Could the exit door have the name of Jermaine Jenas written on it by the end of the transfer window?

While many have expected a mini exodus of Spurs’ midfielders this month, JJ wasn’t reckoned to be one of them, but with Aston Villa suddenly finding the money they denied Martin O’Neill, they have supposedly asked Tottenham to ‘name their price’.

Jenas promised much but delivered little and like David Bentley, many would look back on his Tottenham career, and define it by one goal in the same match against Arsenal. If we were to bring in someone like Lassana Diarra, then we could probably afford to let Jenas go, but for how much?

Elsewhere we have apparently turned down £3m from Everton for Nico Kranjcar, but the club may return with something better.

You feel somehow that West Ham are destined to play some part in any players leaving the Lane. We won’t be on their Christmas card list this year but they are alleged to be after both Jamie O’Hara and Robbie Keane this month.

In the very near past there was much trade between these two clubs and our games had added spice with the number of players facing their former employers. It seems quite likely that we will be sending some surplus to West Ham again soon – let’s just hope that none comes back the other way.



  1. If Villa can pay 24m for Darren Bent,Jenas must be worth 12to 15m.There are many Spurs fans who want rid of him but not at a silly low price and if he goes i want Levy to get as much as possible.Then that money can be used now or in the summer on players we want or need.

  2. No as they have found the war chest let’s sell him for 10ml and Niko for 6ml and the 1ml from PSB loan to the spammers +11ml from Pavs sale to Sunderland add it all up 27ml throw in 2mp and offer it all to the pool for Torres .Go back to madrid and ask them for Diarra for 6months loan with a view to buy just like the Benzema deal we are doing with them now and bobs are very very nice uncle end off.We have Defoe ,Torres and Benzema up front with Van the man just behind and get rid of all the dead wood and a lot of wages.Sounds like a plan to me.

  3. I reckon that one goal defining his spurs career is a little harsh. Ask for 10mil for him and put it towards a striker that can actually stick it in the net!!

  4. He is terrible we never win with Jenas in the team he cannot be bothered please let him go to any team in the country be so glad to see him go.

  5. I confess to having disliked Jenas (or Backpass J as I eloquently called him), however he has stood up when we lost Tom early and I gotta say, has done a great job. I still thenk there is hope for him at Spurs and we shoud not forget that “the special One” wanted him and Bale before Bale broke into the Team and he’s no mug when spottng talent. If we have to sell him, nothing short of £13M. I would not want to see to AV though – they appear to be planning ahead for next season real early. COYS

  6. Pinch me i think I’m dreaming! I dare not believe this rumour the disapointment of it not materialising would be earth shattering! I’ve seen ten million being banded about surely that’s not ponds but lira..please god make it so..i promise to be a very very good boy if you do. I’ll pick him up, carry his bags and drive him to villa myself and I live in Australia!! I’ll do it for free too..god I’ve never been sooo excited by a transfer rumour before…takes a deep breath…

  7. Really??? Is he really going?? Please please please. What a lovely chap but a professional lay-a-bout. He goes missing for long periods meaning someone (or some many) have to carry him.
    Thanks for every.. Ta Ta JJ!


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