I could go into detail about Harry’s poor team selection, or how many of our fringe players aren’t up to the job. Instead I will leave it to TottenhamBlog’s unofficial spokesperson, Senator Clay Davis from The Wire, to sum up how we all feel.

Thanks Clay. One more thing. Much kudos to the Spurs fans who remained in the stadium until the end of the game, who out-sung and silenced the Goons, even though they were winning 4-1. As one of that faithful, I can confirm that it was actually quite a special moment, in what was generally a terrible night.



  1. Well, we’ve got a manager who’s never taken the supporters feelings into consideration, so why expect anything less?.
    Last night wasn’t just any game, it was against the Goons, surely the easier fixture would be Saturday’s encounter, but I guess it means more to Harry than last night’s did to us.
    I’ll hold back my feelings until the season end,as I’m trying to see the bigger picture, but for me the game is all about trophies,glory and shafting the Goons, one down three to go!

  2. chill out people, i dont blame harry at all for the team he picked, i would have picked an even more inexperienced team ( although why kranjar cant get a game is beyond me ) it was our reserves vs their reserves and yeah ok, we didnt want to lose 4-1 but get realistic, our first team needed a break, you simply cant play the strongest team every weak otherwise our injuries will destroy our season.

    • So you would have picked a more experienced team, but fail to blame Harry for that showing? Are we on the same planet here!. We’re playing West Ham on Sat not Barcelona!. We could have blooded one or two against them couldn’t we?

  3. Rubbish, we played an understrength side not only out of necessary but to keep some of the main squad who hadn’t had much game time and I think although outplayed for majority of the game after 90 mins we were still one a piece. Also took a couple of swan dives to get two pens. Harry has got the team performing with attractive football and results so I think you are being too hard boys

  4. I am gutted , I thought ‘arry was a wheeler dealer and one more win and we would’ve had enough for a commenorative box set DvD of wins. It may be another 15 years before we can do that now

  5. Was gutted to see so many spurs fan up and leave with over 20mins left,i understand we were gutted at the score,but we played a top team with our reserve side plus 4 debut players,the players gave up as the stadium started to empty. i stayed and agree it was a special moment for the real fans who sang our hearts out to the end. Although was gutted with penalties it was not all 11 players fault and felt the players didnt deserve to be walked out on with so long left…Shame on you! COYS WIN OR LOSE…TOTTENHAM TILL I DIE.

  6. What hurts me is seeing Townsend crossing for Ipswich to help them win against Millwall.Why is our young Talent scattered all over the place why have we no reserves games every week so our players can get used to each others style of play. Why do all the clones from Arsenal look and play the same all look very fit till they play Internationals. The French players where rubbish Arhsavin was Wiltshire was taken for given the ball away and some bad tackles in his England debut game. Even Sol fatty Campbell had the fastest run in a premiership game last year and was only beaten for time by his team mate Wallcott amazing he his deemed to fat at Newcastle. I think Gallas should tell Harry what the mad professor is using that has Nasri telling reporters we are fit in the interview after the game this statment come from a player who was being subbed for having a tight hamstring yet made and scored the penaltys when he was asked about his injury he said the Physio said play on no wonder Arsenal are the lightest Club in the premiership average 11 stone its all the passing passing passing running running they are doing that is causing the weight loss. So why was our players so tired and cramped the answer lack of games Harry having a big squad is no good unless they play together every week. Wenger seen our team and new this and he told them to pass us all over White Hart Lane and without a midfield enforcer they could now all Spurs fans should no why Hudds his sorely missed. Pissed off and mad at the Arsenal skinnys love in by the media

  7. I completely agree with Jim, if ‘Arry had played a full strength squad last night and we had picked up a few injuries who would we have to play in the Champs league next week?? This season we have no choice but to prioritise and unfortunately the carling cup is bottom of the pile. I think it was a good chance to give some of our lesser used players a game and i was impressed with Sandro and Caulker and hope to see more of them this season. It wasnt a great result but its not the end of our season by a long shot. I applaud ‘Arry for his choices last night.

