While Kyle Walker has, as many people expected, moved ahead of Vedran Corluka to become Harry Redknapp’s first choice right back, the versatility that the Croatian defender provides meant that it was always unlikely that Corluka would move on during the summer transfer window.

In the main, ‘Charlie’ is a popular figure with the fans and many were dismayed to see Alan Hutton get a run in the side last season – although that dismay was largely down to the Scot’s own performances. Now, Corluka faces the same challenge from Walker but with the lack of any defensive signings this summer, coupled with Hutton’s departure, the Croatian will still have a part to play in 2011-12?

But what will that role be? Does Walker deserve the first choice berth or should Charlie reclaim that as his own for now? With injuries likely to hit our central defenders, does his best job at the club see him providing cover for Gallas, King and others at centre half?

Does Vedran Corluka still have a major role at Spurs and will he be a hit or a miss this season?



  1. what a silly article.we have 2 right backs at the club.charlie defensive,walker attacking.whoever performs best will play.like the rest of the team

  2. I personally think he is a missing link in our team. HE IS TOO SLOW to be a right back, ok ocassionally he’s a good defender, but sometimes his positioning is wrong as well. I know Walker is young, but look at Man U and Rafael. Fergie gives the youngsters a chance to become world class players, and so should we

    • Please dont compare us to United- They have won the league and the Media love them- also remember Rafael got sent off against us and if it wasnt for Crouchs poor finishing that would have cost them 3 points and given us much needed 3 points.

    • You haven’t a clue mate. you were probably one of the guys who thought modric was a waste of money early on. Charlie is a world class fulback. Great positioning. great passing. good vision and calm.

  3. Charlie’s slow, but I disagree — I think his positioning is generally good and better than Walker at this point. Walker got absolutely skinned by Ashley Young against United, a testament to his inexperience.

    I think we’ll see a lot from both Charlie and Walker this season with Harry moving them in and out based on tactical decisions.

    • Do you say this because Harry is known for dynamically making good tactical decisions?

      Walker is young and still learning but I wouldn’t be too hard on him about the ManU game — I withdrew himself at half time because I was feeling sick, and had been since the game started.

  4. Hit,

    The man is solid at the best off times, shaky at times but arent they all, plays centre half for croatia so why not, one bad game there last year with bassong should deter harry from that role? against utd and citeh i though we could have played charlie kaboul and dawson in the centre with walker and bale as wing backs, just a thought

  5. Corluka will tell you himself he’s a center-back. Form, fitness and tactics will determine who plays when. More hit than miss. Hasn’t let us down in his time here, good attitude, develops good on-field partnerships, yet to reach his prime…

  6. charlie is too slow and positionally dodgy for right back position, and I don’t want a centre back who has admitted that he doesn’t like heading the ball

  7. He is too slow but provides Lennon with some excellent passes that give the winger space and time to use his speed. I’d play Corluka if Lennon is on the right. But if VDV plays on the right like he sometimes does, play Walker as VDV will often be cutting in on his left foot instead hugging the line.

  8. lennon plays best when charlie is behind him as he provides better cover also he is a popular player with the squad and may be very useful in keeping modric happy. with him, walker and kaboul we have decent choices for right back who can all offer something different depending on who we are playing, you dont want carbon copies as it limits your formation and options. good squad player who does a job when needed

  9. Corluka his a good squad player and Walker is learning his trade and his understanding with Lennon. When he learns how to pass to the little speedster and work in tandem with him then Charlie will be third choice behind Walker and Kaboul.

  10. I like Corluka as he is a vital squad player, who can cover CB and RB. Needs to be treated fairly and a fair number of games will keep him and Walker happy and match fit.

  11. Charlie is a very good RB. He links up well with Lennon, is solid defensively and can deliver a nice a cross. He isn’t as attack-minded as Walker but if I had to pick one of the two to deal with a Ronaldo tier player I would pick Corluka. Walker has been less than impressive so far (though I’m sure he will become first choice in a couple of seasons).

  12. Koko 61, i thought it once i had seen the team selected against man utd, needed more defensively than livermore and Krancjar were gonna provide, felt sorry for kaboul and daws at times with what they had to withstand

  13. Steve is right. He is a full back that is able to hold himself out of lennons space. He allows him to get beyond the defender with a sliding pass. When corluka plays lennon gets to the byline more. Good player.

  14. To be honest the best right back I’ve seen at the lane was Kaboul in his few games played there as he offered both plus’ against Charlie’s lack of pace and Walkers lack of punch, Kaboul has both attributes, but all three and formerly Hutton can be pulled out of position, which say’s to me that there’s a coach not doing his stuff

  15. have to agree that Kaboul has looked the best at RB imo, Walker is the future but Kaboul has the pace, strength, passing and tackling to play there. just need 2 fit CBs now though. Corluka is slow but he is a good defender who can cover most positions, rarely gets skinned and is composed on the ball


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