Like we saw with Danny Rose yesterday, there are several young players in the Tottenham ranks who are facing the decision as to whether another loan spell is needed or whether the time has come to make them regular members of the first team squad.

John Bostock is similar in that sense but the problem seems to be that loan spells and John don’t go that well together. In two seasons while at Brentford and Hull, he has managed 21 first team appearances and when he returned to Spurs last season, he managed just a couple of appearances in games at Spurs Lodge.

So what’s the next move in a career that promises so much but seems to be at a crossroads at the age of 19? Perhaps the Europa League is a good stage for Bostock to show us what he can do and with that in mind, should we give him his chance in the squad this season?

Alternatively, should Harry be attempting another loan deal or has the time come for him to simply move on?



  1. Keep in the squad for the first half of the season, same with Danny Rose and Andros Townsend. Play then in the Europa games and the cup games and lets see what they are like. I thnik Danny proved himself to be good enough at the end of last season. We could then loan them out in Jan if it was thought to be the right move or let them go if that was in the best interest of the club. HHXX

    • The very fact that there is an article about him not yet achieving anything with regard to the first team some three years after he was purchased shows clearly that at £750,000 he was not under-priced. The fact that Simon Jordan spoke very loudly should not disguise that fact. If anything the other point he made about Bostock’s development being better served by him staying where he was has more validity, though as Bostock has failed after bright starts on loan at the same level as Crystal Palace and lower suggests that the problem is in Bostock’s attitude, rather than where he has been learning his trade.
      Finger out, young man, and fulfil your undoubted potential.

  2. I want them to play but this is never going to happen under Harry, unless there is very very little choice for him. The fact he puts 2keeps on the bench over 1 and a youngster, speaks volumes and to me is disgusting. If I was a young Spurs player and seeing that, Id be out the door. Spurs fan or not!

    • I’m critical of some of ‘Arry’s team selections too in that I feel he hasn’t made the best use of his squad by rotating or resting key personel at the right time but the 2 keeper thing was on one occasion when we didn’t have a fit outfield player to go on the bench due to an injury on the day of the match leaving little time to draft in a replacement from the reserves.

      • It was on many occassions. I saw it at least 4times. There was in fact players like Rose and Niko not on the bench when they could have been on one day

          • Not at all. Niko and Rose were not injured on two of these occassions. We have enough players to make up a bench. When this was a few games in a row for a start, you make sure there are players there. There is no way in a million years a PL team only has 18 players avail. Harry doesnt put enough trust into young players. Never has, at any club. You name a player he has ever bought thro from youth ranks. He is inept at spotting and nurturing them. His great man management skills, are a myth. He was going to sell Bale until BAE got injured and he ran out of other choices at the back. He only called Rose in due to no other choice. He is no good unless he has know quality there. That is fine while you have a mature settled squad but long term this will be a huge downfall for our club.When he goes and when the mature players leave/retire. It is going to take us 6/7 to rebuild

  3. Been reported the kid has some temperamental issues?


    It couldn’t hurt to loan him out again but I think it should be to either the championship or hopefully the premiership. If we keep him then use him in all the cup games (FA, Europa, Carling) and depending on injuries or how the game is going use him.

    I for one rate him as a good player. We need to start blooding the youngsters like arsenal + liverpool do and what chelsea are starting to do with that one kid in the middle

  4. hes a good young player id like to see a lower team in the premiership take a gambal and loan him but were guna have to wait and see but i think he will be a quality player in the future

  5. don’t think if he goes out on loan in premier league he’d get heaps of first team play. i’ve always liked bostock, keep him and danny in the squad and give them some europa games

  6. Harry doesn’t have the strongest track record in youth development. Same as my comment on Danny Rose, loan him out with the option to bring him back whenever needed.

