While the Europa League continues to be treated as something of a sideshow by Spurs, is there anything we learned from last night’s game as far as the playing personnel were concerned? Did anyone stand out enough to be rewarded with a step up to the first team and did the side indicate that they were capable enough to be trusted when the tougher Europa games come around?

After the game, manager Harry Redknapp was effusive in his praise for a number of players: “Tom Carroll in midfield, a fantastic little footballer, showed great stamina and kept the ball well. I was really pleased with him.

“Harry Kane worked hard, Jake Livermore is still only a young lad as well and that game will have done them all the world of good.”

Carlo Cudicini earned some praise as well, but Yago Falque was arguably the best player on the night and came closest to breaking the deadlock.

Overall, did any player stand out enough to suggest that they have a bright future at White Hart Lane?



  1. Tom Carroll is the best of the bunch but I’m afraid the rest are not going to make it, they are just not good enough. Carroll will need to bulk up but he has quality about him!!
    Townsend was poor, Kane reminds me of Barnard he’ll disappear, Dos Santos was poor, Falque was o.k. should have scored, Livermore is good but he’ll never be quite good enough unfortunately…

    • CUDICINI- 6
      gave away penalty, made few important late saves
      TOWNSEND- 5.5
      not a left back and it showed, positive going foward but kept on running down dead ends
      BASSONG- 5
      hesitant, shakey, not at all the same Bassong from 09/10
      CORLUKA- 5.5
      typical charlie..
      WALKER- 6
      still needs work in defending, pacy going foward but needlessly lost the ball to much
      FALQUE- 6
      looks promising, didn’t stand out but did good, better than Gio imo..
      CARROLL- 6.5
      quick on the ball, looks a promising playmaker, almost Modresque like..
      LIVERMORE- 6.5
      played like a young Jenas
      GIOVANI- 5.5
      as much as i wanted him to, he just did stand out.. he really needs a couple goasl to boost his confidence because we could really use the competition for Lennon
      KANE- 5.5
      did good in first half but then was moved to left midfield in second half which baffled me..
      Very annoying to watch, lazy, wasteful, has to go in January, should be giving Coulibaly a chance.

      PARRETT and FREDERICKS came on late and didnt have much time to show their worth.

      Excluding Pav and Cudicini the average age of our squad played was 20.81 years old, with them it was 22.76.

  2. so not too impressed then JH.
    I feel quite good about lastnights result tbh,
    i thought the stand outs were, carrol n livermore.
    i 4t gio played ok considering, lack of match fitness n falque looks good.
    no too fussed about the rest, but i believe the youngsters are gonna start making it at spurs….

  3. In my opinion, I think Jake Livermore, Yago Falque and Andros Townsend were the three who stood out. Of the “youngsters” I think we should have Kyle Walker, Livermore, Falque, Townsend and Cristian Ceballos regularly making first team appearances. They shouldn’t start every game but they should make the starts every now and again and they should make regular appearances on the bench and on substitutes.

    For all those who have been waiting on dos Santos (myself included) to get a chance and show his worth…he didn’t exactly set the world on fire and Pav continues to struggle.

  4. 5 Things I learnt last night
    1 Livermore was the best of the bunch
    2 Carroll did a quietly efficient job
    3 Townsend is not a left back (Bale understudy?)
    4 Pav doesn’t know where the goal is
    5 Falque ran out of steam after the 1st half

  5. could any of these make it at chelsea or arse i think not so why should we lower our expectations to let thme play for us.
    Last nights apponents were equivalent to a championship side and so they should have seen a couple of players dominant the game if they are good enough. Remember how Lennon grabed his chance of first team football well none of these players did that last night, i think thay are still suffering from the pain of those tatoos

  6. these players wont develop in the correct manner when all played together like last night. Harry will say the kids done well but I thought we were holding on for periods.
    carlo – good 2nd choice imo. Bassong – not good enough, needs to go once we ve brought another CB. Livermore, has potential but needs game time to improve, when squad is all fit i would send on loan to prem side in jan. Carrol is a young boy who must bulk out but will develop into a good footballer i believe, wouldnt be using him ahead of Bostock tho?? Gio, I will judge when match fit but needs to show his quality when given the chance next time. Kane, scores bags for reserves but also needs a long loan to a decent side to develop his game, flashes of good work but not ready for 1st team yet. Pav i used to support as I believed was the complete striker but have lost faith now and dont think he works hard enough, he has to be sold next imo

  7. My general opinion is that these inexperienced youngsters did well playing away against an intimidating audience for the first time. They need more exposure in coming games to gauge their skills. They definately played better than some of the experienced players in my opinion

  8. Nope. And that includes our ‘1st team’ members. I most wanted Gio to impress but i think harry played him at left back, suprised he didnt play him in goal……..

  9. Unfair criticism of Townsend by some, he isnt a left back but nobody else can play there, Bassong is poor there and Rose is injured to rest Benny was essential.

    Play him left wing and he is a different player.

    Carroll good range of passing but he didnt really stand out, Livermore gave an experienced performance you would have thought he has had 50 plus Euro games, very good squad player

    Falque looked skillful, Gio poor and Kane for 17 has soo much potential its untrue, he has great ability to go round a player which I saw a couple of times, Coulibaly is our best prospect.

    1 player who did impress me was Kyle Walker he is such a powerful player and really gets involved in the game for a right back, alot more than Corluka does.

  10. For me Livermore, similar mold to O’Hara, but stronger and taller.

    Hope he makes it, I think playing with Scott parker will benefit hopefully be the box to box player Jenas should of been.

  11. I think it was a good performance given the atmosphere in the stadium.

    Carroll was constantly asking for the ball and was stroking it around maintaining possession for us which was great. Livermore in the centre did all the donkey work so everyone else could play a bit more. Townsend was out of position but I thought he did well when he got forward. Kane was ok but given he is 17/ 18 he has time to develop a bit more.I reckon they’ll keep most of these guys here and play them in the cups and come January we will see a lot of them go on loan to clubs perhaps in the lower Prem or high Championship. Maybe some might stay if they prove they really are the business!!!

    Unfortunately for me Falque and Dos Santos for me kept trying to impress instead of doing the simple stuff. Very good players but their decision making was off last night. Trying fancy flicks when a simple pass would do.

  12. I am soorry but I must be missing something here or i watched a different game , ok , this young telent is not bad but not all that good either , in my opionon these boys just pass the 50 plus mark , if this is Tottenham future team we will not see any silver wear . i did not see any future ARDILES ,HODDLE , GINOLA , GAZZA ,

  13. Giovanni doesnt learn from his mistakes, the young players dont seem very comfortable on the ball, I think they need to work on passing early. Best players Livermore Falque and Andros. obviously Cudicini but he aint young…


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