Spurs Quote Of The Day: 23rd June
“The trouble with Christian Gross is that no-one had heard of him. The communication wasn’t brilliant and as captain I decided to explain to him how things worked and what the players liked and were used to. I do not believe he listened to a word I said.” – Gary Mabbutt.
Spurs Goal Of The Day: 23rd June
Glenn Hoddle v Manchester United
Spurs In The News: 23rd June
The Sun claims that Genoa are interested in signing Giovani dos Santos.
Harry tells the Mirror what he thinks Fabio is doing wrong.
The Daily Mail reports that Spurs, Manchester United and Manchester City are in talks with Simon Kjaer.
The Guardian reveals that United aren’t interested in Joe Cole and Spurs and Arsenal remain favourites.
Best Of The Web: 23rd June
Goaly Moly features the miss of the World Cup so far from Yakubu.
The Sabotage Times’ Len Brown writes about his love affair with Gazza.