  7. I am no Harry fan nor hater, but he doesn’t posess the vision to harness players like this (even at spurs). The future desperado england manager, not even able to identify and facilitate tomorows English player, all from the comfort of his own front room too. Shocking state of affairs. plus, that townsend looks more than decent , along with that Paul fella (young black guy.. Harry and his mates at the Sun don’t do reality, that isn’t sensational enough for e’m

  8. Having seen quite a bit of Bostock at a number of different levels, I still struggle to see why he has ever been given the attention that he has.

    He scored an absolutely brilliant goal on his Hull debut, and is no doubt capable of that level of technique but, certainly in my experience of him, he is just as capable of letting a game bypass him.

    He also has the issue of where to play him. Ideally he would play the VDV role – i.e. not a midfield player, not a striker, and ideally not wanting any defensive responsibility. This means that he is difficult to utilise in a “trialing” scenario, as that role is generally such a key one.

    I am fascinated to see what happens with him – I personally expect him to move on to another club in the next year or eighteen months.

  9. What’s next for Bostock? Well obviously he will continuously be talked about again and again and again and again until he finally leaves. Well, as for criticising Harry’s lack of youngster development – there is no denying that Harry does not play youngsters as much as certain other managers. However, there is no point criticising him for it when he has overseen the best 2.5 seasons of the last 2 decades. If Harry does stay long term, then you would hope that he eventually starts to bring one or two youngsters through. But let’s be honest, Bostock is no Rodwell, Wilshere, Albrighton or Ramsey. Harry’s youngster policy also depends on Levy’s policy. They are a double act, so you couldn’t blame Harry on his own anyway.

  10. Yeah, that goal for Hull on his debut, what a corker! Goal of the season stuff, even if it were in the Prem. Then he seemed to disappear again. Saw him play with our youngsters against Sutton Utd, my local team, and he just seemed average. I’d love him to come through and prove he can score spectacular goals regularly, but it’s not looking good for him.

  11. I agree with most of the above: the noose is tightening. But give him a run of games as a Modric understudy and see how he handles it in friendlies/Europa etc then we should know by Xmas if he is worth the effort.

    Both he and one other CMF who was also loaned out seem to be on very thin ice currently (who was the other? Surely not LIvermore, Whoever he was his last loan club’s supporters regarded him as rubbish.

    • ?
      Bale was a huge talent playing regularly for Southampton before we bought him. We thewn played him in many matches – where he made a quite good impression – before he got injured. Then he fell down the pecking order.
      He was then told to toughen up, and was REdiscovered by being played.
      Anyway, Bale had at times dominated games in the C’ship when we bought him at 17 years of age. Bostock on the other hand doesn’t seem to able to cope with that level yet.

  12. What is it with the youngsters of today? They want it all now with little or no effort on their part. Danny had a good spell at Bristol Rover last season, Harry saw something in him when he came back and he got a run. He has been a left midfielder from his Leeds days and low and behold he looks an even better LB. Lets not be too quick to judge Harry on the youngsters as it has NEVER been our way. Harry will have Caulker, Rose, Townsend, Walker and co in the Spurs team in the near future.

  13. As a general criticism of Spurs management I would say they really do not give their young players a chance. Rarely can one step in to immediately play at top potential in the Premiership, it takes time just as it does with many players arriving from abroad. But Spurs will not chance this. I astonished by the interest in signing has beens such as Neville, Parker, Beckham, Bellamy etc. when we have young talent that really needs a run of games. In the long run it is youngplayers who will be the lifeblood of the club not 20+ million signings from abroad.

  14. You hear it time and time again about not playing youth players, yet the moment the team put in a poor/bad/ indifferent performance the fall out is incredible. Places in the squads are now sought after, and unless there’s confidence in a players ability then he simply cannot be risked in the first team. Danny Rose was fortunate, more by accident than design to be selected a full back instead of his preferred position. If you took him on his previous first team outings, then you’d be hard pressed to state a case. But as full back, he was superb and that alone got him a new deal, Bostock hasn’t taken the chance as readily as Rose. Harry gave him a new deal then loaned him to Hull with the express instruction to get his down and make something of himself. He may or may not, but ultimately it’s Bostock himself that’ll determine his own future, a manager can only judge by what he see’s!

