Two trademark headers were Peter Crouch’s answer to his critics as Spurs secured a crucial three points with Saturday’s 3-2 win over Stoke. Harry Redknapp for one was pleased with the striker’s response to his red card nightmare in Madrid.

Harry said: “It was the response I wanted and expected after Real Madrid. I was pleased for Crouchie. I wasn’t sure whether to play him and I wasn’t sure what reaction he would get from the crowd.

“Sometimes they can turn on you when they think you’re to blame for something but they were great with him and they made a great atmosphere today. He was okay. He wasn’t nervous going into the game.”

Spurs and in particular Gareth Bale looked to be heading back to their best going forward and Redknapp was pleased with the front play at least.

“I thought we were a pleasure to watch. It was a privilege to be a part of it and watch it from the sidelines.

“I was worried at the end when they had some pressure. They are dangerous from set pieces and they were winning free-kicks. You have to defend for your life.”

Spurs will now be looking to Anfield in the hope that Liverpool can turn over Manchester City tonight. A defeat for Mancini’s men will leave them three points clear of Spurs in fourth, having played a game more.



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