The websites and papers were full of rumours this weekend of a Spurs move for Everton midfielder Jack Rodwell. If this is a concrete story and not just speculation does that mean an end to any interest in Scott Parker or Charlie Adam?

At the end of last week, the London Paper Metro claimed that Parker was holding out for a move to Spurs while also suggesting that Spurs may prefer a younger option with the Evertonian.

Rodwell has made 16 appearances for the under 21’s and is highly rated, but fees quoted are in the region of £20m to £25m, which may suggest this is no more than speculation. Chelsea are also believed to be in the running now which could also make it a non starter but do the rumours indicate that Parker is no longer our target?



  1. No. Parker would be a great replacement for Jenas. If it strengthens ths squad it as to be a good move. Rodwell is unproven as yet really.

  2. I would personally rather Rodwell as he should not mind being on the bench and is a young player full of potential. However 20+ mill is way too much for him.

    On the other hand if Parker does not mind playing on the bench I would snap him up in a heart beat.

    As for Adam, I think its pointless.. he is just a poor man’s Huddlestone!

  3. stop it !! about the 5th post on newsnow talking about this nonsense story. By talking about it the rumour grows, its pointless.

  4. Why would Rodwell want to go to Spurs??
    If the likes of ManUre, Liverpool and Man Citeh are all looking at him……. No brainer!

    How could anyone rate him over the Premiership Football Writer Player of the Year?

  5. lol matt.. unfortunately tho.. he most likely will be sold to someone for that amount.. thats why.. slightly reluctantly, I would take Parker.. No issue with S.P,. he is a great pro and ‘top’ player, but you would take Rodwell if the price was right for the youth, but it aint.. so,. lets take a good solid pro in replacement for Sgt Wils and JJ and focus on a new stiker.., as well as sorting our defence out! – Sell Gomes, PAYP for Woody,. let Kaboul play at centre half!!…not R.B!!.. sell bassong cos hes just not fancied anymore.

    Then!…just keep Rose Walker and Caulker,. and were away!! COYS 🙂

  6. oh!.. and as for that missing winger,,.. is andros townsend ready for a year in the team?.. i ope so! (not there is anything wrong with Kranjcear as we all know 🙁

  7. Can’t we just stop talking about buying more midfielders and concentrate on getting a quality striker who knows how to stick the ball in the onionbag?

  8. I never heard of Parker before this year. He is mediocre and a midfielder. We have midfield player. Levy and Arry will not buy Rodwell ever. Parker might take the space on the bench left by bentley&jenas&kranjar’s departure. Good slimming down I reckon.

  9. Parker in…. he could step straight into the team along side the genius of Modric. Yes Sandro is gonna be a real star but parker is an outstanding player and could give us another 2 really good years. Levy will pay 7-8 million for him and no more i reckon. Rodwell???? One for the future??? Not for 20 million. We buy cheap and develop, thats our policy.


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