  15. we constantly hear the attitude problem thing, there are 2 matters that stand out here 1) why are we not finding this out b4 we buy them as fergie does at utd? less chance of it going wrong 2) how many talented younsters will we ruin by not giving them a chance? bostock would be better suited playing games as am impact sub with spurs rather than being expected to be the star of the show at a championship team? Taarabt, Boeteng, Bostock next?? we have to give them a go, especially when the squad is tired and needs a lift. COYS

  16. We definitely need to start giving our youngsters a chance in the cup games or we wont find out who is ready to make the next step in their career. Caulker should have a good season with Swansea and come back with good experience next season and we need to do the same with players such as Rose, Bostock, Mason, Parret, Obika, Kane and M’Poku. Either loan them to premier league teams or give them a chance in the cups, we cant let talented players dissapear into the lower leagues without actually giving them a chance!!

  17. Tell me a single player that’s slipped the net and came back to haunt us? Taraabt was given chances as was Dos Santos, additionally we played numerous players in the cup specifically against the Goons last year and on many occasions during CC cup games not forgetting Townsend’s goals v Charlton

  18. It’s not true that we don’t give youngsters a chance, look at Daws, King, Lennon, Bale, Davies, etc. These are players that we played when young because they were good enough, just because we have a kid doesn’t mean he’s good enough to cut it. Our manager sees these kids vs the established players in training every day & so has a pretty good idea whether they’ll cut it. If he doesn’t give them a shot, there’s probably a reason.

  19. the reason is, that just maybe if he spent a little less time on the tv doing game shows (literally) and writing columns in trash rags, he might find the extra time to find what the scouts have presented him with. You can’t have a pop at him on personalty, he has brought the highest moments in recent times. This doesn’t excuse continually making the same square pegs, whilst having the versatility of players whos first touch alone, dwarfs the talent of players like: Jenas, Defoe, Crouch.. Proper managers like Fergie and Mourinho bring in kids literally straight off the park and let them play simply on the basis that others have less ability. Harry prefers ‘bright sticky shiny things’ this ISNT the way we do things historically.

    • Numerous sub appearances and friendly run outs proved we wasn’t suitable or ready for fist team action, why do you think he was sold and not loaned out again?, the guy’s a headless chicken, too full of himself to learn the basic’s. Since walked out on his national side and read between the lines about Warnock’s take on the guy. Dos Santos and Taraabt both played well in the championship, but Premiership at the top level?, not a chance!

  20. send him to d spanners like we sent keano and relagation again .about time spurs got rid ov all d dead wood.well done levy keep up d good work and let harry sort this team out or give him d boot aswell

  21. One must not forget that our level has been raised, let’s say the last 6-7 years. Youngsters nowadays have to be quite exceptional to make it through the ranks. It does no longer help to be “promising”.
    So, although it is always fun to watch a youngster establishing himself in the first team, as we are progressing, we have to face the truth that most talents won’t.
    That is not to say that our youth policy is impeccable.

  22. Lets look at this two ways Bostock came on for his Spurs debut and had all us fans purring then he stated he wanted more. Well he got it sent out to a club lower than the place we plucked him from two great goals and two assists then reality hit home and he realised he was at Brentford not Spurs. This started a spiral of loans with highs followed by sulked lows Danny Rose was the same . Bostock signed for Spurs not Hull Yeovil Brentford but Spurs we have a player who hates being in Manchester so its not beyond the bounds of possibility he could be unhappy where he his being sent. When a club his struggling they drop the youngster first and turn to experience this is what happened at Hull when Barmby took his place. I have seen enough of this lad to noe like Danny Rose and Townsend proved playing with Quality can only help you improve your game playing in a team struggling can ruin your game Taarabt and Walker shone in a winning team once you have tasted the premiership like these three players Bostock Townsend Rose other low divisions dont appeal to me and if your truthful none of my fellow fans. These kids will shine if Harry see the light and we could have the next Hudds Lennon Ekotto


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