After Spurs triumphed in Saturday’s Vodacom Challenge final, manager Harry Redknapp was quick to give Luka Modric plenty of praise for his attitude and his captaincy over the last two games.

After missing the first match of the tournament with an ankle knock, Luka returned in the week and Harry was quick to give him the armband in the two games against Orlando Pirates.

“His attitude has been first class. He has got on with it,” Redknapp said.

“There would be players when they have wanted to move that really wouldn’t have wanted to be playing today and not giving 100 per cent.

“But he only knows one way to play. He is a fantastic boy and a great professional.

“He worked hard today and his attitude couldn’t be better.”

The Spurs captaincy is an area for some debate with Michael Dawson taking over from club captain and regular injury victim Ledley King but is Luka a credible candidate for the captain’s armband this season or is this a case of the club making a statement?



  1. It’s ridiculous making a want away mercenary contract breaker captain. By his conduct on and off the field Daws is the obvious choice

  2. Are you mad?

    One of the criteria of being a worthy captain, not just of Spurs but any team, is actually wanting to play for that team.

    I’m hoping that his captaincy is just a reminder to the chavs that he’s our player and they’ll have to stump up a fair bit of moolah before he’s theirs.

    • Once again you’ve assumed through various ‘supposed’ quotes that Modic has said this or that, when in actuality he hasn’t said or has been even quoted of saying anything derogatory or otherwise!. He could’ve said “No thank’s, it’ll give the wrong impression” and you, me or the media wouldn’t have been any of the wiser! mind you there’s nothing like creating a story where none exists!. There was me thinking that most Spurs supporters wanted him to stay, silly me, eh?

  3. He’s captained the side before,when Ledley,Dawson and Gallas haven’t played,so i see no reason why he shouldn’t have captained the side in SA when those players didn’t play/start.

    In fact wouldn’t it have been far worse had he not been handed the armband in the circumstances ? – he could easily have seen it as a snub (which clearly it would have been).

    I think the club have handled things well tbh – apart from some sensationalised reporting in the Daily Mail there really has been very little said by either side,he’s got on with training and Spurs have issued one statement categorically stating he won’t be sold and have then left it to all die down.Only Sky Sports News with their ‘we understand Chelsea will increase their bid to….’ have kept the (non) story going tbh.

  4. survey was carried out recently was wasn’t reported in the press on average newspapers get transfer only 20% at best right if he been as dishearten with not moving as repaiorted by newspaper he wouldn’t have played or held the Capitan arm ban, one other thing concern Joey (idoit) Barton if he ever joined spurs i’d stop supporting my club for one season , I don’t want his sort at spurs

  5. What is the point of this article? Modric has captained the side before on several occassions, why do some people make a big thing out of a non story. It is plain to see that the guy is getting on with it. I suppost the clowns at the daily mail and anyone gullible enought to believe what they write, will continue with the nonsense until the end of the season.

  6. Yes it was a good idea. Fergie done the same when Vidic was linked away and it settled him down and he signed a new deal. Modric is now aware without doubt he wont be leaving unless a silly bid comes in, so he needs to knuckle down and if he plays well then he can do better than Chelsea next season or the season after, he would be a gr8 replacement for Iniesta or Xavi, spurs fans and people who watch him will know he is capable. its not about stats its about ability. COYS


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