We’re all pleased that we’re getting rid of the yellow-streaked monstrosity that was last season’s kit, but there’s something else that we need changed before August comes along.
Am I the only person who is thoroughly freaked out by the current appearance of our mascot ‘Chirpy’? When the Chirpster first burst onto the scene, he looked like a more endearing version of Foghorn Leghorn. Witness the photographic evidence.

Then Chirpy was re-imagined and it all went horribly wrong. These days Chirpy has the sort of blank, vacant look in his eye normally associated with a serial killer. Check out the horrifying images below.

We’re assured of a new kit next season, but when will we get a new mascot that doesn’t give our children nightmares?
I’m not really the “PC” type but is it wrong to want a White Chirpy?
Make him look even tougher… that’s the last anyone calls him a cock!!
When da feck did Scum think it was ok to use a dinosaur, just coz their badge is shite, hopefully they will become extinct also
Chripy needs to be tougher, no more piss taking we’re Champions league now. Have you seen a cock fight… it’s not nice.
Yid Army.
The Chirpy’s gonna get ya.
oh yes u r so correct – child molester
my daughter was a mascot 3 yrs ago – thank heavens it wasnt this one
thing is – can he fight – some of those mascot brawls we see on utube get pretty heavy
its is eyes they look like Ramos are you sure its not him . One thing he is clean because no one will touch him and Levey likes saving money.
It’s a girl. You can clearly see boobs. Chirpy’s had a sex change.
I liked the old kit, so we are not “all pleased”.
I liked the old kit too, (2009-10 strip) – much better than the sloped blue shouldered one being touted
That is hilarious! He really does look terrifying.
the goons mascot looks like a frog, maybe they new they would be french club all along!!! they waisted no time to rigidy hop along to there french status through the years lol thats y evil chirpy has come to our savour because frog legz r his fav meal!!! no1s seen a hopping frog at the lane since :p
The ol’ chirpy could have been KFC’s mascot in an alternate universe. The newer one looks like it had one too many shrooms!… those eyes!!
ha ha, thats hillarious!
This new chirpy looks like a spy to me… ive been suspicious of him ever since he first arrived!!
I reckon he has our original Chripy tied up somewhere!!
The new Chirpy has been told by Harry to focus on what’s asked of him, So you see Redknapp s influence is getting to everyone at the Lane, as for that tea-lady, what a bitch!
…don’t mention Foghorn Leghorn…we’ll get sued…. I see why they changed it – the symbol of Spurs should be a bold, proud cockerel. However the present one is neither bold nor proud
chirpy used to be all smiles, now he looks like he’s seen some things……..maybe he witnessed a murder………or maybe he committed a murder………
lmao can’t stop laughing
I much prefer the old Tottenham mascot to the new one. The old one had more character, cheekiness and humour. Why kill the old Chirpy mascot. 🙁