The club website has confirmed that Gareth Bale has not travelled with the squad to Milan and will therefore take no part in this evening’s clash.

Some brighter news appeared to be the presence of Luka Modric, but Harry Redknapp feels it’s a little too soon for him to get involved.

“He joined in yesterday and will do a little bit tonight, but at the moment I wouldn’t see him starting the game.”

Rafael van der Vaart is expected to be OK, while Peter Crouch faces a late fitness test after receiving a painkilling injection in his back.

Jermaine Jenas is out through suspension and joins injury victims, Bale, King, Huddlestone and Kaboul in sitting this one out.

Here’s our team to face AC Milan. What would yours be?



    • Why do people keep persisting with Defoe upfront on his own its stupid, he played there when we lost 4-0 to Fulham, he started against Newcastle and it wasnt until Crouch came on we equalised 1-1. He cant play there for god sake and hes been awful this and last year did you watch him against Sunderland, Bolton and Blackburn he was crap and we won all 3.
      Leave him on the bench until the game is stretched

  1. I feel that Spurs will be up against it tonight and feel a draw would be a massive result. My team for selection would be:

    GK – Gomes
    LB – Assouu Ekotto
    CB – Dawson
    CB – Gallas
    RB – Corluka
    LM – Pienaar
    CM – Palacios
    CM – Van Der Vaart
    RM – Lennon
    CF – Crouch
    CF – Defoe

    4-4-2 at pace could ruffle the AC ageing squad and I would press for a goal. If Spurs take the lead then substitute Van Der Vaart for Modric late on and replace Defoe with Sandro.

  2. I’d be a bit fearfull of a midfield of Sandro and Palacios, the last time they played together we got Walloped 4-2 by Bolton and the time before that we were beaten 4-1 at home by Arsenal and outplayed in both!!
    So I hope Modric is fit!!

    • True, but they were alongside Modric that day, who naturally plays deeper than VDV, leaving our striker isolated.

      I think Sandro will be alright. He’s struggled with the pace of the English game, but that won’t be a problem against Milan. Palacios is the worry – can he hold his passing together?

  3. Not much else of a choice. I’d be replacing Corluka with Hutton and Crouch with Pav. As for Defoe getting the winner, he could’nt score in a crack house. Super Pav might get one if he get one if he starts!

  4. Gomez
    Corluka. Dawson. Gallas. Bae

    Lennon. Piennar. Palacios. Krancar


    Think Vdv and krancar could swap roles throughout the game. If crouch not fit then pav should play. Defoe not done enough to warrant a start.

  5. I’d consider VDV to be more of a goal threat than Crouch and Defoe at the min, Harry will not pick Pavla anyway so wasn’t even worth an inclusion, and as VDV drops deep alot it leaves more room for Kranjc and Lennon to push on….?

  6. My Team would be:
    Gomes, Hutton, Gallas, Dawson, BAE,
    Sandro (def), Kranjcar(left), Pienear(middle), Lennon(right),
    Defoe, Pavliachenko.

    If fit, I would save Modric or VDV for later in the game if needed, and bring Palacios if we need to shore things up at the back later on. Its time to give Pav and Defoe a chance to gel. I think Sandro will provide a bit more creativity tonight, as well as strength.

    Come on you Spurs.

  7. I would defo start Sandro I think he is suited to a slower tempo game and knows Robinho and Pato from the Brazil set up so could stiffle them.
    Corluka Dawson Gallas Ekotto
    Lennon Modric Sandro Krancjar
    VDV Crouch

    Subs if losing Hutton for Corluka….Defoe for Sandro
    if winning Palacios for VDV, Pienaar for Krancjar


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