Peter Crouch is always an instantly recognisable figure on the pitch, but he was conspicuous by his absence in last night’s win up at Tynecastle.

Last season, Harry often went for Crouch and VDV as his preferred partnership, but the Dutchman linked up well with Defoe last night, as the two shared the opening goals in the 5-0 win. Slick, quick passing was the order of the day and not a stream of hopeful long balls to a big target man, so overall, were there any clues yesterday as to whether big Crouchy will be on his way?

The rumours have carried on all summer, first with links to Sunderland which prompted Harry to declare that the player wasn’t for sale and then to Stoke and Everton for which there was no response from the manager.

Another story has emerged this morning which, on the face of it, looks unlikely, as a link to AC Milan has appeared. Milan coach Massimiliano Allegri is said to be after a tall and powerful striker and having seen Crouch score against his club in the San Siro last season, it’s said that he is monitoring the player carefully.

It remains to be seen whether there is any substance in that rumour, but for now, does Crouch look to be the odd man out at White Hart Lane?



  1. well if we’re signing Adebayor we certainly dont need Crouch as all he does is lay off goals for VDV, and Ade and Pav can do that. If someone will pay £7m+ for him i’ll drive him there! even if its the MLS. Like Wilson he was brought at a time in our development, now we have got back near the top teams its time to let him go to someone else who wishes to play long ball! not sure AC would want him though? paper talk IMO

  2. AC Milan? You must be joking. Crouch is tall, that’s for sure. But if I ever hear anyone call him a “powerful” striker, they will instantly lose any credibility. Like you said, this move appears highly unlikely. I could see Crouch going to another EPL club, Stoke makes sense and if Adebayor comes in, we have no use for Crouch.

  3. IF AC want a tall and powerful striker, why on earth would they look at Crouch?
    He possesses absolutely no power at all, in his heading, his body or his shooting.

  4. crouch isnt big….lol hes a lanky useless goofy cunt, ruined our CL hopes last season, got us knocked out at Real madrid, what a useless wanker

      • You are having a laugh, the goal he got against City was a simple header which was created by Kaboul, Ledley King’s performances against Arsenal, Chelsea and City was what got us that dont give Crouch undeserved credit.

        He then single handidly destroyed our season last year, if he never got sent off against Madrid or scored that own goal who knows what would have happened……he is useless and when adebayor comes in we will realise just how weak slow and utterly useless Crouch is………Ade can run, finish, head, pass, hes got technique and power, all he needs is an arm round his shoulder something that obviously wenger doesnt do ala Nasri and Fab and Mancini is useless at ala Bellamy, Balotelli and Jerome Boateng

      • if crouch had converted just 10% of his chances throughout the season, we wouldn’t have ever needed to play young boys, as we would have qualified for the group stages already.

  5. They can have redchnapps while they are it. If we had a decent manager he could work wonders with this current stock of players ….. Klinsmann would have been great……

  6. This shows there is no such thing has an eye witness. Whatever you think of Crouch he is a good strikers and his goals on a video would show this to be the case. The big problem is Crouch and our other strikers had no chance last season for a couple of reasons all true and one controversial. First it was not Crouch is fault we hit long balls to his tall head the closing down by some teams was not a real tempo and was being subsidized at half time and in some cases the whole match. This extra energy meant teams chased the ball allover the pitch and caused the opposition to lose the ball and hit long balls out of a hard pressed defense. What Crouch did alongside Defoe he gave us plan B you could see this against Bilbao in the friendly there defense panicked every time the ball was played to Crouch or Bale hit a cross his long spider legs could reach balls Van or our other strikers couldn’t . If we lose this outlet and we play these energized teams like the one we are playing on Monday who run a lot in defense and attack like the ill Fletcher who i believe will come back and Giggs. Harry needs to play Crouch or we will struggle to keep the ball unless we play 442 this happened too West Brom who only had one stinker if Odenwingie had played they might have won. We need to keep well away from the bullet Dodger he cant play against City and he wont play against Utd. City want Lennon in exchange and this will not go down well Lennon will be on fire this year and he is only 23 Johnson is not has fast and we have Townsend who will be has good has Johnson. So why swap him for Johnson. I say keep Crouch or he will be missed and come back to Haunt us he is three inches bigger than ABy and both of these in the last 20 mins would be a big threat to Smalling and Jones. Beware Crouch haters if he goes to Stoke we could lose six points we gained last year Look at Woodgate and Bent.

