While the stories that have emerged today concerning Bryan Ruiz have stopped short of suggesting that he has issued a ‘come and get me’ plea, they do infer that the FC Twente striker may be holding out for a move to Spurs.

Firstly, the Costa Rican dealt with the rumours surrounding a move to Fulham whose manager Martin Jol would have seen plenty of Ruiz during his time with Ajax.

“There were other candidates”, is all we would say on the matter, after the links surfaced.

However, after the player scored at the weekend having appeared as a substitute in the game against AZ he told reporters,

“I hope that my goal has removed any doubt from the minds of Spurs and any other clubs.

“The reluctance of clubs cannot be to do with my technical skills. I showed what I can do last season with Twente.

“My physical condition is not a concern. I am fit.”

It’s thought that Harry Redknapp will run the final rule over the player in tonight’s Champions League qualifier between FC Twente and Benfica, and if he decides that Bryan Ruiz is the man to solve Spurs’ striking problems, it seems that the man himself is more than happy to come to White Hart Lane.



  1. He’s not ideal as a striker. He is more of a winger than anything. He reminds me of Berbatov, without the target man qualities. Skillful as could be, nonchalant, low work ethic, decent in possession, scores some goals. He would supplement Adebayor well.

  2. Has anyone noticed that Ruiz is playing in the Champions League tonight in a qualifier game. This leaves him cup-tied and not too desirable to other clubs in my opinion, so Arsenal (our biggest rivals for his signature it seems) may not even be interested!! Cynical or great waiting game/planning by ‘Arry, let’s wait & see but I’m confident we’ll get him…

  3. yup …. i think spurs are porbably going to go after bryan ruiz….just scored a late equilizer…….if everything is true than indeed arry will set up a 433 formation with…..gomes, Charlie-daws-galls-BALE, vdv-mods-Sandro, and up front lennon(LW)-Ade-Ruiz(RW)………but i would rather want bale in midfield…….btw is ruiz actually a good player….????

  4. Jesus he must have a hatful by now just how many goals has he scored tonight and when the feckinel do we sign him.For gods sake Arry you old fart sign a striker/winger please .Someone who can score goals.

  5. Well Harry is there watching two players Cordoba Benfica and Ruiz so we will no shortly who fancies. I dont think the qualifiers count i could be wrong it could be the UFAS

  6. ‘Arry will be bloody disappointed Davspurs, I don’t expect he would have sent too much of Cordoba tonight. Maybe he got on the wrong plane and ended up in Australia watching Josh Cordoba play rugby league. More likely he saw Cardozo equalize in the 21st minute 🙂

  7. Jamie rednapp just said on sky sports he can’t see it happening , as arry watched him and said he was okay…… Flipping ECk …. I’m fed up

  8. oh well…i guess it will be a crap season unless we buy…last season we couldnt get in the top four, this season we wont get in the top 6 unless we buy some quality players…. 🙁

  9. ‘Arry should forget both of them and do whatever it takes to get Fernando Llorente to WHL, he is really the man we need..strong,fast, proven goalscorer and lethal in the air! We need Llorente!

  10. Llorente is too much money, and levy will not sanction this move. Oscar Cardosa at Benfica scores goals for fun and would be great signing but Ruiz is worth a punt also. His value will rocket up as well if he plays well in the prem so in couple of years when our youngsters Coulibaly/Kane are ready we will hopefully be sorted 🙂 come on levy sign the cheque!!

  11. I agree that the money wanted for Llorente is steep, but with this Modric saga looking like we will lose him..surely the money coming in from there can fund him. If between those two I’d say Ruiz would probably be my personal choice.

  12. I thought we looked odds on to lose modders but with Chelsea draggin their heels over the fee and trying to sweeten the deal with poor cast offs Levy will not even consider listening. 35m at least will be the price


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