Manager Harry Redknapp has given the clearest indication yet that he wants to pursue a deal for Manchester City striker Emmanuel Adebayor but it could be a loan arrangement in the first instance.

Many Spurs fans are desperate for the club to make some changes in our striking options for next season and this will be seen as good news for most of them.

Speaking to Sky, Harry said: “The chairman has been speaking about it, I am not sure if it will happen. He is a name that has certainly been mentioned, certainly.

“I spoke to the chairman about loaning the player and if we could work out a deal for him, I would like to bring him to the club.”

Adebayor scored 8 times in 22 games for Real Madrid last season including a hat-trick on the last day of the season. While a loan deal may not help out on a long term basis, could this be Harry’s best option as he seeks to address the issue of his misfiring strike force?



  1. if you take away the hattrick on the last day, he scored 5 in 21 games – that’s on a par with our misfiring bunch.

  2. adebayor the player would be a great signing, tall, string, quick, knows how to score, how his attitude and baggage would fit in who knows. Gallas to this point hasn’t caused to many problems. of the names currently being linked with us I believe he is the best fit, proven in the premier league as well.

  3. Adebayor at his best would be right up there with a peak form Drogba or Torres for me – unfortunately he’s arguably the least likeliest of the three to delivery.

    However should he choose to come to Spurs with all the baggage that brings (ex arsenal,song about his parents etc) then that would show real commitment imo as it would surely be easier to sit on his fat contract at City rather than having to work his nuts off to prove his worth to sceptical Spurs fans (who won’t be very patient with him!)..

    As for the loan aspect,it’s got to be the only way we could actually afford him.

    Presumably we’d pay him top wages of around £75k a week and then pay City something like £5m for the loan.City would then use the £5m to pay the difference in his wages (so in effect they’ve loaned him for nothing and we’re paying him £175k a week).

    That way we can get round our strict wage structure but i guess that we’d need City to be pretty eager to get him off the wage bill as they’d effectively be handing us a striker for nothing.

  4. I dont necessarily think he is the answer but he would be the best striker at our club if he signed.

    I have watched both friendlies and remember these players are looking to impress so that they nail down there first team spots, unfortunately they have all been rubbish, Keane was laughable yesterday his first touch is gone and he is scared to shoot, he gets soo frustrated with himself though, its a shame because he was such a good player but needs to go FAR Far away.

    Crouch was crap no attacking threat or grace as usual and he is only useful at defending from set plays.

    Pav was lazy and takes too long to lay off the ball or decide what he wants to do.

    Defoe is holding up the ball better but he constantly fails to deliver finishes from crosses, they utilize his strengths by playing it along the floor for him but he is as useless at finishing those crosses as he is at dealing with high balls.

    Lennon is the one who stuns me, he has lost all confidence to take on players, quite frightening how poor he has got, VDVaart will be deployed on the right I feel next season.

    I have heard we will be signing Vucinic on Friday, he is class, strong, tall, quick, great technique, skillful, can head and finish, maybe not the fox in the box we need but he will be an amazing signing I remember what he did to Chelsea in 2008

  5. Come on guys show me some stats that says he is a proven goal scorer. Plus the fact how dedicated to the cause would he be knowing he was just on loan. We need to do better than this bringing in a loan striker is pants and I don’t care who he is. We want strkers dedicated to the casue. Not bothered by his Gooner connections etc..just about what I have said above.

  6. this is irellevant as his wages are way too high for spurs and city will not loan him to us
    just in case we threaten them next term

  7. Well his stats sit like this:-
    Games / Goals / Assists
    352 124 24

    Which are reasonable. But most importantly he can play as a lone striker… How many more goals would we have scored last season if:-

    1 – Crouch was fast / strong / good at shooting.
    2 – Defoe was fit mfor the season / Strong / Was 6ft2″..

    Quite a lot, I think the answer would be.

  8. Adebayor reminds me of myself when I was 13 in school Maths lessons. I’d answer a couple of difficult questions in opening few minutes of the lesson, then having lulled the teacher into a false sense of security, I’d go to sleep for the next half hour.

    This is how Adebayor performs on the football pitch. A couple of nice flicks and touches, maybe even a goal, in the space of 20 minutes, then send out the search parties

  9. It makes sense to take him if we can, dont think city will take the risk though as he really could make a big diff to our side, and how daft would they look if he got us to 4th and city slipped to 5th. is better than what we have tho so if they re willing then do the deal. Gallas worked out fine, so why not? fans are dreaming if they think we can do better without champ league to offer…

    • Maybe we have make our own stars again eg Berbatov for £11m, good record in Germany but still a punt. So possibly if the Damaio deal is not dead, take a gamble there.


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