When Giovani Dos Santos’ proposed move to Sevilla was blocked by Spurs this summer, the Mexican was anticipating more game time at the Lane as a result.

However, we are now half way towards another transfer window and that hope has yet to materialise. At the time, Gio said,
“After such a long time without having any confidence in me I am now going to get my chance, which makes me feel weird.

“Even so, I mean to take this opportunity out of respect to the Tottenham fans and also because of the professional I am.”

As we approach the end of October, the player has been restricted to sub appearances in the Premiership while we have seen fleeting glimpses of his elusive talent in the Europa League. However, if he is put up for sale again in January, it seems that Sevilla may no longer be interested.

“We have neither the availability nor the intention of paying what is required by Tottenham,” said the club’s President Jose Maria del Nido.

“Giovani is not worth €11m and it is impossible to see him arriving.

“We offered more than €4.5m plus €500,000 in bonuses, more than his market value. Now he is worth even less.”

It seems that while Dos Santos stays on the White Hart Lane bench, his career is more in limbo than ever.



  1. Jose Maria del Nido is talking rubbish. We signed the guy for 6m Euros as a 19 year old. Now he is 22, a full Mexican international and has played in the World cup finals… He has also played in the Spanish league last year, and in the Turkish league before that. How can his market value go down 1.5m Euros? Yes he has flopped in England, but to a Spanish team he is worth at least 6m Euros – most likely more.

    • How can you say he has flopped when he hasn’t even been given a proper run ??

      Roman P = a flop

      Gio ……….he started vs City and the Young Boys at the start of last season and hasn’t been seen since outside of Europa & CC…..where is has looked pretty good.

      • Looked pretty good, i suggest you toddle off to Specsavers, the only time he has looked reasonable is against Shamrock Rovers who are basically a part-time non league side.

        He did nothing against Stoke, nothing in Greece and nothing against Ruban Kazan.

        The Italians offered £11 million plus ad-ons so if he wants to play every week he needs to pop over there and play, but of course he refused, preferring to not play. Spurs did not sell because they didn’t offer enough, simple as that, not because we want him to play, we don’t, he ain’t good enough to get in our side.

  2. RM has been a glaring hole all year and Arry refuses to at least give GIo a proper run at the position ……….

    How about giving him some consistent minutes for once to truly see if Gio can hang in the Prem ??

    If not , then just sell him instead of letting him waste away at the Lane…

    • Because that would cost us 4th place. He doesn’t defend, he has shown that in Europe when he loses the ball he either walks around hanging his head or takes an eternity to get off the floor.

      Five wins from 6 games – let’s hope this glaring hole that is costing us so dear continues to be such a problem.

  3. I have always said lets use Gio but the game against Ruben made me realise that he only uses his right foot to stand on. He never uses his right foot and lost the ball a few times whilst trying to put it back onto his left.

    He isnt going to challenge Bale so may as well cash in as we have VDV to play in the hole with plenty of back ups.

    If people dont wanna pay, he wont be sold, seems fair to me? Seville aint gonna sell their players for peanuts are they!


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