At the end of last season it seemed that Niko Kranjcar’s time at Spurs was at an end. After winning goals against Bolton and Sunderland he was consigned, in the main, to the subs’ bench and after highlighting his lack of first team action, it seemed almost certain that he would be moving on.

However, after stepping into the breach to cover for our decimated central midfield – effectively at Hearts and inadequately against Man City – Niko’s name wasn’t even mentioned on deadline day and for now at least, he remains a Tottenham player.

Many have said that he is at his best as cover for Gareth Bale, or as an impact player coming off the bench. It’s even been suggested that if Spurs want to persist with a 4-5-1 formation, he should be the one providing cover for VDV during the Dutchman’s injury absences.

Overall, it could be another frustrating season for Kranjcar and ultimately he may move on either in January or at the end of the season but for now, how do we utilise his talents?

If used wisely, will Niko Kranjcar be a hit or miss in 2011-12?

Take a look at the Manchester United lookalike XI



  1. Well, no-one was even remotely interested in him, so perhaps Harry see’s him staying, along with Charlie, vital to the well-being of Modric’s stay at the Lane? Personally, I fail to see why, as he’s been pretty ineffective in the games so far, except when coming on as an impact player.

  2. Massive Hit! I think Niko is massively under-rated by Harry. The players themselves have stated that he is probably the most skillful player we have, he has more attacking ability than pienaar, better passing then hudd (who is massively over-rated) and a cracking strike. why don’t we have a go playing him up front?

  3. The problem with Niko is that he has absolutely no pace, so we can’t accommodate him and VDV in the same team. He isn’t mobile enough for CM, isn’t quick enough to play wide or up front, so the only alternative is as back-up to Rafa. Having said that though, I can see two from Parker, Sandro and Hudd in midfield, with Modric behind Adebayor if VDV isn’t fit.

    So as much as I like him, I don’t see where Niko fits in.

    • I mostly agree with you. He has no pace so don’t play him with VdV. Sandro should be on when Niko is, to balance him out.

      I’d pick two from Modric, Parker, Sandro, and Hudd as more deep-lying CMs with VdV and Niko in front of them.

      I’d play Ade upfront with Pav spelling him occasionally and Defoe would be the 2nd forward (in place of VdV/Niko) when we use a 4-4-2.
      I rate Defoe above Pav, but Defoe can’t play alone in a 4-5-1 (where Pav MIGHT be able to).

      The question I see is Hudd or Parker?

  4. As we’ve seen time after time in the games he has played, Niko doesn’t have the proper pace and physical strength and stamina to play at PL level.
    He doesn’t have also some important mental qualities.
    He would be good for a South European league.
    As long as he, together with some other players of the squad, remains at Spurs, the team won’t be able to move forward.

  5. He could fill either Modric or VDV spaces if needed. The problem is all three cannot play in the team at the same time. Man City was proof of that.

  6. CornishSailor – Grow some balls pal.

    How can people judge Niko based on a few games in Central Midfield?
    Are these the same people that were hailing Niko when he was one of the main reasons we got 4th?
    Clueless some of you!

    • In that 09/10 season Niko played 32 games in all scoring 8 times and had 7 assists. Kranjys a great player to have in the squad. You have 25 players in the squad, 14 of them aren’t in the first team and i’d say he’s at the top of this list in that 14.
      Also, completely irrelivant, Stokes looking pretty good this season, I always wondered how a team of our deadwood would preform and now that get a chance. And with Jones, Crouch, Jerome, Fuller, and Walters they’ve got some decent strikers to work with, they just need that creative midfielder and they got themselves a team..

  7. If Krancjar was given a run in midfield, he would be far more effective than Modric. If he was paired with either Sandro or Huddlestone in the centre, it would be ideal. He scores far more goals than Modric, he provides more assists. He has a better range of passing than Modric and is more attack minded.

  8. I couldn’t believe Niko when he got the chance to prove himself after the summer. He only slowed the game down all the time by constantly giving too slow passes. Everyone had to come meet his passes instead of being able to start something förward.
    He hasn’t got the pace OR the head to give it all. Sadly.

  9. I hope he remains at spurs as i believe a decent manager would acommodate all of our flair players better. we do not get the best from the technical mids because harry just picks 11 players and says go and enjoy yourself. No wonder Rafa loves it at Spurs he has no bloody team orders. imagine how potent spurs would be with the likes of modders, krancs, gio, VDV, etc playing to a system

  10. Our MF was too lightweight & way under strength against Citeh & the rout was no fault of Kranjcars, had we brought Parker in sooner the defeat might not have been so great (though still I think would have been defeat!). He was integral as a player that got us 4th as was Bassong, so where’s the faith Harry?


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