’re not going to make 4th spot but the Cup has our name on it.
    Lennon and Bale will run riot on the wide open spaces of Wembley and Pav will score the winning goal in injury time

  15. I don’t think we need to get that many points from the top 3. Avoiding defeat at City and 3-4 points from top three could be enough as long as we do the biz elsewhere. (I make it sound so easy don’t I?) It is not easy. I still believe City are the wildcard. I know that we can out-point the other 2 (because we have all season so far), but City are a mystery.

  16. I’m glad there are Spurs fans out there who still feel there are games where they expect to win!

    It would be an absolute travesty if we don’t make it to the Cup Final, now. And on a one off, we can certainly beat Villa or Chelsea.

  17. You lot in the cl, do me a favour, you’re just not good enough, I’d stick to the CC competitions where your ideally suited. Lol

  18. You see – it is comments like that that make me want us to get 4th more than the cup. Kill off perceptions of us

  19. Both are still well within our grasp. We just have to do our part. 10 games left in the league, win 7, of which one must be the ManCity game and 4th is ours. The only one that could then realistically pip us would then be Villa, but they tie lots of games and I don’t see that changing. As to the Cup, basically 2 home games from the final and then a shared home game for the finals. It’s all doable. COYS

  20. Dude. We will not get 21 points from 10 games – the top 3 get that. It will be more like 15-16 at most, let’s be realistic (I am not saying that it couldn’t happen). Beware of Liverpool with their easier run-in. We must avoid losing to City, and hope the others don’t excel themselves. It will take some luck as well.

  21. Hopefully we’ll get most our injured players back for the stretch and they’ll be rested and ready while other teams will be tired. Both 4th and the cup are very doable.Villa and everton don’t have the squad to go the distance and we see everyday how shit Liverpool are and City are inconsistant.There you are we won the Cup and also 4th, easy wasn’t it?


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