When you look at the current crop of transfer rumours involving possible new players at White Hart Lane, a lot of these stories look to try and find the natural successor to Ledley King.

Throughout the summer, various names have been mentioned and those links continue even though the window is closed but could we have found the answer from within our own ranks?

Younes Kaboul draws some differing opinions from Spurs fans, but then again, so does everyone else in the squad. However, it seems that we came closer than we realised to losing the player in the summer after an approach from big spending PSG.

“I could have joined PSG in the summer but preferred the stability of Tottenham,” Younes revealed.

“I am a PSG fan and I watch the matches on TV.

“I adored the club as a kid and I hope they reach the Champions League next season.”

Some observers have suggested that while Kaboul has been inconsistent at times, he seems to thrive while playing alongside our club captain. As for Ledley King himself, he declared last week that he wants to carry on at Spurs when his contract expires at the end of the season but when the time finally comes to call it a day, is Kaboul ready to step into those sizeable boots?



  1. hopefully with the right nursing and decisions we can get another season out of Gallas and King as they are both as good as any when they are fit.
    To be honest whoever plays with Ledders thrives as we have seen with Dawson in the past, Kaboul and Caulker must play alongside Ledley as much as possible to aid their development.
    Kaboul definitely has the attributes to become a top class CB, his critics point to a lack of concentration but the same was said of a young Rio Ferdinand.
    Dawson always seems to be making last ditch challenges which suggests he is out of position, and Kaboul has greater strength and speed.
    Overall verdict is YES he can succeed Ledders and become a top CB

  2. Kaboul is one of THFC’s unsung heroes. He plays with his heart and in his second spell at Spurs has proven himself to cover right or centre back positions as and when he is required. I was very upset when I heard that in the summer we stood a chance of losing him, and I believed he might actually go, after the too few starts last season. But with Dawson & Gallas out injured, Kaboul has found himself starting more games. Alongside King, every other defender gives a star performance. Never does Dawson play better than when Kind is on his left. Kaboul should play out his career at Tottenham, but I don’t know if he will ever lead the defense!

  3. Ledley himself was quoted as saying Kaboul is good enough to be his (eventual) replacement. I don’t recall him saying that about anyone else in the squad, so that’ll do for me.

  4. If all fit I think the first choice should be LK and YK. If LK is out then WG should step in and if YK is out then Daws should step in. OK you may say Gallas is more experienced than YK but so far this season he has shown great commitment and consistency. WG as only perhaps 1 maybe 2 years at the top and even then he wil only be fit for perhaps 60% of the time. So it makes sense to play YK alongside Ledders when possible, plus we do not want to loose should a good player. He is better than Daws in my opinion.

  5. I rate Kaboul higher than Dawson . He is so strong and has good pace very much like Ledley had before the injuries. He makes the odd mistake , but as each season goes by he looks more and more comfortable and with Sandro in front of him the spine is starting to look very good.

  6. If you overlook all his glaring errors, his poor positional play, the number of goals he has been responsible for conceding this year, the fact that he continually passes the ball to the opposition, yes.

    Against Wolves he ducked under a ball they should have scored from, where was he for Ramsey’s goal? It’s his job to be between the attacker and the goal not behind. He kept leaving Dawson with 2 to mark against United and City making Dawson look bad when he was the one at fault for 4 of those goals.

    He has potential, he has attributes, but he is no where near the finished article yet.


  8. as much as i love THFC to say this defence is the best in prem is laughable – good defenders on their day. Ledders and Gallas can be World Class at times but to say best in Prem, come on – wake up
    Rio, Vidic, Jones, Smalling, Evans
    Terry, Ivanovic, Alex, Luiz

    I think other than Evans and Alex the rest would be 1st choice at spurs

  9. Our defense fits our goals for the Premier league. If we were trying to win the league (and had a reasonable chance of doing so) then maybe our defense isn’t the best in the league. Other than the top 2 or 3 teams Who has a better defense? In a given position there might be a better player but overall we do have quality — and with Rose, Walker, Caulker (and Bale if you think that long-term LB is his best position) we have some really quality young players.

    Regarding Kaboul specifically, his best qualities are things you can’t learn — drive, will, presence, power, ability — and his negative qualities are things that CAN be learned, especially with experience alongside King and Gallas — mostly his positioning but also knowing when to tackle or just cover, when to clear the ball or to play it out calmly. With that bit of schooling out of the way who would you rather have? Dawson is similar to an extent.

  10. “Me” and Daniel are on track. For my take, the missing element is killer intensity to do the right stuff: stay goalside of the best, turn to cover for keeper rebounds, cover the goalline when the keeper comes out, etc. While it is clear that YK ball-watches a little (the right tactics for which CAN be learned), it is unclear to me whether he has the I-will-not-be-beat heartbeat that is needed to become one of the best.


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