Spurs loanees continue to impress away from their parent club and Jamie O’Hara, Steven Caulker and Harry Kane were all on the scoresheet at the weekend.

O’Hara scored his second goal for Wolves and has received much praise at Molineux. Predictably talk has turned to making his loan deal permanent.

“It’s not just a case of me wanting him here but he wants to come here as well”, said Wolves manager Mick McCarthy.

“He is a chirpy character to have around the place as well as being a very good player. Whether there is a deal already in place to sign him from Spurs – that is down to our chief executive Jez Moxey.”

As for O’Hara, he seems resigned to having no future at Tottenham: “I can’t see myself playing for Spurs at the moment.”

“They’ve got a good squad and the manager has never really given me an opportunity to play a run of games. So I think it’s time for me to look elsewhere and move on in my career.”

So it seems like the end of the road for Jamie at Tottenham but will we look back and rue letting go of a midfielder who weighs in with his fair share of goals, or do we simply have better players at the club?



  1. The prat should never play for us again after wanting Portsmouth to beat us in last years FA cup semi final. Good riddance to anyone who deosn’t want to stay and fight for his place.

  2. I understand everyone’s frustration, and I won’t try and comprehend the mindset of the modern day footballer, but he deserves a proper chance in the midfield. He could play alongside Modric in the middle with Sandro anchoring. He is creative enough to push aside Jenas, so I believe he truly needs that chance to show us if it is feasible or not.

  3. Better than JJ, Thud, Palacios to play with the Mod. Please Harry give this boy a chance because he is the type of midfielder we are crying out for. Put your ego to one side and love him, love him like you have never loved before.

  4. I agree that he is less skilled than is JJ but his heart & work rate never suffer and he IS still good enough for u simply look at some of out midfield performances when Modric has been missing. I would swap Palacios for O’Hara any day as he is the battler needed for the bad streak of form and never goes missing.

    Liverpoolsucking Adams vs O’Hara : not even a second hesitatiion


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