There are lots of rumours this morning that Spurs will be making an official bid for Blackburn Rovers defender Christopher Samba. In fact, some even claim that a bid is already in.

There is, as you would expect, some dispute over the amount involved and whether Tottenham are offering Steve Kean’s side any players in return. One suggestion is that a straight cash deal of £10m has already been tabled while another suggests that Kean will be offered any of Keane, Bentley, Defoe or Bassong in return for a reduced fee.

It seems that Blackburn sites are meeting the suggestion with some derision – pointing to the fees quoted for Phil Jagielka and Gary Cahill and suggesting that their man is just as good.

So while it seems that idle rumour may finally be turning to actual ‘news’, Spurs could have some way to go before landing a defensive target this summer, but are Rovers fans right in their assessment of Samba, or is he a level below the other defenders quoted?



  1. Dare I say good? From what I’ve seen he’s probably only marginally better then Kaboul or Bassong. If we did spend £10m+ on him we’d definitely regret it in the morning

  2. Is Samba as good as Bassong? King and Bassong are left footed and both sit nicely on the left side of CD with BEA. However I’m sure Samba is right footed, as is DAWS and Kaboul. Therefore I would be reluctant to sell or exchange Bassong.
    Daws plays his best always on the RIGHT SIDE of CD. He doesn’t look his solid best on the LEFT, which is where he plays when Gallas or Kaboul play as CB partners with Daws.

    Samba is a great defender and also is a major threat in the opposition’s box. Good squad addition definitely, but ideally I would bin Gallas as his knees are shot, just like Ledley’s. Unfortunately these OAP’s are on their way out if we go for Samba, but I would be looking for a left footed CB all the same.

    • You must be joking you cheeky sod. Why would we want Bassong if he is not good enough for your lot then we dont want him either. And forget £10 million you need to go up to at least £15 before we even star to star to think about it.

      • how u doin ron rover,. welcome along,.

        You sound a little upset about this champ?

        I think 10 mil and one of the above would be ok for both clubs. (Surely ud be happy with defoe?.. I personally dont wana lose him, needs games)

        There’s 2 reasons why he’s worth less than these others hes gettin compared with. (1 of em fair, 1 not)

        1st,.. hes a little older, (he is in his prime now, and will be good for a few years as hes cenre half) but less resale.

        2nd,. hes not english… thats the main reason,.. look how much henderson went for?….

        • Hi Borris.
          Sorry if i sound upset it is just that i am fed up with all the press having a dig at the Rovers. OK i agree 10 and Defoe does not sound to bad. But we also need a defender from where i don’t know.

  3. Samba’s a far, far better player than Cahill for starters! I’d probably call it a draw samba v Jags tho’? Either way, 10m aint gonna getya DaBigman. Throw in a player + £10m and we MAY reconsider, without one forget it ‘Arry my son!

  4. A degree of bias here but I believe he is a level above both Cahill and Jagielka but as they are both english and he is congolese neutral fans assume they must command a higher fee. Having said that, the feeling is that Samba wants a move to a ‘big club’. The only question is: Are Spurs big enough for him? Personally, I’m sorry to say that Arsenal are the more likely team as they can just about still provide Champions League. One thing for certain though, it’ll take nearer £15 million for him to go anywhere.

  5. I hope it’s true. Samba is a beast and alot better than Bassong. We need a quality CB to partner either Dawson/Gallas. Bassong is too error prone I am affraid. Samba will score goals and add some added steal to our defence. COYS!

  6. just an extra point to add to reasonable rover. We owe Hertha Berlin a big percentage of the fee so that will also play a part. Dont forget guys he is also good with the ball at his feet. I seem to remember a couple of crackers against your mob!

  7. We don’t want bassong as he is clumsy, samba Is defo in the top 4 centre halfs in the country personally I’d take 10mill n defoe then we can look for a centre half remember rovers fans we payed 400k for him so its a massive profit but also a massive loss!!! Also that’s the first I have heared about us owing hertha berlin a selling on fee!! Is this true?? In the end ov the day we can’t stand in his way if he wants to play at a higher level

  8. Personally being a Rovers fan if big chris went anywhere other than staying here, I would prefer it to be Spurs. Spurs have a greater need for someone with sambas ability. I also think that you would be far more likely to win something with samba in your team. Cahill and Jags are good solid centre backs. Samba gives you that bit extra, the only problem being he is not english. I honestly hope Arsenal sign Cahill as this will ensure they will continue to win nothing. Big chris will cost you 15 million though which could be 10 plus a player, but thats what he will cost as he is on a five year deal. I think Cahills is only 18 mths and Bolton want 15 for that so we aint being greedy. Good luck for the coming season and make sure you finish above Basil Faulty will you.

  9. unless we get him in a direct swap i prefer we dont spend a dime on him as i believe we have a bigger priority in signing a striker. Once one of Gallas, King or Dawson go down we have Bassong, Kaboul, and Corluka to fill in.

  10. Samba will be a good signing but we should def look to swap players for him, my suggestions are Bentley,keane,
    defoe,hutton,gio,bassong,jenas, and crouch. that seems like a fair swap – oh and we ll pay 25% of their wages if you promise to take them all. LOL 🙂


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