There are suggestions today that Spurs are back in for Athletic Bilbao striker Fernando Llorente and one story states that we have already made a £20m bid for the player.

Llorente is 26 and has been at the San Marnes side for the last six seasons where he averages around a goal every three games. While he remains some way down the pecking order at international level, he has scored 7 times in 13 games for Spain. – On his Wikipedia page, a picture shows him being marked by Peter Crouch just before scoring his first international goal!

However, another story suggests that Redknapp has been told that he must sell two from Keane, Defoe, Crouch and Pavlyuchenko before he can make the bid.

While we await any further developments could Llorente be just the striker Spurs need to score the goals that the others didn’t last time around?



  1. Seeing him for Spain he is the right sort of player in that he’s good in the air, puts himself about, works hard and can score – a sort of proper version of Peter Crouch.

    I remember reading that he’s very much a home boy – so not desparate to leave Spain.

    Anything about stiker targets (Llorente, Rossi, Adebayor, Leandro, Forlan) is total speculation and I’d take everything with a massive inch of salt.

    Half of the rumours around are wishful thinking, wind ups or putting two and two together then arriving at 20.

    Its almost certainly true that we have to shift some players before signings but how many/for how much is unknown too – and if we really want to shift them we may have to be flexible on our (alleged) asking prices.

  2. To put it bluntly, YES.

    I’ve tracked Llorente for a while and i’ve no doubt that he could have the same impact as Klinsmann and be just as effective as Berbatov.

    He is my #1 striking target and I think he would transform us (as long as we retain Modric/Bale!!) into top 3 challengers.

    I hope it’s true…

    PS: Whilst on the subject, at the bottom of the article is said that the first £10m raised from player sales wouldnt be in the war-chest…any idea why that would be?!

  3. Would be a great signing. I have been nothing but impressed everytime I’ve seen him play. Strong, brave a natural target man. Offload Keane and Crouch, simples

  4. nostradamus

    Don’t you remeber that season which Tottenham almost got related?
    I Don’t Because I am not a Tottenham Fan. And I am less optimistic about Arsenal winning the league this year. Also the odds of Arsenal being related are pretty much fucking low. But I can see Tottenham going down with the likes of Livepool and Swansea.

    • Nasri gone and Fabregas gone, your first choice LB gone, Gibbs will be out with injuries for the season. Kronke on Wenger’s back, I can understand why you wouldn’t be optimistic this season. You spend double on wages we do per year so any cunt (like yourself) who says Arsenal don’t spend are delusional. The way you’re players are getting out of there sharpish you won’t have to worry about champs league either next season as you won’t make it past the qualifier.

    • Tom, how do you feel about Nasri, Fabregas, Clichy and Van Persie all jumping your sinking ship, sorry, sTinking ship ?? Must fill you with absolute dread knowing you’ll be totally shafted next season and the Mighty Spurs will loom over you once again…night, night muggins, sleep tight. LMFAO !

  5. I agree let Keane and Chrouch go – just seen the review of last year and Pav is way much better than Chrouch he just need to be pushed to fulfil his potential

  6. Arse anal fan,take your willy and stick it up freddy lungbergs anal hole,or sol campbells or arsey wengers if your under 12.

  7. I’m also confused with the first 10mill not in the kitty. This story suggests we currently have absolutely no money. In january we bid for llorente, Aguero and Rossi in the 30 mill braket. If that genuinely has gone then where? But Llorente Is the man. Big name, great player would be nice to have his debut at the lane against his old club in august

  8. Great player.I would still like Spurs to buy Leandro. This guy is truely a class act and with Bale,Sandro,Lennon,Hud.&co,all young players,Spurs would have a great side for many years to come. It is important to keep these young players together. They can only improve playing together.

  9. I meant to say they got relagated. But Atleast I made a mistake and everybody does. And also Arsenal do have a great chance of qualifying for championsleague. And spurs did’nt even finish fifth.

    • That’s it .To help this moron gooner out(after TWO failked attempts)-it’s “RELEGATED”
      If his carer teaches him how to cut and paste he should be third time lucky. I marvel at this gooner’s achievement in reading which button on his PC read ON. Great effort!!!

  10. We need to keep what we have and i will bet anyone these players will all score goals if we have HUDDS fit and dont get a lot of long ter injuries. The players who will help us score more a fit Lennon and a fit Bale along with the new Walker Rose Keane Crouch Pav and Defoe will score plenty. sell any of these to a premiership team and they will score against Spurs. Stop the Kolo Juice an attackers will have the time and space to score.

  11. Not too sure why anyone paying any attention to Arsenalfan…he is clearly 15 years old going on 6, the brain of a dead fly and lives in a caravan with retards as parents. A not too uncommon description of a gooner.


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