  7. Jesus christ i really do like the Harry haters lol
    We nearly get relegated and Harry comes in and changes us from being a nervous wreck at the bottom of the prem to playing madrid and the 2 milans on the biggest club stage reaching the 1/4s in our first try.
    Very small memories. As for crouch, he’s only good at scoring the spectacular or doing kick ups with his back to goal.
    He needs to go. Get Ade in and ruiz looks a good player too.

  8. We were not at risk of being relegated when Harry came in. That is madness to say he turned us from relegation battlers to top 4 candidates. No team can be relegated after 8 games. We had a very good team. The frame work of this Tottenham team was built years ago. The splurge on young British players by Comolli and Arnesen. In fact most of the players we are trying to ship-off, are Harry signings. With the exception of Comolli’s cock-ups in Hutton and Bentley. And the long standing Jenas. Yes, he installed a determination that was desperately lacking after Ramosgate. He brought in experience and experienced players. The season we finished 4th, we had exceptional performances from players, coupled with Redknapp’s team style. A one dimensional, what you see is what you get 4-4-2. We played that formation in every single game that season. Last season, when formation changes were required to accommodate VdV, the absence of Defoe, and Harry’s strop with Pavlyuchenko. And let’s be honest he couldn’t adapt. Let’s see if he’s learnt anything from last season. This is his second full(basically 3rd)

    • Do not be ridiculous. We were as good as down when Harry came in. We had scored 5 goals in 8 games! Got 2 points, and one lucky one at Chelsea. Player morale was low. You need someone to turn it round. We went on a 4 game winning streak, yet still kept on falling into the bottom 3 until the last month of season. Without that run of 4 wins when he started, we probably would have gone down. People have every right to dislike Harry, but they cannot deny the fact that he has the best record out of Spurs managers in the 90s, and 2000s. FACT.

  9. Why is Jermain Jenas still at the club? When are we going to get rid of him? When he plays we start the match with 10 players because he does nothing else but hide behind the other players and if he gets the ball he gives it away. He believes the only way to play is backwards. When the right back is going forward he finds himself out of position because Jenas back passed the ballas usual. I would gladly see him and Crouch goi somewhere else

    • He is at the club because there is no point in getting rid of him. We won’t get any money for him, and his salary will become cheaper and cheaper.

  10. Unfortunately Crouch invites too much pressure on the back 4 through petulent foulsl, or poor ref decisions that make infrigements look back becuase of his height. Free kicks are dropped on the edge of our area constantly. I think he does give us a plan B, but with him we play plan B before plan A. As a sub – maybe useful, as a starter – never. I shouldnt imagine he would want that and should therefore be allowed to get a 4 year contract at Stoke.

  11. And the Harry haters – I cant get it. We were good under Jol, who we liked despite some strange tactical decisions (like taking Lennon off every game) then we were dire….under Juande…..then we have been exciting and unpredictable. Progress has been made and bringing in Adabayor and Diarra, and the selling of Crouch and Wilson (who I like) will improve us, and add Kyle Walker to the fold – we could easily do well.Danny Rose also showed taht he has matured hugely and could cover at full back. If we could sell Hutton, Bentley, Jenas, possibly Bassong, Dos santos and get £20 mil I would look for a Cahill from Bolton. I think that we look ok, and never underestimate our board with a last minute super transfer


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