Yesterday we posed the question as to whether it would be worth making a move for Michael Carrick in the summer. After your responses and his performance against Marseille last night, it might be better to look at other options.

An inevitable point from the Blackpool game was the question of Charlie Adam and if circumstances had been different he might have found himself lining up in a lilywhite shirt rather than a tangerine one on Tuesday.

Adam opened the scoring from the penalty spot and all the usual attributes associated with a tough Scottish midfielder are being levelled at him – grit, determination, bite, etc…

Once the season is over it is more than likely that he will be linked with a move again. On the evidence from this season and his performance in the game, far from pouring scorn on our last minute attempts to sign him, could we actually do with a player like this in the ranks at Spurs? Is he the tough tackling midfielder that could win the ball and let the others play around him? At least he could take a decent penalty when VDV isn’t around…



  1. Rather we wnt for Adam than resign glory mong Carrick! We should be making sure we get van Bommell and van Nistlerooy in to join Rafa at Spurs and get a Dutch dynasty going. We could be sure of 60-80 goals by this time next season with those 3 in the squad!!!!

  2. Adam has Steve Sidwell/Jimmy Bullard written all over him. These players come up, unheard of, with poor sides, and set the league alight. They then get a move to a bigger premier league club, and just turn crap, its almost over night. Sidwell was class for reading, we was running games, scoring goals, pretty much like Adam. He went to Chelsea, and then almost like magic, he becomes crap. He was crap there, went to Villa, was crap there, and will inevitably be crap at Fulham, before he moves on from there. Jimmy Bullard is now playing in a mid-table championship side, and is hardly setting the league alight there. Adam would be a waste of money for anyone that signs him. We’ve seen this sort of player before, and no doubt we’ll see them again.

  3. No.

    Charlie Adam is a half season wonder.

    Sandro gave a glimpse of the type of player he will grow in to with his mature performance against Milan last week. Why buy Adam and risk affecting Sandro’s development?

  4. Let’s remember only a few weeks ago we were laughing at Liverpool for spending a lot of dosh on a chap who had only half a season in the premiership. While Adam wouldn’t cost anywhere near that sort of money, he is still a new boy in this playground and is in a team who, before playing Spurs, were just a couple of points about the dropzone. That said, I do like his passion and he would get a place in my team ahead of Jenas and Pienaar.

  5. No way. Slow fat jock. Just a big fish in a small pond. He’ll get found out next season, if they stay up or he moves on. Hopefully not to spurs. Jock Jason dozzell.


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