As you would expect, Tottenham players are staying positive (in public at least) about their bid to finish in the top four this season and midfielder Sandro believes it could be just a matter of winning our remaining games.

Speaking in the English press the Brazilian said: “Fourth position for us is difficult but not impossible

. We want to win all our matches and to be ready if Manchester City fail.

“Our challenge is to be playing in Europe next season.

 For me, Champions League football is important and I am playing better recently and would like to carry on improving my reputation next season.”

One positive to come out of the Chelsea game was Sandro’s cracking first half strike that has capped a more than promising start in Spurs colours. He was unhappy though that it came in a losing cause.

“It was a very special moment because I have enjoyed playing at Tottenham so much and feel I am developing as a player thanks to the club and my team mates.

“Now we need to rediscover our confidence and belief because the dressing room was affected after the game.”

There’s a fair bit of pessimism amongst Spurs fans at the moment and although four more wins may still not be enough, we all know that this Tottenham side has the quality to make it happen. The question is do they have the belief?



  1. Getting a bit bored of it now. It’s over, we ain’t getting 4th, got more chance of Bin Laden popping out a cake at Barack Obama’s birthday bash. Why can’t they just keep their gobs shut. Next Week: “Van der Vaart targets 3 wins” After Saturday’s home defeat to Blackpool, Rafa has said that 4th will be tough but not impossible. “We have to keep going in case Manchester City slip up” he said. Yaaaawn. Roll on next season.

    • spot on spursman 4th no more,getting bit boaring now listen to all the players saying we can get 4th ya right,hopefully we will spend during summer and compete with the big guns again,

  2. However unlikely i’d much rather the players play to their full potential for the rest of the season than decide the season is up four games before the end of the season. It’s all about developing that will and desire to win every game. COYS

  3. Yes, it’s over. But I think we are due a smidgeon of satisfaction from a public apology by Referee Mariner and his assistants.

  4. I can well imagine the fan’s frustration shown from the above comments. However, let’s give Sandro an ovation for standing up & making these comments. Compared to his team mates, he has shown confidence in his performance & now gives vent to his feelings by being vocal.I guess the others are not confident about their performing ability & therefore wish to remain silent!


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