Today In Spurs History: 18th March

1991 – On this day in 1991 we won the FA Cup final against Nottingham Forest. Paul Gascoigne had almost single-handedly got us to the final, but was so pumped up at Wembley that he was lucky to not be sent off, before leaving the pitch to a self-inflicted injury.

Stuart Pearce converted the resulting free kick from Gascoigne’s foul on Gary Charles, leaving Tottenham 1-0 down and without our star player.

Spurs eventually proved that they were not a one-man team, as Gary Lineker had a goal ruled out as offside and missed a penalty, before Paul Stewart equalised and sent the game into extra time. Gary Mabbutt put Des Walker under pressure from a corner and the Forest defender scored an own goal to make it 2-1 to Tottenham.

The win gave us our eighth FA Cup victory, which at the time was a record.

Spurs In The News: 18th March

In between sabotaging our World Cup bid, The Daily Mail finds time to report on the fact that Watford’s goalkeeper Scott Loach could come to Spurs.

They also report that Carlo Cudicini has been given a new contract. Let’s hope that we’re not planning on Evel Knievel being our main reserve keeper.

Best Of The Web: 18th May

I slag off the aforementioned Mail for potentially ruining our chances of hosting the World Cup, over at betting.betfair.

‘Pies features Wayne Rooney as a gypsy.

Dirty Tackle has the story of the footballer who has offered to play for AC Milan for free (ie. so they don’t give him a free transfer and having proved his worth he will be signed up on a multi-million contract).



  1. Why all the links to keepers? Gomes was the best keeper in the EPL last season, and Cudicini, assuming he’s fully recovered, is a fine backup. Alnwick is young, but he’s also the third option, and would be rarely used. Do we really need another GK?

  2. so naive, dustin, so naive. Lennon and bale were probably among the best 4-5 wingers too, but we’ve still been linked with about a hundred wingers. Spurs+CL = billions of pointless made-up rumours, which we read, which gives sites money via advertising…

    • Okay, well that makes mores sense.

      I’m a Yank. Typically our sports rumors aren’t reported in the media unless there’s some pretty good corroborating evidence that it’s true. I guess I’m just not quite used to British sports media just making shit up.

  3. Roger Milford should of had the power of his convictions and actually sent Gascoigne off for his second terrible tackle following the first one on Garry Parker. But he bottled it.

    At least the match would then have been played at the justified 11 v 10 men as there should have been and a true result could have benefited the Cup Final.


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