Jake Livermore will earn a lot of praise after his all round display was capped off with Spurs’ third goal in their 5-0 demolition of Hearts. The 21 year old defender found himself thrust into the team after a midfield injury crisis and took his chance well. After cropping up with some useful goals in pre-season games of the past, he sealed his performance with his first competitive goal for the club.
“We’ve got a big squad with quality throughout but hopefully I can get my chance like I did tonight and take it,” said Jake after the game.

After his display, there should be no shortage of outside takers looking for a season long loan, but maybe he has got his wish for a place in the squad and more opportunities in the first team.

One game doesn’t tell us everything and while he’s no potential Modric replacement as yet, has Jake Livermore done enough to save Harry some money and to put the Parker/Rodwell etc rumours to rest for this season?



  1. Good article! Well he was excellent last nite. Maybe if he could play mostly cup games this season he could really be a vital squad member!

  2. Just think at the moment Modric And Huddlestone are our best centre Mids.
    But he definately seems to have made positive steps in his career unlike Bostock for example.

  3. not just based on one game but over the past couple of years, he has been knocking on the door for a couple of years and deserves a chance if Harry is looking to use the squad players in Euro games and as back up to first team players.

  4. always looks tidy when he plays and am yet to see a game pass him by, time will tell but I think he deserves a squad place yes, especially if we can sell Wilson because Jakes passing is better, he settled in well and linked up great with the rest of the squad so why not, we have to start trusting young players, he has time to develope into a very useful player COYS

  5. Here is what was confirmed for me from yesterday’s game…things I already believed but firmly believe now.
    1. Livermore should be used throughout the Europa League/early domestic cup rounds. I would put him ahead of Jenas and Palacios for sure because of the potential for growth.
    2. Niko was very impressive in central midfield. Nice distribution and effective control of the game.
    3. Walker and Kaboul both need to start with the 1st team.
    The only negative from yesterday was the shakiness of Gomes. I just don’t trust him and I doubt the defense does either.

  6. couldnt agree more with the last comments, I believe that harry has brought Friedel to shake some sense into Gomes but as they say ‘you cant polish a turd’ and Gomes is just too arratic and panicky around crosses. we ve seen it before all going well spurs in the lead, Gomes flaps and the game drifts away. surely Harry doesnt feel save with him in the sticks. I didnt really want a 40 yr old in goal but I’d take Carlo or Friedel over horrorshow Gomes any day

  7. Livermore certainly did himself no harm whatsoever yesterday night, fitted into the team perfectly and took his goal really well. However, I can only see him getting a regular start this season if our midfield injury list doesn’t improve. Sandro and Modric would walk back in when fit. He will get games in the Europa League and probably domestic cups and I hope for his and Townsend’s sake that we stay in them all a bit longer this season.

  8. As he is one of our 8 home grown players that we have to have he had earn’t his squad place before this game against very poor opposition. League cup and Europa cup games, the odd Premier League game if needed.

    It was amazing how they gave our central midfield all the time they wanted to look good.

  9. ‘I am still wondering whats happening about Samba we are short of defenders as so many of ours are injured already.’

    Samba deal looks to be off mate cos Blackburn dont want to part ex any players, personally dont think we need him. Bassong is back up to last nights CB pair, and Ledders and Gallas to come back. Corluka, Hudd in emergency – so not needed, why waste all that money and make more players unhappy. not to mention players we have on loan

  10. I like him and think he is a good player but conisdering we only name a team of 18 for match days and I suggest we need 2 players per position including 3 goalkeepers and 2 floaters who cover midfield and defence its difficult for Livermore, espeicially if Ade and Lass sign.

    GK- Gomes Friedel Cudicini
    RB- Walker Corluka
    LB- BAE Rose
    CB- King, Kaboul, Gallas, Dawson
    Defensive Floater- Bassong
    RM- Lennon, Pienaar
    LM- Bale, Krancjar
    CM- Sandro, Huddlestone, Modric, Lass
    Midfield Floater- Palacios/Jenas/Livermore/Townsend– 1 of the 4
    ST- VDV, Ade, Defoe, Pav

    What a squad though amazing, just a striker to replace Pav and we are there

  11. Pav doesnt need replacing IMO, he can do it all when he’s up for it so i would keep him.


  12. Livermore – play in Europe, Cups and as a sub to bring on against prem opposition if we are leading. We can only tell if he is any good this time next year. Good luck to the lad

  13. He’s one for the future great performance in Scotland and more to come. Harry knows what’s in front of him and now Jake does to. Pleased to see home grown getting a chance however fortunate and taking it with both legs so to speak.


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