We were just two names out with our team prediction last night and while it could have gone either way with Livermore or Huddlestone, the change of keeper from Thursday night’s game at Hearts was unexpected.

We all knew that Brad Friedel hadn’t been brought in solely as back up, particularly after Carlo Cudicini had just signed a new one year contract but after sharing the duties in pre-season, it looked as if the error prone Gomes was keeping the jersey.

There appeared to be no blame placed on Friedel for any of United’s goals last night and although he may be handing back the jersey to the Brazilian on Thursday, he can expect to remain between the posts when Manchester City visit the lane three days later.

After such a disappointing result it was hard to find any positives but maybe this is the only one. So have we welcomed this move and breathed a collective sigh of relief?



    • Freidel looked solid, but hasn’t proven anything yet. Gomes proved that he was solid in 2009-10 season, then made some basic errors afterwards. We need BOTH! Competition.

  1. Top goal keeper he looked solid last night,midfield was weak and we urgentlly need another center back and a striker who knows where the goal is,defoe and pavvy need to find a new club,they aint good enough come on harry and mr levy sort it out……COYS

  2. one game and u think he is better than gomaz dream on mate bloody short memeory
    how MANY CROSSES did he come out for or get, good shot stopper like a lot of goalies
    Remember gomas got us in champions league with saves against arse and chavs and kept us their againest inter away.
    YES he had some dodgy times remember that defense chaged so manytimes last year neaver stable
    ALSO dont see fergie slagging his goalie off like TWITCHY does to quick to pass the buck a lot of u.
    pav played 10mins as usual no chance typical arry
    miles to late!
    defoe poor sounds like we need a new team ,need defender,new mid field new centre foreward pass!!
    and we have only finished 5th ,the year before 4th

    • Get rid of the only CB we have capable of playing whole season without getting injured? (Barring Bassong) That makes sense…

  3. The keeper we need is playing for Toronto FC in the MLS
    S.Frei, Great shop stopper, commands his area, good at crosses and is only 25. Yes I now MLS, but, remember, Howard, Friedel, Guzan, Keller all came from MLS

  4. Two goals on the edge of 6 yard box!!! Gomes would have came and collected both!!! Gomes is far superior the the old boy!! Kaboul left Dawson too exposed at times getting forward..krancha ain’t no modders!! Was lenon and bale even playing?back to the drawing board….

  5. I have got to say, I was shocked what happened to us.
    Fergie is a genius and Redknap no where near as clever tactically. What happened to our wingers, both of them below par, and our midfield too light weight- shocking.

  6. SPUR1950 – learn to spell and your comments may be taken seriously. Gomes is a liability who scares the crap out of his defenders. He is a good shot stopper but so is Rob Green, or Paul Robinson – doesnt make them Pepe Reina or Petr Cech does it. Friedel is not the long term answer but he does know his arse from his elbow. To be a top GK you need to be more than a good blocker of the ball. You need Agility, reflexes, handling, command of area and good communication, just to name a few. Looking like you re having a break down in the area isnt one of the required attributes COYS

  7. May sound stupid but I reckon Brads a better keeper when he has a solid and organised defence in front of him (true of every keeper). Gomes’s reflexes are definitely better though which can Help compensate for our back line which suffers from lapses in concentration from time to time. I’d stick with Gomes until we have a settled back line.

  8. Jerry Vella what are you on? get rid of Capt Daws,he’s the only guy that gives his all for the cause week in week out. Its Friedel for me fellas,at least he can take a cross,weve had a succession of average to poor goalkeepers,Robinson couldn’t take a cross,Walker least said the better.Gomes,love him but its them ol crosses again doooooooohhhhhhh!

  9. Have to admit that I was unsure of the signing for this keeper, but against United he looked good, much, much better than Gomes.

    We should sell Gomes ASAP to maximize the money on his sale.


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