The transfer rumours have been a little quiet for international week at a time when actual news is a little thin on the ground. However, as should probably be expected, those senior players who are currently out of the starting XI are all being linked with moves away.

Jermain Defoe has struggled to command a starting place this season, despite striking up an instantly successful partnership with Emmanuel Adebayor. In the meantime, JD’s hopes of making England’s Euro 2012 plane have dwindled, despite the fact that he got the country’s campaign off to a winning start with a hat trick against Bulgaria.

The suggestions of a move are nothing new but the latest club to be connected to JD’s signature are QPR, who could promise regular first team football.

The AC Milan link to Sandro is also an old one but it’s interesting to see the first mention of a derisory fee – £15m. Try again Rossoneri.

Meanwhile, the Manchester United rumour is a new link but seems to rely solely on the likes of Fabio and Rafael persuading their fellow Brazilian to make the switch.

Elsewhere, Pav and Bassong are two other players to be mentioned in connection with a winter move. Overall, it looks like being a quiet January as far as departures are concerned but Spurs should be desperate to keep Sandro in particular following his contributions in the second half of last season.



  1. Sell Pavlyuchenko (£8) , Bassong (£6) , Dos Santos (£5), and in the near future Jenas(£6) , Bentley (£7).
    Use this money plus the £25 we got on deadline day, and some of our increasede profits, and buy Edison Cavani, Leandro Damiao/ Adebayor on a permanent deal, Gary Cahill and the young Barcelona defenders. Spurs should only aim for top-3 ! COYS

    • Agree, apart from Pav could be £10m but Jenas will need a good loan spell to get £6m. And Bentley…..well that may just be bus fare.

      Top targets Damiao and Cahill- job done

      • Damiao and Vertonghen would be ideal.

        I wouldn’t mind a new RM to replace or motivate Lennon and we will need a new keeper — hopefully younger and sooner to be able to be mentored by Friedel/Cudicini before we have to replace them and immediately throw them into the deep end.

  2. We’ve still got plenty of players we need to sell. Cahill would be a good buy but we don’t need much else, maybe a decent right winger to compete with Azza. If we buy tons of established players then it’ll send the wrong message to the likes of Townsend, Carroll, Kane etc who will save us a fortune in the next few years if they continue to progress

  3. Dawid you should be the coach,shout that into levys ears.he will then walk away with more money,when he and lewis sell the club.Not long now.

  4. jenas for 6m and bentley for 7m LOL who do you think will pay that. and who will pick up the 35k and 60k salaries!
    we’ll be lucky to get 5m for the pair. hopefully we can get about 7/8m for pav and similar for Gio this can go towards a realistic transfer target (the names spurs fans keep using prob wont come without champ league football) Damiao is a possibilty, maybe Llorente. Cavanni – dram on guys, sorry

  5. GUVNOR big mac no good for you,IM going into hospital on Monday for the day Hernier. them bloody burgers Still i will be watching spurs in bed out of the way, from the old women. The latest laugh, is SPAIN are selling FABREGAS VILLA INIESTA and the rest to pay of there debt mountain. poor old BARCELONA makes me want to weep.

  6. Bentley for 7 large………..that’s rich

    And, if Arry was smart, should have played GIo more instead of giving him zero service and zero corresponding value…….not wise

    Roll w/ Samba instead of Cahill…………will have a bigger impact

    Obvs bring in the Brazilian.


  8. we dont need to buy cahill as dawson is a better defender than him!!!!!
    dawson is not the full ticket waste the ball with his long ball so why waste our money on cahill !!! come on you spurs

  9. sell gio, bassong, pav, bentley and possibly even defoe (overall exc defoe we could easily get 20mil for that lot) and get in either damiao and/or doumbia – up front is the only position we’re weak in, adebayor is an improvement on JD and pav, but he’s still not good enough.
    if we do that we’ll come 3rd no problem…
    next season with a settled striker for a whole season… who knows what could happen 🙂

  10. Those who are saying Adebayor isn’t good enough are fools, he has a real work ethic, links up play extremely well and holds the ball up a million times better than jd or pav. Granted, he hasn’t scored in the last few games, but if you’ve been watching he has played a part in many of the goals scored by others.

    He has helped to make our front 5 so fluid because his movement is top class and I don’t even think he’s really found great form yet. If he will accept lower wages and carries on focusing on the team then he would be a magnificent purchase.

    Cavani is a pipe dream, damiao is likely to end up at a richer club also, perhaps Llorente is the most likely out those three mentioned but he won’t come cheap!

  11. Ady is missing Defoe like our team we are winning but watching the game from behind the Sofa. We should buy Samba if Caulker is not ready yet and Rodwell Daimio and Sell Pav Dosantos Jenas Bentley in January in the Summer Naughton Obika Kranjcar Friedel keep the rest.Hennesey replace Friedel and upgrade the kids Townsend Caulker Rose Livermore

  12. i would like to see us sell
    6 gomes (nothing personal just not a safe pair of hands)
    5 bassong (not good enough)
    8 corluka (not enough pace – could have better)
    4 khumalo (not given a chance)
    8 pienaar ( i know its soon but looks average at best)
    8 kranjcar (deserves to play more – let him do this)
    3 bentley (immature – needs a taxi)
    4 jenas (sell to villa)
    10 pavlyuchenko (great shot thats it – sell to qpr or fulham)
    12 defoe – (will grow frustrated at not starting for us or england soon and want to leave)
    68m from players if sold above + 20m from player sales last summer that we didnt spend only 5.5m on parker

    = 88m TRANSFER BUDGET (hopefully)

    my wishlist (if we are above chelsea and in top 4 still by january)


    leandro damaio (use partnership with internacional, pay whats required ! – has gr8 sell on value, named as ronaldo’s succesor in brazil GET HIM! – scored 17 in 13 games already this season!) – replace pavlyuchenko.

    seydou doumbia (has said he wants to play in premiership and loves harry redknap!) This guy is lethal finisher, a proper shark, hit on sight and from anywhere, his youtube clips are scary! we should make one of our top targets, literally smashing them in for CSKA moscow! 20m – to replace defoe

    adebeyor apparently is gonna be offered to us for 10m

    so have leandro damaio, seydou doumbia, ade adbeyour and van der vaart as our strikers. lovely jublee!


    marko marin – tidy technical player would slot in well with our current midfield 15m

    ganso – brazilian playmaker from santos, unbelievable talent only 22 needs to be snapped up, would be great if we can sign him and leandro damaio at the same time, ganso scored 21 times from midfield last sason. check it! 20m (keep this quiet though and let arsenal go in for hazard etc and let them spend the whole window trying to sign him and watch him go to Real madrid at the end : )

    to replace pienaar, kranjcar, bentley, jenas


    buy the 3 barcelona graduates we are rumoured to be chasing – planas fullback; montoya fullback; bartra centre halve – good back up for an already quality defence.

    also sign a good young back up keeper to friedel , a hot prospect.

    100m outlay – 88m budget = -12m net

    then we will definately have a squad capable of winning the premiership!! but lets do this nopw and not miss the boat – COYS!!

    • Wow – is this a championship manager forum? 8 Mil for Pienaar? The Lira is not in circulation anymore mate, been a while.

      Suppose we did get rid of all those players, what do you suppose the impact will be on the team? Granted, three are on loan and some deserve to go… but Kranj is injured, as pienaar has been – who will pay that money for them? No one will pay 12mil for defoe. Jenas and Bentley are out of contract at the end of the season – they will go on a bosman.

      Think you need to calm down, halve your estimations and put the bottle of lube down. If only football management was so easy.


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