  8. Fair play to the Spurs fans who stayed to the end, but to say you silenced us is total rubbish. We sand from the first minute to the 120th, and barely heard a peep from you until you scored and then at the end when you piped up again.

    Not having a go but just want to make it clear that we were far from silenced!

  9. As an Arsenal fan I was interested in your take on the game last night. I thought it spoke volumes that instead of playing the youth team, we played mainly our reserves with some first teamers too. Don’t go blaming Harry that you couldn’t put out your first team – you can’t balance Champions League, Premiership, FA Cup and Carling Cup all at once. You need to perform well in the Champions League to attract top players (and earn the money to pay them) and concentrate on the league to ensure qualification next year. Arsenal have benefited from blooding young players over the past 5 years in the Carling Cup which means most are considered experienced players these days, despite their age. However, Wenger realises that he needs a trophy and can no longer dismiss this competition as he usually does.

  10. All of a sudden it’s ok to field an understrength team and disrespect the Carling Cup and the fans. Spurs fans have criticised Arsenal for years for doing just that, but now they seem to be doing exactly the same and singing from a different songsheet. Regardless of what team Spurs fielded last night, a mix of youth and inexperience, Arsenal played nine second string players from the first choice eleven who played the previous league game. If you add these nine second choice players to the five first team players who were unavailable through injury, the team Wenger picked last night was almost a third choice eleven. Get real Spurs fans you have a good manager, a good team and great support. But at the moment Arsenal are still just that little way in front of you.

    • That in itself makes my point, as simply our manager does not understand the impact on supporters after a derby game. You can stuff any senareo you like and make it a cork for your backside, because to offer your greatest rivals a bye is unforgivable to either set of fans, if you’re not hurt by this then you’re no fan. Wenger wasn’t going to allow us to roll them over again and Harry fell for it, fatigue my Arsenal, poor team selection and tactics, simple as Harry!

  11. Sorry mate………..but I’ve been there and know that when you’re in the crowd you think you are deafening but when you listen to the tv and radio coverage you get the whole perspective.

    Radio 5 Live even mentioned how the Arsenal fans were lauding it at the lane. You were out-sung. Sorry if that’s humiliating. Sorry if you want to make excuses and take solace from how strong Arsenal’s starting 11 was (which, incidentally contained only 3 or 4 first choice players). Sorry if you don’t remember how you treated the 5-1 two years ago like you’d won the FA Cup, Champions League and a ticket to be shagged by all the tottenham players wives and girlfriends………Arsenal fans will always celebrate beating you lot .

    God, it must hurt so much. You so want to be Arsenal. It must ache and ache. The stadium, the trophies, the history, the style of play……49 years since you won the league…….49 years……..yes, 49 years. But of course you don’t need reminding.

  12. As a Gooner it’s always good to beat the Spuds, but I’m not going to read too much into last night’s result. It’s obvious that Arsenal have more strength in depth ( I think even the most die hard Spuds fan will accept that, if they are honest) and our much lauded ‘kids’ have more experience, this is because Wenger has exposed them more in the past.. What is interesting though is that it has suddenly become ‘acceptable’ for the Spuds to field a weaker team in the Mickey Mouse cup, when in the past they have slaughtered Wenger for doing this, saying that it de-values the competition and that it is an insult to other clubs who take it more seriously… Well suddenly the Spuds are finding out just how tough it is to play in the Champions League and mount a serious challenge in the domestic cup competitions, as well as the Premier League.. Perhaps a bit of humility on their part would not be too much to ask, now they are for the first time in years facing the same challenges as the Arsenal, but then again I doubt this will ever happen, as most Spuds fans that I know are the biggest hypocrites in English football.

  13. 4-1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    You lads had good support & our support was good as well. one of the best atmospheres ive ever heard

  14. Gooners always crack me up, 2 years ago it was a mickey mouse cup according to them now there elated. The truth is we have had more success than them over the last few years, a League Cup win, made the final the following season, FA Cup semi final appearance & of course Champions League qualification. They have not even been to the new Wembley whereas we have made 3 visits in recent years. The French guy is clearly under pressure to win something as it’s been a while now hence them fielding a much stronger team in the shandy cup.


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