The postponement of the Everton match may conceivably force Harry Redknapp to rethink his team for the Hearts game next week. We’ve all seen the manager’s comments and his thoughts on the Europa League. He has indicated that he will be looking to blood young players in the tournament.

However, with the Everton game off, Tottenham’s squad have no other matches before the tough fixtures against the Manchester clubs,, so should Harry be looking to use next Thursday’s game as the chance to give the recognised first team some much needed match practice?

In addition, if Spurs don’t win the Hearts tie, there will be no Europa League to worry about and some supporters are concerned that a weaker side will be no match for the Scots, thereby conveniently taking this competition out of the equation.

We won’t know the answer to any of this until next weekend but has tomorrow’s postponement changed your views on team selection for the first leg at Tynecastle next Thursday?



  1. well a pretty decent one considering we havnt got a game tomorrow… its essencial our key players get a competitive game under their belt before the Man Utd game!

  2. Still got to be the finge players that are left (hutton, Rose, Livermore, Krancjar, Keane) along with those that won’t expect to play first team (Walker, Jenas, Pav, Gallas(?) Friedel)

    No point playing the big boys let them rip up the premier league and give us our best shot at craking the champions league places.

  3. I think we should put out a stronger side than we’d expect to play in the group stage, just to ensure we make it that far. I’d prob have a few of the team likely to play at Old Trafford in the lineup, with a few more on the bench so they can get a run out without having to play 90mins. The rest of the team can be a mix of squad players and youngsters.

  4. I was actually only thinking about this last night. Definitely need to play at least some of the first teamers against Hearts to get up to speed. Without question, he should play the forwards to try and let them get some shooting practice and to get some sharpness in front of goal. I woul dthen go for a couple of regular midfielders and defenders with Gomes in goal. Harry Kane on the bench and given 20 minutes at least

  5. i think play a shop window side while the windows still open
    hutton kaboul dawson rose
    bentley kranjcar wilson/jenas dos santos
    keane pav/crouch

    then bring on coulibaly or kane at 60 mins

  6. Friedel
    Walker Dawson Kaboul Bassong
    Bentley Huddlestone Livermore Modric
    Pav Defoe
    subs – Gomes,BAE,Crouch,Lennon,Bale,VDV,Gallas

    lennon on wing if Bentley not doing it, same with Pav or Defoe


  7. i think play a shop window side while the windows still

    will harry risk it? this would be a great idea. forgot about young Harry Kane, add him to my subs above instead of someone

  8. Gomes; walker, Kaboul, Dawson, BAE, Lennon, Modders, Thud, Bale, Vdv, Defoe. Change it at half time when the game has been won and protect the stars from injury

  9. Being a Hearts fan I’m hoping you play your under 18 team as even your reserves would comfortly beat us home and away, we are a really poor side just now and have not won a league game our 16 attempts!


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